...2014. Web. 28 Oct. 2015. Athletes and sports competitors participate in organized. Every sport is a competitive sport. Compare the job duties, education, job growth, and pay of athletes. Some sports are held outdoors and the other sports are held in a facility. Many athletes must travel to sports events, which may include long bus rides or plane trips. Athletes work irregular hours, including evenings, weekends, and holidays. Athletes who play a contact sport like football or hockey are highly susceptible to injuries. This is good for good information and how they do things. Athletes and coaches wages are $40,060. They should get paid out of all the hard work they do. Football is a competitive sport to play. Athletes...
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...Chapter 14 Case – “Hewitt-Packard Company” Instructor: Professor Pamela McLaughlin Course: Management of Concepts – BUS 302 Date: August 21, 2011 * Discuss the three most serious problems you have identified in the case. Defend why you think they are the most serious. One of the more serious problems that I have found in this case is under management. When a company is under managed, workers struggle because their management is not sufficiently engaged to provide the direction and support they need. The management is not informed about worker’s needs and, therefore, is unable to help with resources and problem solving. Thus management cannot judge what expectations are reasonable, and cannot set goals and deadlines that are ambitious but still meaningful. Meanwhile, the under-manager gets caught in a vicious downward spiral managing problems after the fact, putting out fires that never should have gotten started in the first place, salvaging wasted resources and turning around employees who have been going in the wrong direction, unnoticed, for days, weeks or months. Secondly, having a bonus system that was so complicated that no one understood it is never good for a company. Bonus systems should be as simple as possible to measure and track. Also a bonus system should be designed to reward good behavior, not necessarily to change or punish poor behavior. Lastly, a complex and confusing matrix structure blurred accountability lines and slowed the decision making...
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...AlejandraArguello Bus 160 10-30-2013 Encouraging Employees through Feedback and Coaching In organizational behavior I have learned that giving feedback and coaching others is very helpful for employees to succeed and the business as well. When you encourage others to do well, work runs smoothly too. Employees are more likely to enjoy their job and be willing to give their best when they know well what is expected from work and receive feedback. Businesses also have to look into motivating employees through job design, goal setting, performance appraisals, and performance incentives. Let’s look first on how we can motivate and give feedback through job design. Employees usually quit or start lagging on their jobs for various reasons and in order to not get those results we motivate employees to come to work first. Employees should be given responsibilities, and if they have a repetitive task at work that needs to be performed those tasks need to be rotated by the manager. That employee could quit if he get bored of doing the same thing. But on the other side if the company has tasks identification, for example if a person works on fixing computers and has most of the experience on fixing the software, the company should have that person fixing the software what he likes doing and is best at. Not the keyboard or screen other employees that like and have the experience can do it. We also have to give them the opportunity of doing their own tasks in a different way...
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...Theory by Joseph Barnhardt Strayer University, Professor Lind Contemporary Business Bus 508 Summer Term 2 Many successful business tycoons have created great business theories and or philosophies that been implemented and with stood the test of time in which their business are the model for many to follow today. So in thinking of a new business theory one comes to mind of ” AFT” which stands for Attention, Focus, and Thinking. Steve Case CEO of AOL.com used his own theory when he started his businesses in the early 1990‘s towards his success which were People, Passion and Perseverance. This logic of think has made his company what it is today a fortune 500 company and a major player in todays internet business market. In todays entrepreneurial leadership processing, new theories can be tried and proven effective or not. So beginning with the first word of AFT being attention, can be implemented in every business decision and planning you can become successful. Attention begins the fa major step in planning strategies or creating a plan of attack with the goals for leading your project from beginning to end. Webster defines attention as condition of readiness for such attention involving especially a selective narrowing or focusing of consciousness and receptivity (Webster, 2011). Attention is a very important piece of planing and decision making for any project to begin to come to fruition. The next piece of “AFT” is Focus, focus is defined as adjustment...
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...1. Introduction Succession planning is not an issue that many organizations address in any systematic way. Because many nonprofits are small (with fewer than 10 employees) and because they may be facing other organizational challenges, thinking about who the next executive director might be or what would happen if the director of finance suddenly left is not high on their priority list. There are many reasons why organizations need to be thinking about succession planning. The most important reason, of course, is that we rely on staff to carry out our missions, provide services and meet our organization's goals. We need to think about what would happen to those services or our ability to fulfill our mission if a key staff member left. Another reason to focus on succession planning is the changing realities of workplaces. The impending retirement of the baby boomers is expected to have a major impact on workforce capacity. Teresa Howe in "Succession Planning and Management" identified other emerging realities about the workforce in Canada: • Vacancies in senior or key positions are occurring in numerous organizations simultaneously and demographics indicate there are statistically fewer people available to fill them • Baby boomer retirements are on the rise just at the time when the economy is growing and increasing the demand for senior management expertise • There is no emerging group of potential employees on the horizon as in past generations (i.e. baby boomers...
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...SUMMER INTERNSHIP PROGRAM PROJECT REPORT PROJECT TITLE: DEVELOPMENT OF BUSINESS STRATEGIES AND MEASURING THE EFFECTIVENESS OF DIRECT MARKETING ALONG WITH STUDENT’S PREFRENCES FOR ENTRANCE EXAM PREPARATION AT EduMENTOR COMPANY NAME: EduMENTOR EDUCATIONAL SERVICES UNDER GUIDANCE OF Prof.Dr.Y Malini Reddy SUBMITTED BY: NAME: Eshita Miglani ENROLLMENT ID: 09BSHYD0272 CONTACT NO.: 09910436436 EMAIL ID: eshitamiglani@yahoo.co.in ABSTRACT The project focuses on the various business operations that an organization, relating to the field of educational services undertakes, that help them build an identity for themselves in the niche marketing that they are catering to. In presence of immense competition, the major part of the study comprises of the detailed study of areas that not only improve and develop the product of the company but also help them reach a wider target audience. The business model of Edumentor has immense growth potential in the future, keeping in mind the recessionary periods. Hence, a study on organizational development of Edumentor and its various operations is the most prudent thing to do. In all, the study will encompass all functional areas of the organization. The project has been broken down into various phases for better understanding and segregation of work and operations undertaken ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The project I had undertaken required a lot of information gathering and guidance which has been provided by various...
Words: 12857 - Pages: 52
...The mega city of Dhaka cannot afford the burden of 140 million people on its 360 kilometers of land. The concentrated populated itself poses a potential threat. The high-rise buildings, continuously rising industries, increasing number of transports and growing slums continue aggravating the situation. 60 percent of her citizens live beyond the city facilities in spite of their living in the ambit of the city. They throng to the city just to earn their living. Driven by extreme poverty, insecurity, river erosion, serious unemployment problem have sent them to this city. Quickly this situation cannot be changed. Environmentalists have expressed concern that the encroachment on the river Buriganga, the life line of Dhaka city, traffic congestion, pollution and diseases are turning this once majestic city into a choking hell. About fifty percent of the river's pollution load comes from the industrial source while sewerage and domestic wastes contribute to the remaining fifty percent. Between 1980-2009 the population of Dhaka has swelled from three million to more than ten million and its importance has increased manifold but the basic amenities have not kept up with the changes.. Water from the river Buriganga and Shitalakhya that would have supplemented the need of drinking water and other purposes such as cooking and washing has been fouled as much by raw sewerage as by a number of industrial and chemical units and even pesticides. Traffic jam stands as the number one problem...
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...Akhilesh Yadav to gift new university to Kanpur TNN Jul 16, 2012, 02.59AM IST KANPUR: On a day-long visit to Kanpur on Sunday, chief minister Akhilesh Yadav said a new university would soon be established in Kanpur. Saying that education was an important focus area for his government, Akhilesh was responding to demands made by Kalyanpur MLA Satish Kumar Nigam. Saying Knpur played a key role in essaying Samajwadi Party's success in the assembly elections, the chief minister also said all development activities in Kanpur would be taken up on priority basis. Responding to demands for an additional hospital in the city, Akhilesh also said the construction would begin just as soon as the necessary land was acquired for the purpose. Akhilesh was speaking on the sidelines of a private function at Chaudhary Ramgopal Singh Law College in Meherban Singh Ka Purwa hamlet of Kanpur, where he inaugurated the law college, laid the foundation stone for a bigger auditorium and started electrification in nine villages, including Pipauri, Imlipur, Madanpur, Kharagpur, Igra and Fatehpur Gohi. Yadav announced that the work of construction of Mandhana-Bhauti bypass would commence soon. He also announced for the widening of Shivli Marg with Rs 12 crore, development of GT Road with an aid of Rs 3.40 crore, setting up of Rajkiya Balika Vidyalaya and a neurology centre in Kalyanpur, speeding up the work of construction of bridge over the Ganga in Bithoor (780 metres of bridge already constructed)...
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...to ensure they interact with their followers within particular environments and situation. Interactional framework needs to be taking into account, rather than looking at leaders, followers or situation in isolation, as this provides a complete view of the leadership process. The interactive nature of leader-followers-situation helps understand the changing nature of the leader-follower relationship and the increasingly greater complexity of situations leaders and followers face. An analysis of Gail Kelly’s and Ian Cox’s leadership styles exposes some similarities, within vastly different situations and followers. Daniel Goleman (2000) identified six different leadership styles, authoritative, affiliative, pace-setting, democratic, coaching and coercive. Both Kelly and Cox employ different styles in their attempt to gear the followers towards attainment of a goal, objectives and the fulfillment of a vision. The organisations that Ms Kelly and Mr Cox are employed have defined their leadership. Kelly heads and organisation who main goal is to make profits for its shareholders, whereas Cox’ role is to provide human service from the funds that are available to the organisation. His incentive is to make the most from the donated dollar. Good leadership makes a difference, and it can be enhanced through greater awareness of the important factors influencing the leadership process. It is imperative that leaders utilise different approaches and display different styles to...
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...Sir Richard Branson, Chairman, Virgin Group, Ltd. Tomesha C. Flow BUS 520-Leadership and Orgnization Behavior Instructor Jim Bankston 8/20/2012 Introduction Sir Richard Branson, founder and chairman of a company known as Virgin Group Ltd, which is one of the world’s most recognized brands. Sir Richard Branson is one of the world’s most successful entrepreneurial business leaders. He’s known for having passion, courage, and is very driven (Omafra.gov). Branson likes to start out small and share the risk with other investors. Being a leader you have to understand the importance of the type of business you are in and the competition your company may face (Omafra.gov). Branson as I see is very aware and has insight into situations. Branson has the four traits of being a very successful leader. • Intelligence, successful leaders tend to have somewhat higher intelligence than their subordinates. • Maturity and breadth, successful leaders tend to be emotionally mature and have a broad range of interests. • Achievement drive, successful leaders are results oriented, when they achieve one goal, they seek another. • Integrity, successful leaders, over the long term, usually has integrity. When individuals in leadership positions state one set of values but practice another set (Organizational Behavior 2011). Being an effective leader in the United States today, you must be well organized and have time for your organization. A successful leader makes...
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...Leadership Style Segun Akinyemi Strayer University BUS 520: Leadership and Organizational Behaviors Professor: Laura Poluka Spring, 2014 Abstract The success of any organization depends on the leadership of the organization, it is important to stress how important the effectiveness of a leader is to the organization he is leading. This paper will examine the effectiveness of the Google CEO as a case study, the leadership style and the CEO organizational value. The ethical behavior of a leader can affect the effectiveness of other workers in the organization as the leader in any organization are often seen as an object of emulation by the employee of the company. Ethical behavior of Google CEO shall be review in this paper as well as the significant value that made the leader a successful CEO. Background of Google CEO (Larry Page) Larry Page and Sergey Brin founded Google in 1998, since inception, the company has recorded a growth of over 40,000 employees worldwide, Larry Page co-founded Google while pursuing his Ph.D. at Stanford University and became the first CEO until 2001growing the company to over 200 employees during the period. From 2001 to 2011, larry became the president of product for the company. He holds a bachelor degree in Engineering from University of Michigan and his masters in computer science from Stanford University. Larry was honored with Marconi’s prize in 2004, He is also a member of National Advisory Committee (NAC) of the University...
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...AB299: Final Project Section 1 July 16, 2013 Amanda Bender Executive Summary Tim’s Coffee Shoppe is located in Sunnydale, Illinois. Sunnydale is a mid-sized city with a busy business district and a large university and Tim’s is located smack dab in the middle of all the traffic. Tim’s Coffee Shoppe is in need of some much needed improvements and needs things to run more smoothly. Some of Tim’s problems were customer satisfaction, employee loyalty and marketing. The following pages have a detailed review of what Tim needs to become more successful. One of the most important things Tim needs to accomplish is a makeover of his human resource program to address employee training, thus creating better customer service as well as expanding the types of marketing he utilizes. If he follows suggestions he would have the opportunity to obtain his long term goals such as * To double revenue by the end of the current fiscal year. * To receive at least 95 percent positive customer feedback regarding the service we provide. Regulations and Management Summary The attempt is to suggest to Tim’s Coffee Shoppe’s areas of weaknesses where subtle improvement to business strategies which can bring in the much desired and needed revenues and increase customer traffic. It is also an attempt to provide cost effective products through a change in supply and logistics for Tim’s Coffee Shoppe. The market segmentation is also to be altered to expand his customer base....
Words: 2520 - Pages: 11
...Functions of Nuance Communications, Inc. Janice A. Morris Bus 3040 Fundamental of Human Resource Management 3349 Rivercrest Drive Melbourne, FL 32935 321 241-4062 Aleathearose@hotmail.com Dr. Chris Rose Training Methods Training in an organization is essential to the achievements of a business. “Before beginning a training program it is important to know what training the organization needs.” (Carnegie), one way to develop the correct training with a training-needs analysis this helps to determine what areas needs to be addressed and identifies the employees who needs training. According to SHRM, “A needs analysis involves collecting information to determine if training need exists and, if so, what kind of training is required to meet this need.” The analysis also should address why the need exists. “If the problem identified is not attributable to worker performance, training may not be the best solution; for instance, a company might discover that its employee have received appropriate training to perform their jobs but are not motivated to do so.” “In that situation, it would be more appropriate for the company to reconsider its system of compensation and awards.”(SHARM). There are many methods of training available, but an organization must be careful that they place the correct candidate with the correct training method. Some of these methods are Classroom instruction, Audiovisual, Computer-Based-Training, On-The-Job, “Computer based training is an example...
Words: 1442 - Pages: 6
...Functions of Nuance Communications, Inc. Janice A. Morris Bus 3040 Fundamental of Human Resource Management 3349 Rivercrest Drive Melbourne, FL 32935 321 241-4062 Aleathearose@hotmail.com Dr. Chris Rose Training Methods Training in an organization is essential to the achievements of a business. “Before beginning a training program it is important to know what training the organization needs.” (Carnegie), one way to develop the correct training with a training-needs analysis this helps to determine what areas needs to be addressed and identifies the employees who needs training. According to SHRM, “A needs analysis involves collecting information to determine if training need exists and, if so, what kind of training is required to meet this need.” The analysis also should address why the need exists. “If the problem identified is not attributable to worker performance, training may not be the best solution; for instance, a company might discover that its employee have received appropriate training to perform their jobs but are not motivated to do so.” “In that situation, it would be more appropriate for the company to reconsider its system of compensation and awards.”(SHARM). There are many methods of training available, but an organization must be careful that they place the correct candidate with the correct training method. Some of these methods are Classroom instruction, Audiovisual, Computer-Based-Training, On-The-Job, “Computer based training is an example...
Words: 1446 - Pages: 6
...Environmental Quality International in SIWA BUS 519 – Project Risk Leadership Analyze and describe the founding leader(s), leadership style, and major business principles of a profit-oriented entrepreneurial approach in which the primary goal is to provide a product or service to consumers and to make a profit. The following leaders , Larry Page, Sergey Brin (Google), Thomas Edison (Light Bub), Vicor Kiam (Remington Electric Shavers), Peter Drucker (Management Thinking), Blake Mycoskie (TOMS) and Anita Roddick (The Body Shop). The leaders all had a similar leadership style; they looked for innovative ideas and customer needs and invested their own money along with securing funds from investors. They had a vision, to be the best, make an impact and use constructive feedback to learn from it and improve on the bottom-line. They did not use the media to promote their product rather used their product to be innovative and allowed it to promote itself to get market share. Successful Entrepreneurs study and learn from how to make a profit by aligning their business strategy from entrepreneurs that have gone through and documented their lessons learned. The primary goal of the leadership style was to provide a niche and service to consumers and make a profit. Analyze and describe the founding leader(s), leadership style, and major business principles of a social-responsibility oriented entrepreneurial approach in which the primary is goal to...
Words: 1234 - Pages: 5