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Fruit Flies Research Paper

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Tephritidae, a large dipteran family of insects, consisting of 4000 species under 500 genera and is found in almost every zoogeographic i.e. temperate, tropical and subtropical regions etc. of the globe, inhabiting a wide variety of habitats, (Drew, 1992; Grimaldi and Engel, 2005; Vayssieres et al., 2006; De Meyer et al., 2008). These are commonly known as fruit flies. These flies are thought a very devastating group of insect pests causing huge economic losses in agriculture, especially in a variety of fruits vegetables and flowers (Diamantidis et al., 2008). A large number of pest fruit flies are polyphagous in food habit and mostly of them are commercially significant, as vegetables and fruits are much susceptible to fruit fly damage (Aluja & Mangan, 2008). The cross border nature and the demolishing impacts that fruit flies strikes to the horticultural industry globally, have settled them on top of the …show more content…
However, it is tough to obtain absolute selectively and most of the pesticides are toxic also to mammals including human and other non-target organisms (Maksymiv, 2015). Pesticides are the most important reason of self-poisoning in the developing world. In a study it was shown that, in every year about 3000000 cases of pesticide poisonings occurring world-wide, among which nearly 220,000 cases are fatal (Cooper and Dobson, 2007).
Though use of pesticides is often considered to be the most potent control technology for pests. But, continuous heavy use of many pesticides has created serious problems arising from factors, such as, direct toxicity to parasites, predators, pollinators, fish and man (Munakata, 1977; Pimental, 1981). However, studies have shown that multiple resistance mechanisms in insects confer resistance to a wide range of insecticide classes (Liu et al., 2006; Liu, 2015).
1.3. Use of botanicals as alternative to chemical

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