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Franklin D Roosevelt Research Paper

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To be a significant person, and more importantly to be a significant president, is to leave an everlasting effect or impression that shapes and defines the evolution of an era. Whether or not one was regarded as beneficial or detrimental, their contributions as a whole must be a source of impact on the American people and the system that is the American Government. This rings true of Franklin D. Roosevelt, who was the 32nd President of The United States of America. Roosevelt belonged to the Democratic Party and held office from 1933 to 1945, making his term just over 12 years in length, therefore bestowing the title of “Longest Serving President in The History of The United States” upon him. Roosevelt was a man who “pushed the limits of executive …show more content…
America was in the worst of its greatest economic depression during this time; the citizens elected Roosevelt over his Republican competitor, Herbert Hoover, because they strongly believed he had the skills required to combat the depression more effectively. Immediately, Roosevelt launched into “The Hundred Days”, which was the passage of several bills seeking to halt the current economic plague. These momentous first hundred days in office were the kick start to his promise of a “New Deal” for the American people; the basis of which was to stabilize the economy and recover from the losses, provide relief and jobs to those that were suffering and to reform the current economic structure with a reboot in capitalism (Renshaw). “Roosevelt was candid in admitting that the initial thrust of the New Deal was experimental. He would see what worked and what did not, abandoning the latter and persisting with the former until the crisis was overcome”(N.P, Freidel - Britannica). The essence of the flurry of legislature produce by Roosevelt can be summarized as security measures. Through the creation of the organizations and acts such as, but not limited to: Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) and Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) a …show more content…
The actions Roosevelt took to involve the U.S in the war along side their British allies is somewhat controversial, as some critics believe, despite outward profession to avoid the war, his underlying plan was to lead its forefront (Heinrichs). Conspiracy theories aside, Roosevelt once again proved his immense talent in leadership; which would ultimately benefit the U.S in the long run. He had a strong connection to the American people, as he excelled in communication, taking the time to address the nation directly and listen to their concerns via what he called “Fireside Chats”; short and informal radio sessions in which he spoke in common English language, addressing the population on current affairs and decisions that would effect them on a personal and national level (Kiewe).
“Roosevelt took to radio in order to reach Americans directly, and not merely through the journalistic sieve of the newspaper press, most of which editorially opposed him. Listeners could hear their leader speak, seemingly directly to them, and could thus judge for themselves the issues discussed. One result of the radio talks was the growing trust of the President among the populace that began to show up in several public opinion polls at the time” (7,

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