...HB Case Study Collision Course : Bob Nardelli and the Home Depot Shareholders 2013. 11. 14 Introduction of our members 이정희 • Company: • Dept.: • Company: KTskylife • Dept.: Strategy planning & Coordination Team 박지만 김진우 • Company: • Dept.: • Company: BC Card • Dept.: Card Information Processing Team • Company: Hanmi Pharmaceutical • Dept.: Global Business Development • Company: DK Corporation • Dept.: Overseas Sales Team 이영규 신경식 Shin, Kyung Sik 김지연 Kim, Ji Yeon 1 Contents of Presentation 1. HD Introduction 2. Summary of Article 3. Issues 4. Recommendation & Implementation 5. Conclusion PRESENTATION TITLE GOES HERE 2 Home Depot 3 Home Depot [Company History] • Founded in 1978 (by Bernard Marcus, Arthur Blank, Ron Brill and Pat Farrah) • American retailer of home improvement and construction products and services. • Head Quarter : Atlanta, US Stores • US: Including all 50 US states • Canada: All 10 provinces • Mexico, China, South America and UK Market Position • Largest home improvement retailer in US in terms of overall revenue based on strong customer service ethos Culture “Everybody here feels that it is their company” - Home Depot director, Don Keough “Directors were required to meet with customers & offer insights…” - Business Week 4 Nardelli career history • 1971 : joined General Electric in 1971 as an entry-level manufacturing engineer • 1988 ~ 1991 : executive for a division of the construction equipment...
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...In my part I want to direct your attention to the GE Market Attractiveness Competitive Position model. On the surface it appears to be very similar to the BCG matrix, but a bit more complex and detailed. The model was developed by GE with the assistance of consulting firm of McKinsey & Company in 1970. Management can use the GE model to classify strategic business units on two factors: 1. Market attractiveness criteria * Market size and growth rate * Market entry barriers * Number and types of competitor 2. Competitive strength criteria (Business Position) * Market share and knowledge * Reputation * Distribution capability * Service quality * Innovation Capability * Cost advantage As you can see on the slide, the matrix is separated in 9 squares and each of them applies a different strategy for a product or a product line. With the assistance of the two criteria, the weights of the relevant factors are calculated and a decision is made, which are the more important. Based on these ratings each factor is labelled as high, medium, or low with respect to (a) market attractiveness and then (b) business position. Placement of business units within the matrix provides an analytic map for managing them. With units above the diagonal, a company may pursue strategies of investment and growth; those along the diagonal may be candidates for selective investment; those below the diagonal might be best sold or liquidated. On the next slide we have...
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...recent and current operating results, and the economic, social, and political forces that affect it most. B.Present a brief SWOT analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats). C.Discuss the factors it will need to predict, plan for, and adjust to in the future. INTRODUCTION GE is an American Multinational corporation established in 1892 by the amalgamation of Thomas Alva Edison’s Edison General Electric and Thomson-Houston Electric Company .GE at present operates at the same time in five varied business segment namely: Media (as NBC Universal in cable and film), Energy (e.g. oil and gas), Infrastructure (e.g. Aviation and Healthcare), Home and Business Solutions(Appliances platforms) and Finance ( as GE Capital commercial and consumer finance). GE now has businesses in about 160 countries and approx. 300,000 human resources worldwide. The company’s head office is situated at Connecticut, USA. General Electric is one of the world’s leading diversified business firm widely known for its high quality, advance and technical expertise, leadership, and brand name. Under Welch’s (CEO of the company) leadership, it has undergone enormous reorganization efforts (i.e. divestitures, acquisition, influential GE’s culture) – the support for its accomplishment today. As a international corporation GE has had a contentious history with view to air and water pollution late 1940s and had forever been a goal of condemnation...
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...| Case Study: General Electric Company | GE’s Strategy Equates Longevity | | For so long, General Electric has provided the world with pioneering products and superlative services. How does a company endure the economic cycle for over a century and continue to make headway? In this paper I intend to discuss some of the aspects that have enabled GE to have fruitful success for over one hundred-thirty years. I will briefly discuss the overall strategy of the company and the approaches they employed to attain success implementing that strategy. I will examine the corporation’s value proposition and comment on current event(s) that influence the business. I will present a brief SWOT analysis and state my general impression of their management style. Finally, I will express my thoughts on their future, where they can be more effective, and what changes should be put into action. The topics covered depict how General Electric has and will maintain and upper hand in corporate world. | | Michelle Jones | 12/12/2012 | | Table of Contents I. Introduction, Meet GE pg. 2 II. The Company’s Overall Strategy and Their Approaches to Attain Success pg. 2 III. The Company’s Value Proposition pg. 3 IV. Event(s) that are Affecting the Company pg. 3 V. SWOT Analysis pg. 4 VI. Impression of the Management Style pg. 5 VII. The Company’s Future and Opinions on How They Can be More Effective pg. 5 VIII...
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...KIDDER PEABODY GROUP In the last years the financial market has been hit by many financial scandal the most recent in 2000s are Enron and Parmalat which has affected the entire market. This paper is going to take in consideration an old scandal the Kidder Peabody Group that first has been implicated in insider trading and later in a complicated method for which losses counted as huge profit. In specific this paper will analyze the case study of Kidder Peabody Group starting with brief overview of the company, then analyze the motivations and synergies that GE and Kidder Peabody should have got and finally it will explain the strategy that the bond department especially Joseph Jett used to falsify the books. The company was founded in 1865 in Boston by Henry Kidder, Francis Peabody and his brother Oliver. The company grew between the end of the 19th and begin of the 20th century where it became a leading bank in New England and a major player in the US financial market. In fact it opened an office in Wall Street, New York. The firm’s headquarter stayed in Boston until the Wall Street crash in 1929 where Kidder had to face some financial difficulties. Here thanks to some investors that injected the necessary capital recue Kidder Peabody and Chandler Hovey, Edwin Webster, and Albert Gordon became the new partner. The firm survived the difficult 30s and got back its leading position among the most important investment bank after the end of World War II. In 1985 Kidder Peabody...
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...to your business. (5 points) 1 c – prepare a PowerPoint presentation on the competitive landscape of the same company. Use the popular Porter Five Forces framework. In the Five Forces Model, Porter explains that in any industry there are five forces that influence what happens within the industry: 1. Existing companies, 2. potential new companies, 3. substitutes for products offered, 4. the suppliers, and 5. the customers. These five forces combine to make up the business environment. By studying the structure of and dynamics between these forces, you can discover opportunities for improving upon your marketing strategies. (5 points) 1 d - prepare a PowerPoint presentation including a GE/ McKinsey matrix of the chosen company. Please bear in mind that the GE / McKinsey matrix maps strategic business units on a grid of the industry and the SBU's position in the industry. (5 points) 1 e –...
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........................................................................................................... 5 Temporal Database Forms ................................................................................................................... 6 Conclusion............................................................................................................................................... 7 References .............................................................................................................................................. 8 1|P a ge Mohamed Jihad – CPT309 Assignment 1 INTRODUCTION This is a report about Temporal Database which briefly covers some of the information regarding it. The report was created as part of an assignment for the module, Physical Database Design for the course Bachelors of Information Technology. Throughout this report, the topics covered will be a brief background, which will describe what kind of data is there when referred in time...
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...the file. This can later be compared and matched to the frequency of letters in the English language. 2. What do you notice about the histogram results when text is encrypted with the Vigenère cipher in comparison to the results of the Caesar cipher? Why is this the case? Histogram simply gives the frequency of each individual letter in cipher text without taking the plaintext into consideration. Since in Caesar cipher the relationship between plaintext and cipher text is one to one, histogram is more efficient to break the cipher. Since the key in vigenere is somewhat random the histogram shown below seems random as well. 3. There is an error in the following cipher text representation of this quote, what is it? The original unencrypted message is: TH ED IF FE RE NC EB ET WE EN ST UP ID IT YA ND GE NI US IS TH AT GE NI US HA SI TS LI MI TS The original encrypted message is: THE CORRECT CIPHERTEXT SD AH FO HL AR ST RE AS YL BS CI MQ TF NI VE TG HB SN QC NC SD TD HB SN QC DE CN IC IF OT IC This is the error example: SDAHFOWGRABSSRERIVBYBSCIMQTFNIVETGHBSNQCNCSDTDHBSNQCDECNICIFCTIC This is the decrypted quote of the error example: TH ED IF XF ER EN CE BE TW EX EN ST UP ID IT YA ND GE NI US IS TH AT GE NI US HA SI TS LI SC TS I can see that the difference is that there are 2 letters inserted into the wrong one. There is an additional letter put in position 7 and 20. In the encrypted one it is displayed as an...
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...CHAPTER CLOSING CASE FROM CHAPTER ONE: PLAYING HARDBALL AT HOME DEPOT BRIEF SUMMARY: This case was mainly about Home Depot’s turning point on its sales increases after the new CEO Robert Nardelli had taken charge of the corporation. The way which Nardelli applied to change the old fashion of running the business was highlighted in the text. Described as command-and-control, the method he used which can be traced back to 1950s was simple and straight and it can be characterized as emphasis on a military-like discipline and obedience. Being centralized again, Home Depot became a more standardized-machine like place where effectiveness and efficiency were laid utmost stress on. Then, Nardelli’s principles are illustrated as follows: First, centralize control over functions. Second, follow slow growth. Third, control by measuring every input and output instead of relying on instinct. Fourth, ruthlessly eliminate underperforming managers. Besides cost cutting, he also made radical progress on wholesale supply to contractors, service offerings and potential new hirings. However, “soft” topics such as corporate culture and employee empowerment are largely neglected, which diminished the better development of this management skill. CASE QUESTIONS: 1. The four principles Nardelli has adopted to improve the performance of the business can be served as examples of his planning phase. When he conducted his plan into practise by assigning tasks for his employees, as in transmitting...
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...REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL Microsoft Office Training RFP #10-075 Closing: Tuesday, August 10, 2010 at 2:00 pm local time. Halifax Regional Municipality Procurement Section P.O. Box 1749, Halifax 3 rd Floor, Duke Tower, Scotia Square, 5251 Duke Street Nova Scotia, Canada B3J 3A5 Halifax Regional Municipality July 27, 2010 RFP # 10-075, Microsoft Office Training Pa ge 2 _______________________________________________________________________________ Rev 01-01-2010 July 27, 2010 NOTICE REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL #10-075 Microsoft Office 2010 Training The Halifax Regional Municipality is seeking proposals from qualified individuals/ firms to provide Microsoft Office Training Sealed Proposals, Three (3) copies – Two (2) bound and one (1) unbound for #10-075, Microsoft Office Training , Halifax Regional Municipality, Halifax, Nova Scotia will be received by Halifax Regional Municipality Procurement Office, 3 rd Floor, Duke Tower, Scotia Square, 5251 Duke Street, P.O. Box 1749, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, B3J 3A5, until 2:00 P.M. local time, Tuesday August 10, 2010 All questions concerning the procurement process shall be directed to Stephen Terry, Senior Procurement Consultant, at (902) 490-2175, Monday through Friday, 8:30 A.M. to 4:30 P.M. or E-mail to terryst@halifax.ca and those of a technical nature to Frans Sanders , Phone 490-2909, or E-mail to sanderf@halifax.ca . Instructions, forms, and specifications may be obtained from the Halifax Regional Municipality ...
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...Case Brief #2 : Foxconn v BYD, Part B After four individuals were convicted due to stealing trade secrets of Foxconn, the case took a dramatic turn when prosecutors dropped all criminal charges against BYD in December 2008. At the same time, the global manufacturing industry was hit hard because of the severe global recession starting in late 2008. To generate extra revenues for survival from the global recession, one of Foxconn's strategies was to increase investment in R&D of smartphones. As a result, it was imperative for Foxconn to enhance its IP management strategies. According to the case, Foxconn implemented a series of measures to prevent trade secret theft. For example, computer security was significantly tightened and filing patent applications to protect its R&D investments. However, more things should be emphasized on. First of all, Foxconn should foster a sense of belonging and company loyalty among its employees. Compared to tighten the computer security, this is a more efficient measure to protect its IP. By doing this, employees could prevent company's trade secrets actively, rather than passively. Secondly, Foxconn should sign confidentiality agreements with its employees and keep them properly. As stated in the case, the reason of GE's victory in trade secret case against former employee was that GE was able to prove to the court that sufficient protection measures had been put in place to protect its trade secrets. Thirdly, Foxconn should pay attention...
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...Executive summary In this assignment I was able to use relevant leadership theories to critically analyse and evaluate the leadership of Jack Welch. I first provided a brief insight into Jack’s background, outlining what made John F. Welch into the man we know today as Jack Welch. Secondly, shed some light on the financial position and the culture of General Electric (GE) in the early 80’s when Jack assumed the mantle as its Chairman and CEO. Thirdly, I discussed his changing leadership styles over the years. Finally, I give my opinions on how I would have lead differently if I was faced with the same situations. Table of Contents 1. Introduction 5 2. Welch’s Background 5 3. The situation – GE before Jack Welch 7 4. Jack Welch the leader 7 5. Discussion – How I would lead differently 10 6. Conclusion 11 Reference List 12 1. Introduction Leadership is a complex concept and there are different ways of becoming a leader. Leadership is the process of influencing an organized group toward achieving its goals. (Hughes, Ginnett and Curphy, 2012). Leadership is about influencing and not dominating others, leadership occurs when other people happily accept the goals of as organization as their own (Hogan, 1994). Because the behavioural patterns of employees vary depending on their individual circumstances, it is important that leaders to develop an empathetic approach towards resolving the issues of employees. Leadership theorists associate this ability...
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...CASE 1.12 MADOFF SECURITIES Synopsis A childhood friend summed up the driving force in Bernie Madoff’s life: “Bernie wanted to be rich.” As a youngster growing up in New York City, Bernie realized that Wall Street was the greatest wealth creation machine the world had ever known. So, after graduating from college in 1960, he set his sights on joining the exclusive fraternity that ran Wall Street by organizing his own one-man brokerage firm, Madoff Securities. Madoff was one of the first individuals to recognize that computer technology provided the means to “democratize” Wall Street by establishing a system that made securities trading much more efficient and much cheaper. In the early 1970s, Madoff and several other individuals organized the NASDAQ exchange, which was destined to become the world’s largest electronic stock market. Years later, the NYSE would be forced to follow suit and switch to electronic securities trading. Literally millions of investors have benefitted from the lower transaction costs of electronic securities trading that were in large part a result of the pioneering efforts of Bernie Madoff. Unfortunately, Bernie Madoff will not be remembered as a pioneer of electronic securities trading. Instead, the word “Madoff” will always be associated with the phrase “Ponzi scheme.” Although his stock brokerage firm was extremely lucrative, Madoff eventually established a parallel business, investment advisory services. Over a period of several decades, Madoff...
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...APPLICATION CASE 8-2: ONLINE RESUME ARE HERE TO STAY Summary Online resume is another method that have been used by certain company in matching up the candidates qualifications to current job openings. For example, NuView software do the screening process in order to ensure the resume are meeting the requirement of the vacancy. There are a few company that use online resume such as Home Depot, BellSouth, Walgreens, United Parcel Service, Blockbuster and Target. These company claim that the online resume technology saves a lot of time and money and instantly available to company personnel. Thus lead to an efficient hiring process. Besides that, General Electric (GE) use online resume in their hiring process. When there are job opening in the company, GE usually advertise internally. However, if the unit required them to advertise to outside company, GE will advertise in their company website. It will eventually can attract applicants from around the world. GE managers believe that some candidates, even though they do not live in the immediate location of the hiring unit, would be willing to relocate if they found the right job at GE. On top of that, in addition to screening resumes on their own company websites, certain company pay to post jobs on popular online recruiting websites. This will helps the company to explore more candidates by using popular recruiting websites such as monster.com, careerbuilders.com and hotjobs.com. As a conclusion, the rules of the resume submission...
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...Strategy Process 10 Organizational Structure and Control Prof. Dr. Bernd Venohr Berlin, June 2007 © 2007 Prof. Dr. Bernd Venohr Agenda Introduction to Strategy 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Course Overview and Strategy Concept Economics of Strategy Shareholder Value External Environment Internal Environment Competitive Positioning Diversification Mergers & Acquisitions Global Strategy Business Strategy Corporate Strategy Strategy Process 10 Organizational Structure and Control 11 Strategic Leadership © 2007 Prof. Dr. Bernd Venohr 2 Overview “Structure follows strategy“ Basics of structuring organizations Example: managing the multibusiness organization © 2007 Prof. Dr. Bernd Venohr 3 Alfred Chandler: Structure follows strategy Alfred Chandler (business history professor at Harvard Business School) examined in Strategy and Structure: Chapters in the History of the Industrial Enterprise (1962) the organizational changes of several large US companies: Organization developed in response to changes in the corporation's business strategy An organization begins with a single product or line of business. Over time the organization begins to grow in size and complexity (more products ). Ultimately the structure of the organization has to change from functional to divisional organization as a result of the strategy change: „unless structure follows strategy, inefficiency results“ This research has been a source of controversial discussion...
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