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George Washington: The First President

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When thinking about all the presidents that have been in office who is the first one to pop into your head? Many think about Abraham Lincoln and others think about Kennedy. Even if you can’t name all the presidents there is always one that is going to be thought of right away. That would be George Washington just because he was the first president and that means a lot for the United States. He was the one that started it all and since then there have been forty-five presidents. While being president George Washington did many of things to help this country.
George Washington was born in 1732 to a Virginia planter family. There he grew up with the morals, manners, and the knowledge for an eighteenth-century Virginia man. Before becoming the …show more content…
Since then it feels like nobody has taken it serious in a long time. There are a lot of key points that he did in the years he was president. On March twenty-sixth, 1790, the first naturalizing law was passed, it set the terms for citizenship. Rhode Island, the last of the thirteen states ratifies the Constitution. This was the last one that was under the Articles of Confederation. On December 29, 1790, the state capital was moved from New York to Philadelphia. On December 13, 1790, Alexander Hamilton, who was supported by George and the Secretary of Treasury, sends Congress a controversial message calling for the creation of an official Bank of the United States. Once approved by Congress, Washington signs the bill on February 25, 1791. The states officially ratify the first ten amendments to the Constitution, also known as the Bill of Rights. President Washington had called for their ratification in his first inaugural address, but it never happened until December 15, 1791(Miller …show more content…
On the twelfth of December, George decided to go horseback riding until late in the afternoon. Once he got back to the house it was already dinner time so the people in his house told him to go change his clothes since they were wet from the snow that was falling. Since he was one of those people that do not like to be late to anything, he decided to stay in his wet clothes during dinner. The next morning when he woke up there was snow on the ground and he ended up having a sore throat. Even though he was not feeling good he waited for the snow to stop and went outside to cut down a few trees. To everyone around him they could tell that something was not right because his voice started to go horse and it was not getting better as the day went on. By the end of the night he was reading the paper like normal but because of his throat he had to ask his secretary to finish reading it for him. After he went to bed he ended up waking up early the next morning feeling very uncomfortable. Trying to figure out what was wrong with him, they ended up taking several ounces of blood from his

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