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First Wave Feminist Analysis

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First wave feminists attempted to focus on the various existing women’s issues, generating arguments regarding inclusiveness (Taylor, 1983, as cited in Ewig & Ferree, 2013, p. 439). Some groups wished for cross-class, cross-race, and cross-cultural comprehension, but inclusion represented still a dilemma because of the high extent of stratification in societies (Rupp, 1996; Offen, 2010, as cited in Ewig & Ferree, 2013, p. 439). Additionally, some early struggles underlined the distressed relation among gender relations, sexuality, and reproduction (Ewig & Ferree, 2013, p. 440). In certain countries as well as classes, suffragists engaged in radical sexual reform movements, which demanded women’s sexual citizenship (ibid.). Some suffragists embodied the belief that women’s sexual morality is somewhat higher than men’s (ibid.). When it comes to …show more content…
441). According to several feminists, unity signified organising women as women to support themselves, their families, and one another (ibid.). For instance, some self-restrained feminists intended to safeguard mothers and wives by raising the rank of domestic work as well as by strengthening men’s sexual devotion (Laslett & Brenner, 1989, as cited in Ewig & Ferree, 2013, p. 440). Some suffragists succeeded occasionally when accepting and taking advantage of domesticity, as for example by claiming moral elevation and local housekeeping (Gullett, 2000; McCammon, Hewitt, & Smith, 2004, as cited in Ewig & Ferree, 2013, p. 440). Feminist demands to acknowledge maternal contributions to the public prosperity encouraged the development of welfare states (Skocpol, 1992; Koven & Michel, 1993; Guy, 2009, as cited in Ewig & Ferree, 2013, p. 440), but involvement in state projects was constantly disputed by feminists (Cott, 1987, as cited in Ewig & Ferree, 2013, p.

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