...Frequent Flyer Miles Essay The new policy with regards to frequent flyer miles has upset many employees at our office. This might take its toll on their performance and overall satisfaction levels at work. Therefore, in the interest of our employees as well as the company, I would request you to kindly reconsider the new policy. The job of a typical travelling-employee entails stress and additional time owing to the frequent travels. Frequent Flyer Miles has been a great incentive so far to make the trips worth the effort. In fact, it was listed in the top five most valued benefits of this kind of a job. Withdrawing this benefit might affect the satisfaction levels of the employees and in turn, the profitability of our office. Coordinating and monitoring the new policy involves additional resources from our office. With the last year’s reduction, the administrative staff feel’s already overworked. Handing over the new policy’s additional duties would further decrease their morale. On the other hand, hiring a part-time person would barely offset the cost-savings resulting from the new policy, thereby defeating its purpose. The airline policy with regards to listing a company for the Frequent Flyer Miles is specific to the carrier, and is subject to change. A source, I spoke with, revealed that Northwestern, the major carrier out of Detroit, might change its policy and thereby not allow the listing of a company. Moreover, frequent flyer miles might not be honored during...
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...FAMILY FLYER To purchase this visit here: http://www.activitymode.com/product/ece-313-week-3-parent-family-flyer/ Contact us at: SUPPORT@ACTIVITYMODE.COM ECE 313 WEEK 3 PARENT FAMILY FLYER Parent/Family Flyer Parent and family involvement is crucial in early childhood education. Creating strong partnerships with families will help support young children in their development. It is up to the early childhood educator to facilitate these partnerships and to encourage parent and family involvement. For this assignment, you will create a flyer for parents using the “Flyers” template in Microsoft Word. You must create an engaging and interesting flyer that will entice parents to become involved in the classroom. Identify and describe at least four activities that will encourage parent/family involvement. When choosing your activities, review Chapter 6 to ensure that your ideas are culturally sensitive. You are required to include at least one activity that is discussed in Chapter 6. Provide a title and a short description for each activity. Include one scholarly source in addition to the text to support your activities. The flyer should be no longer than two pages. Be sure to include APA formatted references for the textbook and the additional scholarly source on the bottom of the flyer. Activity mode aims to provide quality study notes and tutorials to the students of ECE 313 WEEK 3 PARENT FAMILY FLYER in order to ace their studies. ECE 313 WEEK 3 PARENT FAMILY FLYER To...
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...Emergency nursing association Member Participation Requirements Page Content * Current ENA membership. Complete an application via the ENA website. * As part of the online application process, you will be required to accept the terms and conditions of the following: * Conflict of Interest * Confidentiality Agreement * Intellectual Property Waiver Upcoming Topic: How to deal with Mental Health in Patients! Are medications the only answer? Find out more! You won’t want to miss this! Please contact me at: “My name is Alicia, from New York City, I just love this association!” A. Smith RN Phone is Emergency nursing association Member Participation Requirements Page Content * Current ENA membership. Complete an application via the ENA website. * As part of the online application process, you will be required to accept the terms and conditions of the following: * Conflict of Interest * Confidentiality Agreement * Intellectual Property Waiver Upcoming Topic: How to deal with Mental Health in Patients! Are medications the only answer? Find out more! You won’t want to miss this! Please contact me at: “My name is Alicia, from New York City, I just love this association!” A. Smith RN Phone is BENEFITS: ENA membership benefits include: Free CE for members only, Savings on continuing education and market place purchases. Resources developed by the Institute...
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...A rite of passage is a series of rituals or events that push an individual to the next stage in his or her development, when it is either a young African man hunting down a lion or a child get circumcised for religious reasons. They are a part of life and been here since species have been put on this planet. Rites of passage are a part of life and will always be in our life. My rites of passages began started when I was 12; my dad had to work full time and didn’t get off till 8pm at night. So my dad left me in charge of my brothers and sister, I was told to make dinner and told to make sure they were in bed. Another rite of passage was when I turn 12, I was so excited to finally be able to swim in a swimming pool without parental supervision, So around 12 pm I ran to the pool full sprint and when I reached the gate… to my heartbreak they increased the age to 14 cause kids were getting hurt. Another rite of passage for me was when I joined football for high school. My dad warned me about the first hit was going to hurt the most. So my first padded practice I remember running a post route and I leaped in the air to catch the ball as I turned to make a run down the sideline I didn’t notice the linebacker and he laid me out. I remember the air leaving my body and me struggling to catch my breath. After practice my dad said how it felt, my response was it sucked, and I struggled to catch my breath. His response was I guess you will be more aware of your surroundings. The biggest...
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...Groups() - A group is defined as two or more individuals - Play an important roles in the lives. - Interacting and Interdependent, - Who have come together to achieve particular objectives. [pic] (Figure Shows Example of Groups, (Prof. Roger N. Nagel, Lehigh University, Pennsylvania, 2006)) - Members similar or dissimilar.(Huczynski, Buchanan, 2001) -Groups can be either formal or informal means: Formal: The deliberate and systematic grouping of people in an organization. What does an organization do? The total no. of people working in an organization is divided into smaller groups (teams or sections or departments)and each group is responsible for fulfilling a task which would ultimately contribute to fulfilling the organization’s goal. This increases the efficiency of the organization. Example :KCB: If we take KCB as an example, we all know that we have a larger goal of training students for the engineering profession. But within this larger goal, we want students to be trained for computer engg, electrical, mech, etc. So this larger goal is divided into departments (example computer department), which is a formal group in this larger organization. So, all the departments together achieve the goal of efficiently training the students for engineering purpose. Informal: The natural and spontaneous grouping of people whenever they work together over a period of time. Whenever people interact and work together over...
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...Children’s Story Tara Peasley ECE 313 Collaboration with Parents & Community Instructor: Allison Jennings May 30, 2016 Scenario: Lisa often gets frustrated when trying to play with other children. She takes toys from their hands and even hits children with the toys. The plan for Lisa is to have her identify her frustrations, learn to deal with them on her own and gain experience in recognizing her feelings and begin to understand and accept that you cannot always get what you want. By developing her understanding of frustration and other feelings of anger or aggression she will gain control of her feelings and become more self-confident and in control. In order to help Lisa overcome her frustration there will be need to be several strategies used in order to make sure that she has different opportunities to learn and understand her feelings. Adults and care-givers should be role models of positive behavior and communication is a great start. When talking to Lisa about her behavior it is always best to speak in a calm manner and let her know that it’s ok to verbally express her feelings. Give reminders to Lisa of when she did overcome a frustrated situation and the positive outcome it had. Make sure that you, the care-giver are in control of your own emotions, even if you are frustrated do not let the child see you act it out, it’s better to take a break from the situation than set a poor example for the child. Lisa should also be given opportunities to strengthen...
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...Professional Development of Nursing Professionals Katrina Boluyt Grand Canyon University: Professional Dynamics November 2, 2015 Professional Development of Nursing Professionals The largest philanthropy in the United States focused exclusively on health, the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF), together with the Institute of Medicine (IOM) published a report on nursing in 2010. This report was the result of a two year project designed to evaluate and revolutionize the nursing profession (IOM, 2011). The four key points published by the IOM are as follows: 1. “Nurses should practice to the full extent of their education and training” (IOM, 2011, p. 4); 2. “Nurses should achieve higher levels of education and training through an improved education system that promotes seamless academic progression” (IOM, 2011, p. 6); 3. “Nurses should be full partners with physicians and other health professionals in redesigning health care in the United States” (IOM, 2011, p. 7); and 4. “Key effective workforce planning and policy making require better data collection and improved information infrastructure” (IOM, 2011, p. 8). This paper discusses the impact of the 2010 IOM report on nursing education, on nursing practice, and on nurse’s roles as leaders. The IOM report promotes nursing education in the United States by recommending nurses to obtain higher education and urging education systems to provide education that is easily attainable. The recommended goals outlined in...
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...[pic] ----------------------- What is Osteosarcoma? ➢ Also known as Osteoganic Sarcoma ➢ A bone cancer that can occur at any age but is more common in young adults and children. ➢ This cancer begins in the bones of growing teens and then spreads to other parts of the body. ➢ An error in a child’s DNA of their growing bone cells causes Osteosarcoma. ➢ This cancer is not genetic and occurs at random. ➢ Causes the bones to grow weaker than normal. OSTEOSARCOMA Risk Factors: ➢ Growing teen boys are at a greater risk. ➢ Taller than average males have an added risk. ➢ Children who already have rare cancers such as: • Retinoblastoma (occurs in children 2 years or younger, this is a malignant tumor that develops in the retina.) • Li-Fraumeni Syndrome (an inherited genetic mutation) ➢ Children who are exposed to radiation ➢ More common in African Americans Symptoms: ➢ Pain or swelling in legs or arms(most pain may occur at night or after physical activity) ➢ A lump or swelling may develop a few weeks after the pain starts. ➢ Because this cancer weakens the bones a limp or broken bones may be the first sign of Osteosarcoma. Treatment options: ➢ Chemotherapy (using medical drugs to shrink the cancer and kill the cancer cells) ➢ Surgery (to remove cells or tumors) ➢ Additional chemo can kill...
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...Q. How do you believe United Airlines should account for the program in its published financial statements? Explain and support your chosen method and why you rejected other approaches? They should account for the Frequent flier program based on the Incremental Cost Method in its financial statements. Excess capacity of around 64-67% throughout the years 1986-1990. The load factor is equal to the breakeven load factor. This results in only an incremental cost incurred of serving a passenger and not the loss of revenue on assigning a seat to a free flier when that seat can be filled by a passenger who travels without redeeming any points. Q: What are the various methods United might use to measure the costs of its frequent flier program? What are the potential differences in dollars of the cost measured by each method? Deferred Revenue Consider 6% as the percentage of total revenue passenger From Exhibit 2, Average Yield per Revenue passenger mile = 12.60 cents Total Revenue passenger mile = 76137 millions Deferred revenue as a result of Frequent fliers = (Total Revenue passenger miles)*(Average Yield per Revenue Passenger mile)*(0.06) Deferred revenue as a result of Frequent fliers 575595720 = $ 575,595,720 = $ 575.6 million Incremental Method According to Exhibit 2, it is seen that the Cost per available seat mile is 9.60 cents. Total travel awards redeemed by members is 1.2 million free trips Therefore the total cost = (Total...
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...assignment requires the development of a plan for a marketing flyer which outlines the key offerings at XYZ Construction INC. This flyer will be used to educate potential customers on the services offered by the firm. Who is XYZ Construction XYZ Construction, Inc. is a privately owned company founded in the 1950s. The owners have decided to transform the business from one of private ownership to public ownership and plans for its Initial Public Offering (IPO) to be in 12 months. XYZ Construction, Inc. performs horizontal construction work including roads, airfields, and bridges. The company’s headquarters is in Denver Colorado and has 16 field offices located in 11 states (Silver, 2012). Products and Services XYZ Construction, INC provides horizontal construction work including roads, airfields, and bridges. The company has a workforce which includes heavy and light equipment operators, civil engineers, and project managers along with an administrative staff in the headquarters facility with support staff in each of the 16 field offices (Silver, 2012). Marketing Strategy Construction companies market themselves effectively differentiate their services from the competition and stand a much better chance of driving qualified new business (Hernandez, 2008). The result should be an increase growth in a field that suits your company’s specific sales goals and identity (Hernandez, 2008). In short, the flyer should outline the marketing strategies for XYZ Construction...
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...CONCEPT DOCUMENT Purpose The purpose of the conference to * Promote the Mezzo range of imported Italian espresso * Secure sales leads of the espresso coffee machines * Increase awareness of MacVille’s association with the specialist espresso coffee market thus building relationships between MacVille and its clients Type Informal Benefit Attendees will gain knowledge of the product thus improving their sales. Networking of storm managers will increase sales and communications. A great conference will improve the organisations image creating a positive profile in the coffee industry. ü When, Where and Who The conference will be held in Melbourne on Friday, 3 February 2012. We will research to establish that it does not clash with other events or indeed coincides with complimentary local events. School holidays are over by then. We are hoping to attract many of the local coffee traders and retailers. Regular communications will be submitted to the steering committee. ü Resources Facilities, Equipment and People. We will source an appropriate venue that provides all the equipment needed. The best barista’s in Melbourne will be brought in to the event. Security of the venue will be scrutinised to reduce any possible hazards. The products have been sourced from Italy and will be presented on the day. We will be sourcing a key note speaker and a guest speaker from our own organisation. ü Time Enough time to source the required personnel for the event has been...
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...Emergency nursing association Member Participation Requirements Page Content * Current ENA membership. Complete an application via the ENA website. * As part of the online application process, you will be required to accept the terms and conditions of the following: * Conflict of Interest * Confidentiality Agreement * Intellectual Property Waiver Upcoming Topic: How to deal with Mental Health in Patients! Are medications the only answer? Find out more! You won’t want to miss this! Please contact me at: “My name is Alicia, from New York City, I just love this association!” A. Smith RN Phone is 262-800-4444 Emergency nursing association Member Participation Requirements Page Content * Current ENA membership. Complete an application via the ENA website. * As part of the online application process, you will be required to accept the terms and conditions of the following: * Conflict of Interest * Confidentiality Agreement * Intellectual Property Waiver Upcoming Topic: How to deal with Mental Health in Patients! Are medications the only answer? Find out more! You won’t want to miss this! Please contact me at: “My name is Alicia, from New York City, I just love this association!” A. Smith RN Phone is 262-800-4444 BENEFITS: ENA membership benefits include: Free CE for members only, Savings on continuing education and market place purchases. Resources developed...
Words: 536 - Pages: 3
...Function and Vision of ANA American Nurses Association is an organization advocating the rights of all the nurses in the country. ANA sets a stage for high standards and code of ethics practice within the nursing profession. ANA’s vision is to educate the public as well as political people about the nursing profession and the health issues impacting the nation. Join Us and Enjoy Membership Benefits Financial and Insurance Services ANCC Nurse Certification Gifts and Shopping ANA Nurse’s Career Center Travel Discounts ANA Periodicals ANA Online Bookstore ANA eNewsletters ANA Online CE ANANurseSpace Online Learning – Advanced Degrees Members Only Website Features For more details, please visit the member benefit section @ http://www.nursingworld.org/MainMenuCategories/ANAMarketplace [pic]UPCOMING EVENT!!!!!! Learn about Baccalaureate Nursing Programs and its Benefits on Nursing Practice. Also informative session online BSN programs [pic] ----------------------- [pic][pic] http://www.nursingworld.org/ Learn what ANA Membership means from ANA Members I belong to ANA because it serves as a key political voice for change in healthcare and for the nursing profession. - Anita H. King Membership Information http://ana.nursingworld.org/joinana.aspx 1. MUST BE AN RN!!!!! 2. Choose from any of the following Memberships ➢ ANA & State Membership ➢ ANA Only Membership ...
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...Created using Diary by Droid-Veda LLP Mar-26-2013 Milton and Susan Wright had five kid’s. Milton traveled to minster and Susan was a stay at home mom. In 1800‘s Susan want to college so she could be a good example to her kids,she wanted to be able to help her kids. Milton and Susan wanted the best for all there kids and so they often pushed and encouraged there kids to give their best in everything they do, especially there education. They thought them to look for new things to do,to go out and discover and learn as much as they could . There two sons Wilber and Orville Wright are the first to built a successful airplane. Wilber was born August 16 1867and Orville was born August 19 1871.both brothers loved any thing mechanical ,loved to tear things done and built it back up . Wilber finished highs school but was never able to get his diploma ,he was going to attend Yale,because of an accident that happens wile playing ice hockey Wilber got hit in the face with a hockey stick,even though he wasn’t heart badly he lost he’s front to. And so because of the accident Wilber withdrew from going to Yale as planned,so he spent the next few years tacking care of his mother who was ill. And as for Orville Wright he want to high school but dropped out on his junior year, to open a printing shop in 1889.Wilber and Orville had always been close to each other. The brother’s often worked as a team,they have places they started together like The West Side News Paper,The Wright cycle company...
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