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Free Enterprise System Research Paper

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Free enterprise system is an economic system, in which everyone has the right to own property and participate in economic activities of his choice and for his own benefit. Free enterprise is an economic system characterized by the citizens’ right to ownership of capital and property, as well as the right to engage in business with minimal government interference. Free-enterprise is characterized by the innovative way of thinking. Free-enterprise system is presented as the system full of people with full freedom in making any decisions, including economic ones. An entrepreneur is someone who in visions it and it happens and anyone else who believes it will happen too.
Mark Zuckerberg is the Co-founder and CEO of Facebook and is known as the …show more content…
Not only that you're putting personal information for family members to find you and know its you but what about other people they can take this as an opportunity to mess with you make your life hell and ruin your life and people don't want that facebook is really resourceful in different ways.
To start people need to know about your company or business not just that you need people getting it to expand world wide if its good you should get money for it and you can upgrade or modify your things to make it better for everyone need and it will be well used and they can trust it to not fail or let them done but if the government wants something done well they can cause there helping fund it.
People don’t only need to know about the business to start it going the Creator of that company knows that he can’t do this all alone cause if you're an expanding business you need help a team to help you. Find people who are better than you at something that you lack and if you think your company is going nowhere that’s no reason to give up just cause you started a company does not mean its gonna grow to be a hit in a day it takes time you always need to keep giving it your all and never give up and that’s a real

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