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Genesis Of Things Project Case Study

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Pages 6
Table of Contents
Overview 3
Key Statistics 3
Detailed Findings: Existing Use Cases 4
3-D Printing/Blockchain Platform (Genesis of Things Project) 4
Decentralized Print Farms (3-D Token & Politronica) 5
Digital Thread for Additive Manufacturing (DTAM, LINK3D) 6
Detailed Findings: Potential Use Cases 7
Procurement 7
Supply Chain 7
Networked Vehicles 7
Iot Data 7
Asset-Light Enterprises 7
Detailed Findings: Projected Impact 8
Benefits 8
Affected Industries: Winners 9
Affected Industries: Losers 9
Challenges 10
Internal Blockers 10
External Blockers 11
Conclusion 11
Sources 12

Global spending on additive manufacturing will witness a 22.3% five-year compound annual growth rate, with revenues reaching $28.9 billion in 2020 (IDC). …show more content…
The Genesis of Things project is focused on creating a decentralized additive manufacturing network and eliminating inefficiencies. The Genesis of Things Project is collaborative and secure, through blockchain, enabling users several essential abilities:
• The ability to find and contract the best 3-D printer for their production needs without humans.
• The ability to securely transfer 3-D print files to the printer, without the need for an intermediary party.
• The ability to set up smart contracts to regulate, track, and automate access to logistics, rights, and payments.
• The ability to tag products with a traceable and uneditable digital product memory.
Furthermore, the project focuses on delivering solutions to manufacturing pain points:
• High costs to control, monitor, and inspect manufacturing projects.
• High inventory with slow …show more content…
Blockchain represents a new future of 3-D manufacturing by crowdsourcing 3-D printing across the globe. Instead of the traditional brick and mortar large factory, it could connect smaller groups to localized, cheaper, and quicker production. With the blockchain, the product currently being 3-D printed within a large factory could be printed by individuals across the globe.
In 2016, more than 278,000 desktop 3-D printers (under $5,000) sold worldwide. 3-D-Token is a company which produces crypto-currency tokens to buy time on a decentralized desktop, 3-D Printing network, called Politronica.
Politronica uses 3-D-Token for its smart contract/payment technology. The long-term goal is to connect over 270,000 desktop consumer-grade 3-D printers to one blockchain network. By the end of 2019, 3-D Token expects to have a system of 3,000 blockchain printers with the capacity to print 300 tons of material per year. The company is currently creating 3-D printed lamps on its decentralized system and has an agreement to sell these lamps in Flying-Tiger Copenhagen

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