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For Colored Girls Play Analysis

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Recently, I had the pleasure of seeing one of Texas Southern University’s theatre department productions; For Colored Girls, Who have considered suicide when the rainbow is enuf. Written by Ntozake Shange and directed by Erika R. Walton, the play was performed marvelously at Ollington Smith Playhouse located in the heart of the historic black college. At first glance, the performance space looked more like an auditions holding place than somewhere to hold a production, but all in all it was an unforgettable experience.

One feature of the play that really amazed me was that each actor was worth noting. The actors really made me believe they were the characters they were portraying. I was more specifically impressed on how the actors emotionally …show more content…
Walton did a significant job working with this group of ladies making for a success from opening to closing night. From the rehearsals to assure smooth scene changes, Lighting and costume design it all played a tremendous part in the great efforts of reenacting a script that was written over 30 years ago. In addition, The Makeup & House Manager, Dianne Jemison-Pollard, did a splendiful job “beating” the faces of the actors.

This play deeply portrays the life of women in today’s society but specifically black women, whose love is constantly abused and unappreciated. From rape, abuse, lien, and cheating For Colored Girls should inspire black women to stop settling for less and embrace their identities. It touches on female friendships, first loves/heartbreaks, losing of one’s virginity, and the ups and downs women go through in relationships with their men that should ultimately help them discover who they truly are, A women with much power and attributes to offer the world.

I encourage any and everyone to go see this production, but more importantly women. This should empower women physically, socially, and emotionally. This should even help men understand the true hurt they cause women and help them understand their true importance and struggle that they face everyday in the

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