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Gerald Thomason Blue Zones Essay

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Gerald Thomason

As a DSC student, I give my word that this work is my own and that I have neither given nor received unauthorized help.
 I, Gerald Thomason, agree.

Blue Zones are notable geographic areas where exceptional numbers of people achieve longer lifespans than is usually the case. The common theme among these remote locations is a local commitment to certain dietary and lifestyle practices that play a considerable role in greater longevity. Learning about different cultural practices to achieve healthy living offers insight on how to improve one’s own lifestyle.

Of the Power9 suggestions, moving naturally and the 80% rule were not what I expected to see. Rather than consciously making the effort to stick to a physically active routine, individuals in Blue Zones are consistently active because of their living circumstances and hobbies, such as gardening. I am most …show more content…
I am nearly 20, but my biological age is 17. The fact that I don’t smoke or drink partly accounts for this. In addition, I drink a lot of water each day. However, I still think it’s important to be more physically active and cut back on fatty foods.

I am beginning to realize the impact of my diet. It seems that my habit of choosing meat over vegetables will be quite detrimental to my health in the long run, provided I don’t make adequate changes. I could also benefit from more exercise, as my studies often lead me to spend many hours sitting. It’s nice to know that I am doing some things right, such as sleeping a healthy amount, and drinking enough water.

The suggestion that stands out to me is to try and lower my cholesterol by reserving fatty foods for rare occasions. I can also implement bone-strengthening exercise into my routine. Overall, it seems my greatest weakness is a reliance on meat, which can be solved by learning some creative ways to incorporate more fruits and vegetables into my

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