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Gastroparesis Research Paper

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Normally, the strong muscle walls within one’s stomach would crush the consumed food and extracts the necessity substances which maintains the person’s homeostasis. However, for some reasons, the muscle walls of the stomach become weaker and lose its ability to digest food. This is a condition that doctors called gastroparesis: a condition where the stomach’s motility slows down completely or refuses to work, preventing the stomach from emptying properly. Despite of its varieties, modern medicine helps the doctors inform and discover ways to diagnose and treat gastroparesis. Detecting symptoms of gastroparesis proved to be a challenging task. Typically, those who have gastroparesis experience abdominal pain or abdominal bloating. Since the stomach loses its ability to digest the consumed food, gradual addition of food throughout the day would eventually pushes the stomach to its capacity, thus causing pain and bloating. Vomiting undigested food, feeling full after a couple of bites, or malnutrition also some noticeable symptoms of gastroparesis. Although these symptoms seem observable, some people who has gastroparesis do not have any form of symptoms ( Mayo Clinic, “Gastroparesis”) Not only does the lack of symptoms prevent doctors, others, and the patients themselves to determine the illness, a few of the symptoms, such as …show more content…
There are countless risk factors such as diabetes, infection, narcotic pain medication could have contribute to the causation of gastroparesis. It is not always clear. However, most scientists and doctors believe that the cause behind this bothersome illness is a damage to a nerve that controls the function of the stomach muscles, or more specifically, the vagus nerve (Mayo Clinic, “Gastroparesis”) A damaged vagus nerve can send faulty signals to the muscle walls, thus prohibit them from doing their job

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