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Foreign Bodies: A Case Study

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In medical terms, a foreign object is something that is in the body but does not belong there. Foreign objects may be inserted into the body accidentally or intentionally (MaryAnn DePietro, 2017). They frequently occur due to various accidental injuries such as traffic accidents, explosions or bursts, and gunshot injuries in the maxillofacial region. They are also sometimes swallowed. They can become lodged or stuck in various parts of the body, such as the ears, nose, eyes, and airways.
Foreign bodies (FBs) may be unintentionally ingested, inhaled, or inserted into a body cavity or tissue, or may be due to traumatic or iatrogenic injury. They are frequently detected in clinical practice and emergency rooms. Early detection and prompt management are mandatory to avoid severe and life-threatening complications.

Kuniyal, Rishi, and Rishi (2014) pointed out that glass foreign bodies are little difficult to visualize because of its transparent nature. The best time to detect foreign body is at the time of primary repair. Until one suspects the presence of foreign body, it is missed most of the time.
Depending on the type of trauma, the composition and location of the foreign bodies can vary considerably. Infection, inflammation, and pain are potential complications after the impact of foreign bodies (Aras et al., 2010). Superficial foreign bodies are usually easy to remove if seen. However, penetrating foreign bodies are more difficult to remove. Based on (Introduction to Trauma X-ray - Foreign bodies, 2017), materials which are radio-opaque such as glass or metal are usually seen easily but with some

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