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Get A Gun-Personal Narrative

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“He’s getting a gun!” How many people can say that their mom openly screamed about the possibility of getting murdered? I didn’t think that I’d be among this miniscule group, but here I am. “Did you have fun?” my mom, who is about as brave as a mouse, questioned me. The reason she’s asking me, and not trying to discuss with me, is pretty obvious. My mom is a total, and utter scaredy cat. We just finished swimming with dolphins, or in my mom’s case, recording us swimming with dolphins. “Us” being my dad and I. He’s the complete opposite of my mom. He does anything and everything. My mom’s cowardice is going to come back to bite her one day, and I think she knows it too. My dad is a big part of this too though. He loves to take every chance he gets, to scare her, or just make …show more content…
Will anyone be able to find us?” my mom’s cowardice started peeking out again. Called it. Normally I‘d be laughing at her, along with my dad, but I couldn’t help but wonder the same things that she was. I basically felt my blood turn cold. It’d been about two minutes, and I could feel myself worrying more and more by the second. If he wanted to kill us, he would’ve done it already? Right? Considering that I was starting to have conversations with myself inside of my head, I couldn’t really say anything about my mom. My mom, the one who was currently rocking back in forth in her seat looking around for the driver. I guess she ran out of lives on Candy Crush. Now she has to find a new way to distract herself. “Look!” my mom pointed at something behind me, “He’s coming back!” I can’t tell whether she seems excited or nervous. Probably a mixture of both. “What’s he getting?” I pointed to where our Taxi driver had his head buried in the trunk of the car. “He’s getting a gun!” my mom yelled with confidence. That’s where we are now. It feels like time stopped, while I was just waiting, helpless to whatever was coming out of the

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