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Fukushima Nuclear Meltdown Research Paper

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Allison Garcia
Mrs. Kerr
Honors Chemistry
2 January 2016

Fukushima Nuclear Meltdown
On Friday, March 11th, 2011, an earthquake occurred about 130 km offshore the city of Sendai. From how severe it was, the earthquake was named the Great East Japan Earthquake. It was devastating, having a magnitude of 9.0, and it was also a very rare “double quake”, making the duration last a destructive three minutes. The earthquake was so severe that the whole country of Japan actually moved a few meters east, and sadly killed over 19,000 people. Eleven reactors from four differents nuclear power plants were shut down, including the Fukushima Daiichi units one, two, and three. Units four, five, and six were already inactive at the time of the earthquake, but were still affected. The reactors …show more content…
Luckily, eight of the eleven reactors accomplished a “cold shutdown” in four days. The other three reactors at Fukushima Daiichi were not successful, for they lost power because of the tsunami flooding the entire site where the reactors are located. This resulted in twelve of the thirteen backup generators being disabled. It also disabled the heat exchangers which are used to dump reactor waste heat and decay heat into the sea. The three units were unable to control proper cooling and water circulation tasks. Afterwards, work was focused on fixing the heat removal from the reactors and managing the overheated fuel ponds. The restoration of the site lasted weeks with the help of Tepco employees, contractors, firefighters, and military personnel. Each day that workers helped with the restoration of the site, they were constantly putting their lives in danger. On March 15th, reactor four caught fire. After the unit caught fire, radioactivity was released directly into the atmosphere. Residents twenty miles of Daiichi were told to stay indoors, to not use air conditioning, and to keep windows closed. On March

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