...CONVERSATIONAL STYLES ON ONLINE FORUM DISCUSSIONS Eric Perdigones CED-02-501A RIZAL TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY Overtime people have learned to develop many ways of making life easier and more convenient. One of the most common technological innovations that we have today is the internet which is being used by many Filipinos. It has typically improved the lives of the ones using it. The internet is a primary resource for people who do not have the convenience of going into a library for immediate references. With just a click of a button, someone can find most basic information that they will need: whether it could be for school, for their job or even just for their hobbies. It has also been a medium for big social interactions which continuously expands until today. This study will focus on a kind of Interaction that occurs within the “The English Grammar and Usage Tutorial Thread” under the academe sub topic of the Education Forum for the “Pinoy Exchange” website. STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM The main question that this study examines is HOW DO PEOPLE COMMUNICATE IN ORDER TO AVOID POTENTIAL PROBLEMS IN UNDERSTANDING IN AN ONLINE FORUM DISCUSSION? The following specific problems and issues are addressed in this study: 1. What is the nature of an online forum discussion? 2. How do problems in understanding surface in the language of Philippine Online Forums? 3. What are the reasons why people should participate in an Online Forum? REVIEW OF LITERATURE ...
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...Discussion Board Forums Grading Rubric Student: Criteria | PointsPossible | PointsEarned | * The provided prompt is answered completely with a clear, logical flow. * The major points are supported by the reading/lecture material or by Scripture, as necessary. * The thread’s required length of at least 100 words is reached. | 0–5 | | * Format/style/grammar is correct (first person is acceptable in the Discussion Board Forums). | 0–2 | | * The reply (at least 1) brings clarity to the issues discussed and includes new and relevant points. * The reply’s required length of at least 50 words is reached. | 0–3 | | Total | | =============================================================Discussion Board Forum 3Topic: Read the Lecture Notes: Math Anxiety found in this module/week's Reading & Study folder and then respond to the following questions:Do you have a fear of math? If so, what in your math history do you think led to that? If not, then what has given you confidence in the past? Do you have any advice for your fellow students to help ease their math anxiety?Submit your thread by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Thursday and your reply by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Monday. | I am really not fear about math, I am surprised how math, in the history helped and help everywhere to discovery. In the past, I was having problems with the numbers, specially in the accounting area. But with God, I passed any of those courses. I would like to say to everyone, with our praying...
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...World Forums Everett Cordy, everett.cordy@waldenu.edu Student ID#: A00186883 MGMT 8010 – Management in Human and Societal Development Winter Quarter, 2011 Professor: Dr. Kenneth Sherman Walden University January 11, 2012 Abstract This paper critically examines contrasting worldviews on corporate and civil society. To facilitate this examination, a comparison of the values and purposes of the World Social Forum is contrasted with those of the World Economic Forum. The analysis concludes that, without individual and governmental input, corporate action cannot be relied upon to improve the state of the world. . World Forums Without a doubt, the values of the “haves and have not’s” has been in increasing, not only on a national scale, but also on a global scale. From ‘state house’ to ‘hut house’, it is obvious that today’s emphasis on ‘money at any costs’ has resulted in a perversion of the Golden Rule, resulting in “those who have the gold, make the rule”. Not only has this attitude resulted in an abandonment of values that underpin traditional American values of democracy, respect and value of differing cultures, it exacerbates a legacy of American and European colonialism on a global scale. This attitude is manifested in American and European government and corporate policies and actions that erode the principles of corporate social responsibility. World Social...
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...Discussion Forum 1 Question 1.5: A sales forces manager needs to have information in order to decide whether to create a custom motivation program or purchase one offered by a consulting firm. What are the dilemmas the manger faces in selecting either of these alternatives? With selecting either of the programs, the sales force manager can face dilemmas. Before deciding on any of the programs the manger must know the goals that he/she is looking to accomplish. After deciding on the goals the manager needs to decide between conducting the research individually or buying and using research for the consulting firm. With the custom motivation program the manger can conduct his/her own research. With conducting the research the manager needs to look at the existing levels of motivation and see what enticements would need to be used to help the employees change to the desired motivation. The manager can look at information that has already been used. For instance a change in another part of the business could have an effect on the level of motivation that the employees have. If the enticements help increase the motivation of the employee then the custom motivation program will be good for the manger. If the custom motivation program fails then the consulting firm may be best. With the consulting firm the manger will have to think about investing before making an agreement with the firm. The manger need to invest in a firm that will fall into the business budget. Going over budget...
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...University of Phoenix Forum Manual ENG 221 May 14, 2014 Instructor: Tim Toole Will Stalvey Myra Faison Tifany Read Terry Hacker Table of Contents Title Page……………………………………………………………….1 List of Illustrations……………………………………………………...2 Abstract…………………………………………………………………2 Introduction………… ………………………………………………….3 Login in to the Classroom……………………………………………....3 Accessing the Classroom……………………………………………….4 Getting to the Forum …………………………………………………5-6 Locating Preferences……………………………………………………7 Adjusting Preferences…………………………………………………8-9 Accessing the Discussion Group………………………………………..9 a) Posting the Topic………………………………………………10 b) Responding to a Topic……………………………………...11-13 c) Discussion Board Views………………………....................13-14 d) Sort messages……………………………………………….14-15 e) Attaching Files……………………………………………...15-16 Reference………………………………………………………………17 List of Illustrations Introduction Welcome to University of Phoenix and remember we are here for you if you need help. As a student of University of Phoenix you will have to understand how to use the school forum completely. Most of the classes that this university offers at this time is online. You may be in a hurry in completing an assignment and you may get lost in the forum. This is what this manual is for to keep you on track. It is to assist you from getting from point A to point B in the forum. At any time you feel...
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...ECONOMIC FORUM 91-93 Route de la Capite Tel.: +41 (0) 22 869 1212 Fax: +41 (0) 22 786 2744 www.weforum.org The World Economic Forum is an independent international organization committed to improving the state of the world by engaging business, political, academic and other leaders of society to shape global, regional and industry agendas. Incorporated as a not-for-profit foundation in 1971 and headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland, the Forum is tied to no political, partisan or national interests. Please visit our website: www.weforum.org Which students’ profiles are you interested in? The Forum relies on a team of almost 500 people from over 50 nations in 4 offices worldwide (Geneva, New York, Beijing and Tokyo). We attract people from the world of business, consulting, NGOs, international institutions, academia, research public administration and diplomacy. International background and high level of education – Master’s degree minimum - are also required to work at the Forum. Typical positions are: - Community Manager: Develop, manage and/or retain a community of external constituents, ensuring their engagement in the Forum activities - Project Manager: Manage a Forum initiative, project, report, publication - Programme Manager: Responsible for Forum events agenda - Knowledge Manager: Capture, structure, manage and disseminate information around topics/issues important to Forum activities - Functional Manager role: Manage functional areas that support all Forum activities...
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...at times, as some students have families, fulltime jobs, or serving our country in the United States Armed Forces, so we put together a tutorial on how to access and use your new OLS student forums, access and understand the class materials, effectively communicate in the forums and the instant messenger chat, how to post to your personal forum, and post assignments. We at the University of Phoenix commend you for deciding to further your education and creating a brighter future for yourself. Login The University of Phoenix (UOP) is designed to allow its students to succeed. This is done through an online format. Students are required to logon to the UOP website at ecampus.phoenix.edu and enter their password to participate in their classes. Once the student has logged on, they are directed to the University’s home page. In the red bar, next to the Home tab, notice a Classroom tab. Highlight this tab and left-click it once with the mouse. Welcome to your classroom this is the main place where communication occurs between the instructor and students. Notice that directly underneath the Classroom tab there are four more tabs: * Materials * Discussion * Assignments * Grades Main Forum With the mouse, left-click on the Discussion tab. This is the Main Forum. The Main Forum has access to: * Answer discussion questions * Receive instructions from instructor D * Direct questions to instructor * Access Course materials Notice the table in the center...
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...speakers’ chosen forum. The Supreme Court breaks down forums into three types: traditional public forums, designated forums, and nonpublic forums. See Perry Educ. Ass’n v. Perry Educators’ Ass’n, 460 U.S. 37 (1983). Finally, some public property is not a forum at all. Traditional public forums include public parks, sidewalks and areas that have been traditionally open to political speech and debate. Speakers’ in these areas enjoy the strongest First Amendment protections. In traditional public forums, the government may not discriminate against speakers based on their views. This is called “viewpoint discrimination.” The government may, however, subject speech to reasonable, content-neutral restrictions on its time, place, and manner. When considering government restrictions of speech in traditional public forums, courts use “strict scrutiny.” Under strict scrutiny, restrictions are allowed only if they serve a compelling state interest and are narrowly tailored to meet the needs of that interest. Sometimes, the government opens public property for public expression even though the public property is not a traditional public forum. These are designated public forums. After opening a designated public forum, the government is not obligated to keep it open. However, so long as the government does keep the forum open, speech in the forum receives the same First Amendment protections as speech in traditional public forums. Examples of designated public forums include municipal...
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...Masangcay, Maureen Joy, M. BSA-3102 14th POLITIKAPEKONOMIYA Tomorrow’s Forecast: Our future is Now Forum create discussion environment by saving any information posted on a certain topic for others to see at any time, thus people can have high-quality discussions since they would have time to think about and research the topic or comment at hand. It also improves the ability to express and see differing views and opinions on a diverse range of topics. The forum was called “Politikapekonomiya” The purpose of the event is to discuss political and economic issues over a cup of coffee. The theme of the forum was “Tomorrow’s Forecast: Our future is Now” The mechanics of the event discussed by Ms. Gina Bonifacio. The invited experts were introduced by Ms. Rica Ani. The speakers were Mr. Carl Joseph Sammocte, Mr. Arnel Lopez S Jose. Nparrato Jr., Ms. Marissa Argente and Mr. Romeo Sulit also attended. Two issues were discussed and were presented through video clips. The first issue was "What Pnoy and administration has done and if the statistical data reflects the real situation of the country and what can be done by the next administration?" It is an economic issue. The second issues tackles about "Information Shortcut." Information shortcut refers on how educated we as a voter. It is a political issue. After the discussion of each issue, there is an open forum. Questions from the audience are entertained and answered by the experts. Ms. Shien Guhit did the synthesis and Ms. Bendalyn...
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...Sondheim’s A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum When I think of musical comedy, Stephen Sondheim’s A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum is the first show that comes to mind. Just three years ago, I had never heard of Forum before, until my high school choir director announced that it would be our 2008 musical. I was hesitant to audition at first, not knowing the plot or what I was getting myself into, but now I can honestly say that it was my favorite musical production ever to be a part of. Forum, a musical farce written in two acts and Sondheim’s first work on Broadway both as composer and lyricist, is “a non-stop laugh-fest in which a crafty slave (Pseudolus) struggles to win the hand of a beautiful but slow-witted courtesan (Philia) for his young master (Hero), in exchange for freedom” (MTI 1). In Sondheim’s own words, “there’s not a wasted moment in Forum, and the truth and the test of it is that the play is just as funny when performed by a group of high school students as it is when it is performed on Broadway. It is never not funny. The reason is, it is based on situations so solid that you cannot not laugh” (Gordon 25). A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum is a collaboration between American librettist Burt Shevelove, playwright Larry Gelbart, and musical theater extraordinaire, Stephen Sondheim. Originally, Shevelove had done a version of a Roman comedy in college and thought that a professional Broadway production would be very...
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...¿Qué me deja el foro? tanto a nivel de experiencias en la organización y a nivel de motivación para mi vida o iniciativas emprendedoras. Dentro de las experiencias a nivel de la organización el foro “La Receta del Emprendedor 2014” me enseño a trabajar en equipo, a generar ideas creativas, a respetar la opinión de los demás, a aportar de manera positiva para alcanzar un mismo fin. El trabajar en comisiones y con toda la clase demostró que existen un sinfín de opiniones, sugerencias y maneras de pensar diferentes; que estas a veces pueden generar conflicto o corroer lo poco o mucho que se ha construido, pero también me enseño que de todas estas ideas u opiniones puede surgir algo muy profesional y muy bien estructurado si existe sinergia. El ser parte de este foro me ofreció experiencia en el montaje y diseño del evento, en contactar con proveedores y panelistas, en generar temáticas emprendedoras, pero sobre todo a engranar de manera correcta y acertada cada una de las piezas que dan origen o crean un evento. A nivel personal y motivacional el ser parte de este foro me demostró que nada es imposible, que de las ideas más pequeñas o insignificante pueden surgir los proyectos más exitosos; que el fracaso no existe que simplemente es un intento fallido pero se puede seguir adelante, también me dio una guía a seguir, ya que como los panelistas dijeron en reiteradas ocasiones, “el emprender un negocio no significa ir a competir con las grandes marcas; significa un proceso...
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...Marketing by the cooperative Zvi Galor www.coopgalor.com 1. Cooperative Marketing A marketing cooperative is set up in order to market and sell the surplus produce of its members, being such a surplus, as they cannot consume themselves. Marketing cooperatives generally sell agricultural produce, but there are also those, which sell fish produce or handicrafts. There are also other definitions of cooperative marketing. Margaret Digby defines a marketing cooperative as a system in which a group of farmers join together in order to carry out part or all of the processes involved in bringing the produce from the producer to the consumer. The Bank of India defines a marketing cooperative as a society of farmers, organized for the purpose of helping the members to market their produce, so as to obtain higher profits than is possible by way of private marketing [1]. The reasons for the establishment of such cooperatives are: When there is a surplus in production over the consumption. In order to save expenses for middlemen who benefit from the producer in various fields, such as: bad weight, very low prices and loans at high rates of interest. When the system in force is archaic, it does not meet the requirements at all, involves many middlemen or compensates very weakly for the producer's work. Thus, a marketing cooperative must offer its members a more efficient service than that in force, so that its members obtain a greater profit from their work. ...
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...Political Forum Northwestern State University Currently Louisiana is higher than the national average for sexual transmitted diseases. In 2012, Louisiana had the highest rate for congenital syphilis, 2nd highest rate for gonorrhea, 3rd highest for primary and secondary syphilis, and 4th highest for chlamydia (LDHH, 2012). The United States has the highest rate of STDs in industrialized countries with roughly 20,000,000 new cases each year with the majority of the cases occurring between people age 15-24. STDs care totals on average 17,000,000,000 dollars per year. Proposed bill H.RES.192-Supporting the goals and ideas of National STD awareness month Purpose To provide support to National STD awareness month as sexual transmitted diseases greatly impact health. Reflects the importance of preventing, treating, and diagnosing STD with urgency in public health. Summary of bill- Stresses the importance of STD awareness month and the effect of STDs. Calls on Americans to learn about STDs and the current prevention techniques (National Library of Congress, 2014). Recommends that all sexual active individuals get tested for STDs. Mainly, the bill encourages government and non-profit organizations to observe STD awareness month with activities and programs aimed at increasing the public awareness of STDs. Elected Official I would contact Steve Scalise. He is the current 1st Congressional District representative for St. Tammany Parish. With a strong root in family values, I believe...
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...A manufacturer of computer workstations gathered average monthly sales figures from its 56 branch offices and dealerships across the country and estimated the following demand for its product: Q = +15,000 – 2.80P + 150A + 0.3Ppc + 0.35Pm + 0.2 Pc (5,234) (1.29) (175) (0.12) (0.17) (0.13) R2 = 0.68 SEE = 786 F = 21.25 The variables and their assumed value are Q = Quantity P = Price of basic model = 7,000 A = Advertising expenditures (in thousands) = 52 Ppc = Average price of a personal computer = 4,000 Pm = Average price of mini computer = 15,000 Pc = Average price of a leading competitor’s workstation = 8,000 a. Compute the elasticities for each variable. On this basic, discuss the ralative impact that each variable has on the demand. What implications do these results have for the firm’s marketing and pricing policies? b. Conduct a t-test for the statistical significanse of each variable. In each case, state whether a one-tail or two-tail test on the results? Discuss the results of the t-tests in light of the policy implications mentioned. c. C. Suppose a manager evaluating these result suggests that interest rates and the performance of the computer (typically measured in millions of instructions per second, or MIPS) are important determinants of the demand for workstations and must therefore be included in the study. How would you respond to this suggestion? Elaborate Answer a. Q = 15000 – 2.80(7000) + 150(52) + 0.3(4000) + 0.35(15000) + 0.2(8000) ...
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...Before 1964, the United States Senate did not have an established set of rules or guidelines for ethics that the members were required to adopt, which also meant that when there was misconduct within Congress or the House of Representatives, investigations more than often went cold due to lack of “importance” of these cases. (Senate, History - About Us - U.S. Senate Select Committee on Ethics, 2015) The U.S. Senate Select Committee on Ethics addresses just this. These issues went too long without reparation and so on July 24, 1964, Senator John Sherman Cooper proposed to make a bipartisan Select Committee on Standards and Conduct. The Chairman of the Select Committee on Ethics is Senator Johnny Isakson from Georgia. Their ranking minority member (referred to as the Vice Chairman, along with 3 other committees; the Senate Committee on Appropriations, Senate Committee on Indian Affairs and Senate Select Committee on Intelligence) is Senator Barbara Boxer from California. The jurisdiction of the Senate Select Committee on Ethics is derived from the Constitution and authority granted under law and Senate rules. There are various ways the committee’s jurisdiction is decided that came from both the Constitution, the Code of Ethics for Government Service and different Senate resolutions. They are there to regulate and supervise the ethical well-being of the Senate itself, and to receive cases that go against the law or violate their outlined specifications. Some examples are: Article...
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