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Hypothetical Task Force

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This paper seeks to create a hypothetical task force to respond to cyber terrorism. The task force is informed by the scenario of Jim, the computer hacker who enjoys into breaking into other people’s accounts and corporate accounts. The hacker knows how to access confidential government documents and social security numbers of millions of Americans. To avert this problem, it is crucial to come up with a task force that will work in conjunction with local, state, and federal agencies to ensure safety for Americans and corporate entities.
The National Counter-terrorism Task Force
This task force will be mandated to strengthen the coherence and coordination of counterterrorism efforts in the country. It will consist of agencies, such as Federal …show more content…
The members of the task force include counter-terrorism committee, department of political affairs in the local and state levels, the department of safety and security, the department of homeland security, the Federal Bureau of Investigations, and the department of public information.
The task force will entail five operational divisions. The operational coordination will manage the counter terror strategies. It will also ensure and deal with interstate partnerships as well as with the FBI. It will also develop the techniques and tools suitable to counter cyber intrusions. The agency tasked with operations will work hand-in-hand with the FBI to identify, pursue, and defeat cyber criminals, such as Jim, wherever they emanate.
The cyber division and entity will lead any local or state cyber investigations. It will focus on the local and state security threats as well as criminal threats targeting private corporations, retail industry, and the banking industry. The task force will partner with the federal agencies with cyber portfolios as well as other agencies within the intelligence networks to fight the cyber …show more content…
The taskforce will use counterintelligence and counterterrorism to prevent computer and network intrusions.
Ransom ware involves the insidious malware that encrypts and locks critical digital files and demands ransom to release them. Such leads to financial losses incurred while restoring the files and systems, disruption of regular operations, loss of sensitive or proprietary information, as well as harm to an organization’s reputation. Therefore, the taskforce will guard against ransom ware and deter companies and individuals from paying ransom to attackers as it will embolden them to target more companies and people.
As such, the taskforce will work with the involved agencies to create a solid business continuity plan to combat ransom ware attacks. It will also ensure prevention efforts by training vulnerable targets and instituting technical prevention controls. The taskforce will also ensure that employees are aware of ransom ware and the measures to protect against organization’s data. It will also ensure targeted individuals and corporations set anti-malware and antivirus solutions and can update automatically with regular

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