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Columbine High School Case Study

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It was an early, bright morning on April 20th, 1999 during the peak hours of Columbine High School located in Littleton, Colorado. The sun was shining and all the kids in school were about to go enjoy lunch. The day seemed like an everyday normal day as the normal fluctuation of kids entered the cafeteria, sat down to eat, and chatted with their friends. That is, until two heavily clad students in trench coats and weapons approached the school. Without much warning and time to prepare, the kids heard from a teacher to “Get down” and take cover. The time was 11:15 A.M. and silence tapes over the mouths of dazed kids as they hide behind whatever they can find. Minutes go by slowly until the cafeteria doors fling open and gunfire from across the …show more content…
Upon journals, diaries, commentary from close relatives, and friends, no evidence as to why these boys would do this was found. The main goal of the government was to help the school rebuild and help the grieving students. The FBI aided Jefferson County, Colorado by sending them two Emergency Response Teams, bomb technicians, and numerous SWAT teams. Since the perpetrators of the event were deceased, the government looked for alternative causes of the event. After interviewing “an associate of the subjects” the police tracked down an individual who sold at least one weapon to the boys. The seller was identified as Phillip J. Duran and was sentenced to four and a half years in prison for aiding in the boy’s killing spree. Along with finding out one of the weapon providers, the FBI conducted numerous interviews with other students who tipped them off to Eric Harris’ AOL website where he posted death threats and noted his hatred to humanity. Once all the evidence was collected and every court case against the Jefferson County Police was settled, the case was closed and the evidence was placed into

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