...Horror Genre Teresa Gann ENG 225 Introduction to Film Instructor John Thorburn July 4, 2016 Horror Genre Genre theory is used in film studies to assist in the facilitation of the film category. A genre is a type or category (Goodykoontz & Jacobs, 2014). A genre is dependent on the factors varying in story lines and what the audience are expecting. The theory creates shortcuts in the description of the film. A genre theory is useful and efficient in shortening academic works. Horror films seek elicit emotions that is a negative reaction from viewers by playing on the viewer’s primal fear. The horror films often deal with the fears of the viewer, nightmares, revulsion and unknown terrors. The plots of this genre include evil forces, personage or event, into the world we live in. The elements of the story include werewolves, ghosts, demons, serial killers, cannibals, evil witches, monsters, vampires, vicious animals, gore, and extraterrestrials. Genre helps the viewers decide what kind of films they enjoy watching. I will be discussing a summary of the movie Saw, what genre the movie is and what other sub-genres exist in this movie. One film that fits into the genre of horror is Saw. This film was made in 2004 and was directed by James Wan. The stars in the film were Danny Glover, Cary Elwes, and Leigh Whannell. This movie is about a .psychopathic killer who is set on teaching his victims the value of life by...
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...Trend of Horror Movie in Malaysia. Abstract This research is about the trend of horror movie in Malaysian cinema industry. This study will show why movie that were produced in Malaysia diverting to horror comedy genre. This study also will show that why demand of horror comedy genre increased. The objective to know whether this movie genre are giving impact on Malaysian social economy and to know to what extent of the trend of horror film. The research will be done by using survey techniques and will be given to 100 participants among the student population in UiTM Shah Alam. This study will show that horror comedy genre demand are more than horror genre. 1.Introduction In my opinion, horror film is a genre that aims to create a sense of fear, panic, alarm, and dread for the audience. These films are often unsettling and rely on scaring the audience through a portrayal of their worst fears and nightmares. Horror films usually center on the arrival of an evil force, person, or event. Horror film may become as an adventures to some people. This is because the film may play with the viewer emotions. According to Danielle Braff on his article about Movies may cause special effects on the body, he stated that the people who are fascinated by horror movies tend to be the same people who love to sky-dive, go rock climbing and try extreme skiing adventures. The horror genre allows them the opportunity to experience events and people who...
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...Genre Awareness Report Forrest Leitch Abstract In order to better understand how genres are interpreted, I chose three movie posters from the same genre to analyze. I observed the posters for similarities that lend themselves to characteristics of the genre. Multiple aspects of the poster were taken into consideration, such as title font, images, layout, and coloring. I concluded that all three posters shared similar characteristics, through which the genre of their movie can be deduced. Introduction In the world of cinema, genres are very important. Audience, film content, and style are just a few determining factors in which genre a movie fits into. Movie posters are a quick way to convey the genre to consumers without having to actually see the movie. Not all movies fit perfectly into just one genre, however, and genres don’t have rigid structures that the movies within them must comply with. Children’s-Adventure movies, for example, are usually animated films that have a plot based on some type of journey or adventure that is taken on by the main characters (Dirks, 1). There is almost always some great obstacle or challenge that the main character(s) must overcome, and usually good trumps evil. These films generally contain light humor, and teach some sort of life-lesson, or have a recurrent morale to the story. Methodology I analyzed three movie posters from the Children’s-Adventure genre to explore the similarities and differences movie posters from the same...
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...original scores during the silent film era and cite specific examples from The Birth of a Nation. * There are three basic types of music that can be heard in the original scores during the silent film era. These 3 type are known as adaptations, arrangements, and newly composed music or originals. Adaptations of Classical Works usually involve large action and dramatic scenes. They typically involve the borrowing of part or all of a song for the use in a film score. For example, in The Birth of a Nation, adaptations were used when an arrangement by Mozart was used for the Lincoln assassination as well as the end of the movie. Since this composition is one of seriousness and intensity, it was used to give the scenes a sense of tension and violence. Arrangements can be defined as remakes of previously composed work. In these works, a composer will borrow only the melody of a classic song and recreate it to make an entirely new sound. In The Birth of a Nation, many well-known melodies are used to emotionally connect to the audience. Tunes such as “Maryland, My Maryland” and “Dixie” are put into the film to create a lighter less dramatic feeling. New and original compositions, are defined as just that. A song with melody in which the composer writes without the help of other tunes. These are typically written specifically for the film itself. Griffith uses this type of music to create a recreate themes that run throughout the entirety of the film. 2 What is the role of source...
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...Media Bibliography 1. The perfect scary movie. TV Documentary. Visual Voodoo, [29TH September 2014] 2. Exploring the media, 3. IMDB URL: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0080761/?ref_=nv_sr_2 [29TH September 2014] 4. IMDB URL: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0103919/?ref_=nv_sr_1 [29TH September 2014] 5. IMDB URL: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0087800/?ref_=fn_al_tt_1 [29TH September 2014] 6. Stephen Price ed. The horror film [29TH September 2014] 7. Michelle Le Blanc and Colin Odell, Horror films [29th September 2014] 8. RetroSlashers: http://retroslashers.net/friday-the-13th-1980-review/ [2nd October 2014 Analysis of genre in horror films looking at 3 films In this essay, I will be doing research on horror films, but looking at a specific part under ‘approaching the media’, which is genre and looking at three objectives to complete this: * How genre is represented * How the genre concept works in Teen Slasher films * The key genre conventions used in films. The three films that would help me conduct this research and meet my aims are Candyman, Friday the 13th and a nightmare on Elm Street. By looking at these films, I would be able to see whether all the elements that come under genre is applied e.g. iconography, setting etc. The creation of horror films was done to make people scared and frightened but also tap into our hidden fears. This could be done by looking at the most common thing that scare people. For example, The fly, David...
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...A movie film genre is something that helps us identify what type of film we are about to watch. When multiple movies of one genre are made they tend to create a pattern, in this pattern the audience starts to notice common happenings in movies with the same genre. Some examples of general genres are action movies, comedies, romantic movies, horror movies etc. For my movie genre I chose to focus on the typical teen movies that involve two best friends, a guy and a girl in a case where the guy best friend is crazy about the girl but the girl is into somebody else. Therefore the rules for my genre in particular will be that there must be a love triangle. The first film I chose to focus on was Pretty in Pink, in this film the...
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...Final Film Critique– “The Help” Contextual Information Title: The Help Writers: Tate Taylor (screenplay), Kathryn Stockett (novel) Director: Tate Taylor Cinematographer: Stephen Goldblatt, Director of photography Major Actors: Emma Stone – Skeeter Phelan, Viola Davis – Abileen Clark, Bryce Dallas Howard - Hilly Holbrook, Octavia Spencer – Minny Jackson Release Date: August 10, 2011 Type of film: American Drama Based on a True Story Genre: Drama Black women raising white children, and the children loved them, and they loved them back, but yet were not allowed to use the toilets in their employer’s house. These are the moments of the black maids in 1963 in Jackson, Mississippi. Plot and Story The Help depicts the lives of black maids and their white employers exposing the racism that the black maids faced on a daily basis. The time is 1963 set in Jackson, Mississippi during the civil rights movement. The film that follows the lives of two black maids and a southern society girl, Skeeter Phelan (Emma Stone), who returns home from college, eager to launch her dreams of being a writer. Skeeter wants to write a book to explain that racism doesn’t just mean withholding of education and voting rights. It is told from the perspective of the black maids so it is narrated through the movie as the voice of black maids that suffered the racism from their employers. The interviewing of the black maids, who spent their lives taking care of the prominent white...
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...which genres has change 5 Paragraph five: Genres it has merged with 5 Ways in which SNATCH follows generic conventions 6 Ways in which SNATCH subverts the genre 7 Reasons why gangster movies are interested today 8 Conclusion 8 REFERENCE LIST 9 Abstract The project is about the gangster movie genre with all its elements that contains. Moreover the fundamentals of plot, iconography, characters, ways that genre has change and how are they connected with others are briefly explained. The Snatch as an example of gangster movie is presented and analyzed. It is shown how this movie follows the pattern of gangster movies, and which characteristics do not. Furthermore it is explained why gangsters movies are still popular and attractive for the audience. Introduction and Thesis One of the most popular and productive genre is crime genre. According to Stankic N. (2004) and Neale, S. (2000) Crime genre is presented with three smaller ones which have similar characteristics but different stories. These subgenres are: detective, thriller and gangster genre. Crime genre name is used for all the movies that have developed composite tale which action is connected with breaking the law, violence or with murder. This action can be any crime that, as result, has a hard moral judgment. The movie Snatch, made by Guy Ritchie is gangster movie because there is a robbery story, movie consists...
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...is that? And will we no longer be looking at buff men and women dressed in slim tights and colourful capes? A dominating and very unique genre of movies saw it’s first light of the day back in the 00’s. It all started with the Batman-movie who was published in 2002 and became a massive success. If we look at the cold facts we can see, that in the list of best selling movies are The Avengers from 2012 and The Dark Night from 2008 present. This is an independent genre, although it’s got a lot in common with the action-genre. In both genres, we have an outstanding hero who saves the day and is unbeatable. But in the action-genre we have heroes like Harry Callahan and John McClane, who comes home at the and of the day and still remains the same hero. Unlike Spiderman and Batman who comes home in the end of the day and becomes a whole other person when they take their masks of. Often, when they get home, the superheroes turn into the opposite of a superhero- someone that you would never expect to save the world. And someone you could identify yourself with. And that is one of the most important parts in a superhero movie, because the hero stays anonymous and that creates an exiting story and a different view on the heroes. These superheroes are also different, because they take care of business by them selves. They do not get help from the police and doesn’t care a great deal about the law. Actually they usually don’t follow it. You could call them a lawless. If you...
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...GENRE: HORROR A genre is used in order to categorize a media text along with those others which share the same elements, components or ideology. With the help of genre people can easily put a label and identify the kind of product they need. The genre that I have chosen to carry out my research on is ‘Horror’. The reason behind my selection being that I find movies and programs that come under this genre quite interesting than those of other genres. These texts hold suspense, thrill and curiosity in the mind of the viewers that makes it different. These movies are mostly based on stories from the past which help captivate the viewers. Though it is presented in a terrifying way; it still manages to entertain the viewers with its element of mystery, fantasy and curiosity that it creates. Horror films go back as far as the onset of films themselves, over a 100 years ago. From our earliest days, we use our vivid imaginations to see ghosts in shadowy shapes, to be emotionally connected to the unknown and to fear things that are improbable. The earliest horror films were Gothic in style i.e. the meaning that they were usually set in spooky old mansions, castles, or fog-shrouded, dark and shadowy locales. Their main characters have included "unknown," human, supernatural or grotesque creatures, ranging from vampires, demented madmen, devils, unfriendly ghosts, monsters, mad scientists etc. Horror film today also carry almost the same characters that haunt the innocent. Taking...
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...front page for my film which is called Deception. My opening sequence is about a young girl who wakes up in her home to be haunted by something supernatural. In the brief you had certain topics you could pick to do your production on and I picked the secret because it sounded like it was something to do with horror so I picked it as I was planning to do a production which was based on something like dark drama or horror. In addition to this I chose to do a magazine article to promote my movie. The genre for my opening sequence is horror based. In my opening sequence there are a number of conventions that would signify that it is a horror related movie. First off the film title “Deception” would reveal straight away to my audience that my film is somewhat horror related because it is quite a typical horror film name (one word which is often dark, e.g. insidious, saw…). The film also has a dark atmosphere which helps the target audience identify the genre. The film is uncomfortable throughout which is effective because you want the audience to feel on edge and to anticipate what is going to happen next. My movie is horror so the audience type for my independent film is simply people who like horror films or dark films. My production suits the independent film genre because compared to a big blockbuster film it wasn’t expensive too shoot (it cost me nothing) and it was quite a simple and straight forward production. My movie also suits the independent film genre and audience because...
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...300 Jonathan Hewitt ENG 225 Cicely Denean-Cobb October 2, 2012 The film I have chosen to do my critique on is Zack Snyder’s 300. 300 is a film about King Leonidas, the King of Sparta, and his 300 Spartan warriors who all stood up against the God-king Xerxes and his massive Persian army from annihilation. After watching the film very closely for my critique I believe there is a serious underlying theme that everyone has the right to be free and sometimes you have to stand up and make sacrifices to keep your freedom. Standing up for freedom is never an easy task as shown in 300 but, everyone deserves to be free. In discussing the storytelling, acting, cinematography, editing, sound, style and directing, the impact of society on the film, genre, a formalist approach to analysis, and the overall textual theme of 300 I will attempt to back up my belief. Storytelling 300’s narrative structure is the first-person point of view of Dilios, a Spartan solider under the command of King Leonidas. The film is presented in chronological order and takes place in Sparta and Thermopylae, Greece. The major conflict in the film is that the Persian army has come to Sparta and requests their submission or will kill them and enslave their women and children. King Leonidas makes the decision to stand up to the Persians but; is not allowed to go to war with the Xerxes, the Persian God-king, because the Ephors deny him the right. The Ephors are later found out to be traitors. Unfortunately,...
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...Peppersack ENG 225 Introduction to Film Professor Ryan Ogrodnik March 2, 2015 Critique: BTTF To critique a film is to analyze the substance of what makes up the movie. The story and its plot, characters, technical choices for scenes, and the overall production that the film shown to give the audience a final product. The number of people who visited the movie theater to watch it does not determine greatness of the film; or the amount of money the movie studio made after the budget was settled. A movie is great if it reached a large percentage of the population and that population determined through criticism and good reviews that the movie is worthy to be seen for a second, third, or fourth time. Another justification of greatness is if the film warrants purchasing the film on Blu-ray disc or a digitally copy to put on your computers hard drive. I will be critiquing the 1985 film Back to the Future starring Michael J. Fox, Christopher Lloyd, Lea Thompson, Crispin Glover, and Thomas F. Wilson. These are the main characters of the film for which the story revolves around. Michal J. Fox plays the main character, Marty McFly, who travels back in time in a Delorean time machine invented by Christopher Lloyd’s character, Dr. Emmett Brown. Lea Thompson plays Lorraine McFly, Marty’s mother, Crispin Glover plays George McFly, Marty’s father. Thomas F. Wilson is the antagonist as Biff Tannen. There are plenty of supporting roles throughout the film but the main characters will be...
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...Action Lights, camera, action! Action is the genre I have chosen. There are many stand-alone action films such as Commando, 48hrs and Con Air. There are even more action film series such as Die Hard, Rambo, James Bond and Underworld. The movie I have chosen to suit this genre is the action RED: Retired and Extremely Dangerous In 1920’s and 1930’s, action films were often about swashbuckling heroes, involving a damsel in distress and featured a romantic element such as the 1920 silent film The Mark of Zorro. The 1940’s incorporated war and western action films including the 1955 war story The Colditz Story. In 1959, Alfred Hitchcock re-invented the spy-action genre with his film North by Northwest and introduced action-orientated set pieces with the crop duster scene and the finale on Mount Rushmore. This film, North by Northwest, helped inspire producers Albert R. Broccoli and Harry Saltzman film their own spy-adventure film. James Bond, inspired by Ian Fleming’s novels, took the world by storm and is still used today. James Bond introduced some of the common elements and features of an action film that are still used today. In the 1970’s, gritty detective stories and urban crime drama’s led to a number of police officer films. Asian martial-arts themed movies also appeared including Bruce Lee’s Enter the Dragon. Also popularized by the cross of martial arts and cops and robbers, Chuck Norris entered with films like the 1977 Good Guys Wear Black. Steven Spielberg and George...
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...American Film are moreover entertaining and described as stylish films as in cinematic term. The American Film makers creates entertaining, engaging, and historically accurate feature films selected from American history. The main American genres are action, adventure, comedy, crime & gangster, drama, epics/historical, horror, musical/dance, science fiction, war & westerns. They are sufficiently wide to suit basically any film ever constructed, despite the fact that film classifications can never be exact. By confining the different components in a film and ordering them in sorts, it is conceivable to effortlessly assess a film inside its type and take into account important examinations and a few judgments on greatness. All movies have no less than one noteworthy kind, although there are various movies that are considered crossbreeds or mixtures with three or four covering genre (or sub-genre) sorts that distinguish them....
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