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Frontal Lobe Brain Injury

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First and most importantly, the brain is the control system of the body. Without a properly functional brain the body would unable unable to perform vital mental and physical tasks, just like a cell without a nucleus. Although a cell doesn’t have the usage of mental performances, its gets to the point that a body without its nucleus, brain, wouldn’t function.
Considering the provided scenario, I believe, rather slight or severe, a blow to the back and then a rebound hit to the front of the head can do unfortunate damage to significant brain areas. These areas likely would consist of the frontal lobe, prefrontal cortex, occipital lobe, and visual association cortex or brodmann area 17. These areas would be at risk for damage in such a scenario because we all have seen someone get tackled and it can be with a great amount of force or weight when …show more content…
For instance, an injury to the frontal lobe can cause temporary effects or long-term effects, such as impairments of judgement, disruption in attention span, organizational skills, lack of motivation, being impulsive, and possibly start behaving with life risking behaviors (“Frontal Lobe Brain Injury”). For someone that had numerous injuries to this lobe would most likely struggle with almost any cognitive situation and have behavioral or emotional issues. For the occipital lobe, an injury, minor or severe, can cause temporary or long term effects such as some loss in visional capability, inability to identify colors, hallucinations, and severe vision loss or blindness (“Occipital Lobe Brain Injury”). These symptoms, for the frontal and occipital lobes, could occur because each time these areas are injured axons are damaged and swell. If the swelling is severe enough it can cause permanent damage or return to

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