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Free African Americans Research Paper

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Throughout history, many people have argued over who have freed the slaves. Many believe that the most influential person in the movement of freeing the slaves would the president at that time, Abraham Lincoln. Although that is a very disagreeable statement because African Americans played a major part in their own road to freedom. African Americans freed themselves out of the life of slavery thorough methods of escape and rebellion (The Underground Railroad), joining the military, and making a life where no one would accept them as humans. With minimal aid from the North, the president, and the military, Africans found way to fend for themselves, their families, and their race as a whole. Through years of slavery, White men had the power to …show more content…
Lincoln wanted slaves to be free, but he did not want to disturb the Union. Thus, keeping slaves in bondage for years to come. When slaves first began escaping their masters and the South, they only traveled to the North where they would be considered “free”. That soon changed in the year of 1850 when the Fugitive Slave Act was passed, meaning that when if a slave escaped their masters, they were then considered contraband. Once they were considered contraband, they were captured and returned to where they came. With this act in place, the fear of being captured after escape engulfed the minds of many African Americans. Leading into another action after escape, joining the Union. When African American men would escape, they would run into areas that were being occupied by Union soldiers and try to join the military as a haven. Even if they were not fighting, African Americans believed that they were helping the cause and the fight against the Confederacy simply by joining the Union and helping those men. If an African American joined the Union and did fight, they were still treated as less than the White soldiers. Knowing that they were being shorted, African American men broke from their Union groups and formed their own regimes, still under the Union. By joining the military, African Americans were escaping slavery, living somewhat better lives, and trying to make a better life for their families and people still entrenched in the life of

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