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Gel Electrophoresis Research Paper

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Words 441
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Vanessa Mendez
Pak Kwong
Chemistry 451L
September 6, 2014
Introduction: Electrophoresis is known as the process of particles moving in a liquid by electric field. The components needed in order to run electrophoresis are cathodes( positive, negative), medium for the sample, and the electric current most importantly. The electric current is responsible for creating the field of electricity, and networking the sample that is placed inside. Agarose was the liquid used in order to conclude the size of the DNA fragments. Agarose contains pores which allows DNA to go through, and separate into different size fragments. Gel electrophoresis is known as the movement separation of fragments of DNA due to factors such as size, and charge. In order to be able to identify the size of DNA a ladder needs to be present in order to determine the size in base pairs. DNA moves from negative to positive. DNA is negative due to phosphate group on the backbone, hence it will move towards the positive end. Smaller fragments that have a lower density will move further than the larger fragments with a higher density. The goal of the overall project is to demonstrate how gel electrophoresis works. The theory behind gel electrophoresis allows one to analyze DNA by the separation of size which is a great thing in the world of biochemistry. Thanks to this method of gel …show more content…
Wells, and the standard were necessary in order to run the procedure. The gel must be inside a buffer solution, and the cathode an anode must be connected properly. Once these steps are completed the gel electrophoresis is able to run. Once it has ran for sometime the gel must be stained with ethidium bromide to see the band migration. The green band ranged from 190 bp to 270 bp. The red band ranged from 400bp to 490 bp. The blue band ranged from 700-890 bp. Results are shown.
Graph, and

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