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French And Indian War: Initiating The American Revolution

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It was after their victory in the French and Indian War that Great Britain became the main colonial power in the New World. However, because of this war, Britain acquired a large debt, which led to them levying unreasonable taxes upon the colonial settlers. British colonists, over a period of time, began to seek freedom from such a tyrannical government, which thus led to rioting. The continuation of this heavy taxation resulted in further tension between the British government and the settlers until, eventually, the British government declared war on the colonies of America. It is displayed that, because of the French and Indian War, the political, economic, and ideological relations between Great Britain and America diminished, initiating the American Revolution. Beginning with the political relations between …show more content…
Taxes, such as the Stamp Act, led to rioting among the British colonists toward government officials and representatives. Many of these taxes were instated upon common goods used within the colonies, which led to the boycott of most British imports. Referring to Benjamin Franklin’s letter to John Hughs, Franklin suggests the repeal of such acts to keep the peace between the colonists and the “Crown”. It is implied that this would be the most reasonable solution for both Britain and the colonists as they had both recently been involved in the war effort. In the document taken from the British Order in Council, it is made clear that to maintain the British military, such taxation is necessary, especially with the vast expansion of colonial territory and population. Despite the colonist’s continuous pleas towards a more rational solution to their dilemma, the British government sustained their brutal taxation, furtherly setting up the beginning of a

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