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Submitted By Elizabeth40
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For this week’s discussion question I was asked to use the last letter in my last name to solve problem # 26 on page 708 and #34 on page 711of the textbook (Dugopolski, 2012).
Problem #26: h(x) =-3x2
The relation is h(x) =-3x2 h (0) =-3×02=0 h (-2)=-3×(-2)2=-12 h (-1) =-3×(-1)2=-3 h(1)=-3(1)2=-3 h(2)=-3(2)2=-12 X | h(x)=-3x2 | 0 | 0 | -2 | -12 | -1 | -3 | 1 | -3 | 2 | -12 |

The above represents the points I will plot to graph the function h(x) = 3x2. The function is shaped like a parabola. This parabola opens down. The x-axis interception point of -3x2 :( 0, 0) and the y-axis interception of -3x2 (0,0). The domain is all real number, which can be written in standard notation as D= (-∞, ∞) and R= (-∞, 0). When I plot the parabola I notice it has a vertex of (0,0). From the above I can truly this relation and is also a function as every element of the domain has one and only once value associated with it in the range and passes through the vertical line test.

Image below represents my function h(x) =-3x2.

My second problem comes from page 711 #34.The problem states h(x) =-√x-1 h(x) =-√1-1=0 h(x) =-√2-1=-1 h(x) =-√3-1=-1.41 x | h(x) =-√x-1 | 1 | 0 | 2 | -1 | 3 | -1.41 |

From the results, when I plot my graph it resembles half of a parabola, which opens to the left with a line which falls below the x-axis, except my starting point (1,0). This is functionsy=-x-1. The function has a range [0, -∞) because the line starts at and includes the x-axis, then it continues going down forever. The domain (left/right) would be [1, ∞)

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