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Break From School Research Paper

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For someone that plans to continue with their education, they have two primary options. They can either continue straight into college or university or they can take a break from school to go to work or travel. The best of these two options is the latter, as taking a break from school offers a whole host of benefits for the person. The largest benefits provided from this is it gives students some time for refreshment, allows them to gain more life experience, and gives them more time to discover what they want to do with their life. The most obvious reason people have for taking time off of school is that it gives them time to refresh themselves. By high school graduation, people have been in school for about 12 consecutive years. After so …show more content…
Students are just eighteen years old when they graduate high school. This does make them a legal adult, but they still are mentally and emotionally young compared to others who are older and more experienced. Taking a break from school allows these people to build on their maturity and knowledge of the world before they head into college and are primarily left on their own. When people are in college, they still have to deal with all of the responsibilities of the adult world, and giving them time to learn these said responsibilities makes them much more prepared for college life. Finally, going along with gaining more life experience, students are also allowed much more time to figure out what they actually want to do in college, and also what they want to do once they get out of college. Most students go into college with only a slight idea of what kind of course they want to go down and what to major in. Because they have only been through high school, most don’t have the experience to know what truly appeals to them and what will give them the most success and pleasure in the long run. Some students go through their entire college career changing their major and not being able to get their degree because they couldn’t decide on a solid major. In order for them to find out for sure what they want to major in, taking some time off from school is

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