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Homecoming Research Paper

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The first time I found out that I wanted to work with people with special needs was my junior year of high school. I was in a club called FCCLA and we had volunteered to make homecoming mums for our special needs class. We couldn’t afford to make some of the extravagant mums that we have in Texas, but we did our best with what we had and managed to make mums and garters for all the kids in the class. The day before homecoming we gave the class their mums and garters. It was the last period of the day and we brought them our gift. The look on their faces was pure joy, they were so happy and grateful. Now, while I hate to admit it, I was a total brat when it came to my homecoming mum that year. I wanted a huge one with lights and all kinds of extravagant add-ons, and did not give up until I got it. When I saw the light in these children’s eyes over the simple mums we gave them, I was a changed person and realized how grateful I should have been. Here I was complaining about my mum …show more content…
It is as follows: “Once you learn to appreciate small victories, there is no need for a finish line.” The children in the easily appreciated the small victories, while I was so focused on the finish line. I am a person that tends to look at the big picture and its reward rather than allow myself to appreciate the small victories on the journey. When I fall back into this mentality I think of those children. A person that I could fall back on when I became too focused on the big picture was my AP English teacher, Sutton. He influenced and encouraged me to not be as hard on myself and allow myself to celebrate the small victories along the way. While he did teach me English, he also taught me many life lessons. Lessons like, you will fall, but what matters is you get back up, and while believing in yourself is hard, you must do it. He was able to talk me out of some dark times in my life, and for that I am forever

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