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Followers And Leadership

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Introduction Trust and loyalty is the mold that forms and holds relationships together. Being self-aware, encouraging, motivating, sharing visions, and communicating is a process of building relationships. Followers and leaders need to have a process that helps refine who he or she is and what the objective is. The follower and leader could obtain a positive relationship by understanding his or her self and the behaviors of others (Chaleff, 2009). Organizations need the follower and leader to get along and work together for the wellness of the overall goals. Followers and leaders that cannot get along could potentially hurt the organization and other relationships that have been formed. Motives are used to help build relationships such as trust and loyalty. Trust and loyalty are motives to form relationships to see who the follower and leader can trust and who are loyal. Followers and leaders do not need issues that arise often with others due to people not getting along especially between …show more content…
The follower self-perception is to obtain skills, performance levels, and abilities like the leader. Communication and motivation are used to build alliances with employees and leaders. Followers should have an open communication to employees, leaders, and management. Open communication could help resolve some issues, build relationships, trust, a since of relief. People in any organization needs someone that can relate to them, it gives them relief, yet balance. Motivation is to inspire others. Followers that can motivate could gain respect and trust. There may need to be different motivation techniques with others that only the follower could do, this could also help build relationships of trust and loyalty of others, but also with the leader (Baker, Mathis, Stites-Doe, & Javadian,

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