...Texting While Driving The number one leading cause of teenage driving deaths and crashes is texting while driving. Texting while driving is teenagers’ number one driving distraction (Cell Phone). Texting while driving has not really been a big concern until recently. Law enforcement have realized that the percentage of texting and driving accident have risen over the past years. Texting while driving has been getting ignored but now it’s time to bring it to the light to save some lives. Texting while driving is the #1 wrong thing to do while driving than anything else (Cell Phone). Teenagers do not realize how dangerous texting and driving is; it can cause injuries, distractions, and even deaths. Texting while driving is a growing trend, and a national epidemic, quickly becoming one of the country’s top killers (Distracted Driving Laws). Every year there are one million six hundred thousand, accidents per year and of those accidents there are three hundred thirsty thousand, injuries per year (Distracted Driving Laws). Eleven teen deaths every day due to texting while driving (Distracted Driving Laws). Nearly twenty-five percent of all car accidents are due texting while driving (Distracted Driving Laws). Texting while driving is about six times more likely to cause an accident than driving intoxicated (Distracted Driving Laws). Texting while driving is the same as driving after four beers (Distracted Driving Laws). Texting while driving takes away your attention for five seconds...
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...the phone. I know how dangerous calling and driving can be. I was in a car accident that happened, because the other person was talking on the phone. I know how dangerous calling and driving can be. People are putting only their own lives in jeopardy, in their cars when they are texting and driving at the same time, breaking the law, while bringing phones into their cars and missing the beautiful scenery outside of their windows. Cell phones should be used while people are driving. Furthermore, while this claim seems initially plausible, it doesn't realize that many key points are left out. Cell Phones should not be used while people are driving. People have more...
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...Penny Harris September 22, 2014 DRE-098 Distracted while driving Do you drive distracted? Do you care more about that phone call or text? Or what about that conversation or laughter in the backseat? A lot of people don't realize how selfish they are to put there life at risk, and more importantly the other people in the car with them or innocent bystanders as well as people in the other vehicle. In 2009, The US National Highway Traffic Safety Administration reported the following, “almost 450,000 people were injured and 5,500 died in motor vehicle crashes in which distracted driving was a factor.” There are many things that can distract you while driving, let us examine why we should avoid them and a few of the main distractions while driving. The main causes of distracted driving our talking on the phone, texting while driving, as well as internal and external distractions. Talking on the phone or texting while driving I'll admit can be a great way to pass by time and get things done while driving, but is it safe? According to Virginia Tech Transportation Institutes (VTTI), “laboratory and naturalistic studies showed that talking on a cell phone raises the risk of collision by more than 30%.” Alternatively texting can be just as dangerous if not more dangerous because you take your eyes off the road to look down to text as well as thinking about the conversation. Virginia Tech Transportation Institute (VTTI) has stated the following on the subject, “For example, studies...
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...Thomas J kingsly Student ID: AC150526 Course No. SP180.1.2 – Principles of Public Speaking Lesson No. 6 – Persuasive Speech Outline Dec 28th, 2015 TITLE: WHY BANNING THE USE OF CELL PHONES WHILE DRIVING SHOULD BE MANDATORY NATIONWIDE I. A. General Purpose To convince my audience that cell phone usage while driving should be banned nationwide. B. Specific Purpose To inform the audience of the significant danger of using a cell phone while driving, and convey the importance of “getting the word out” to enact both individual and societal change, nationwide. C. Central idea The use of a cell phone or other mobile device while operating an automobile always results in a distracted driver, which in turn has been seen to cause serious accidents, including many fatalities. These tragedies are entirely preventable, as virtually no phone call or text is so urgent that the driver doesn’t have time to pull over – or have another passenger operate the mobile device. II. Introduction 72% of drivers with cell phones report that they use them to talk or to text while driving. They are aware of the many dangerous situations and also know that it is illegal, but in most cases, discount it. A. Key point #1: Society’s reliance on cell phones. B. Key point #2: What is a distracted driver? C. Key point #3: What does it take to enforce the laws, consistently, from state-to-state? III. Body of the Presentation A. Key Point #1: Cell phones are as common and familiar...
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...Criminal Law August 12, 2013 Texting and Driving: It Can Wait Leslee’s life changed forever on March 4th. Leslee Henson and her husband David were involved in a terrible pedestrian-motor accident. They were not driving a car; they were simply going for a walk on a Monday morning in their neighborhood when tragedy struck. The motorist that was guilty of texting, rear ended another vehicle that struck the pedestrians. David shielded his wife, Leslee and took the death for her. In other words, he pushed her out of the way and he died while she survived and has to endure more than 5,000 stitches and staples on her head and neck. Bones in Leslee’s neck and back were broken. She had bleeding in her brain. Her shoulder was injured. The woman that caused the accident was 50 years old, late for work and was texting with her head down. In addition to all these factors, she did not have insurance which leaves Leslee with the medical bills. The car that she rear ended was being driven by a man named Fred, who witnessed David pushing his wife out the way and taking the blow for her. 1 So many individuals’ lives will never be the same because that lady chose to send a text. It has not been revealed what the message entailed but if it was that pertinent, than as a mature person she should have pulled over and taken precautionary measures. David was an amazing father, husband, uncle, and grandfather to 10 darling grand kids. Leslee did go home, two and a half weeks after the accident...
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...We live in a world where people frequently try to multitask, figuring they can accomplish more this way. Often, multitasking is harmless. Some tasks, such as driving, though, require your full attention. Multitasking while driving equals distracted driving and should be avoided. Cell Phones In Illinois, as with most states, texting and driving is illegal. Along with that, hand-held cell phone use while driving is banned in our state, and it is illegal for drivers under 19 to use a cell phone at all (except in an emergency) while driving. While hands-free devices can be used in Illinois, they can also cause a distraction. When possible, avoid using your phone at all while driving. If you know that you will be distracted by it, turn it off...
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...would think that drinking and driving is the biggest distraction among drivers, but drinking and driving is the second biggest distraction. According to textinganddrivesafetly.com, "The biggest distraction among drivers is texting."(textinganddrivesafetly.com) Even though drinking and driving is not the biggest distraction, drinking and driving has a punishment much worse that texting and driving. According to Rich Stim, "Getting caught drinking and driving will cost thousands of dollars."(Stim) Rich Stim also said, "Getting caught texting and driving will cost a couple hundred dollars."(Stim) The same law should apply to texting and driving as drinking and driving. The same law should apply because texting and driving distracts...
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...Distracted driving is the number one cause of traffic accidents in the United States. People are dying everyday because people can not stay off their phones. At this point people should realize how big of a problem and how dangerous distracted driving is. However, people will still find the time to get distracted while their behind the wheel, putting himself and other in the path of destruction. That's why Stronger laws should be enforced for distracted driving. Distracted driving is an activity that could divert a person's attention away from the primary task of driving. All distractions endanger the driver, passenger, and bystander safety. There are many things that qualify as distracted driving but texting and driving is the leading cause of traffic accidents in the United States. Texting while driving kills more than three thousand people every day! In a recent survey ninety percent of motorist said that they know the dangers of texting and...
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...Texting While Driving When sending a text message while you are driving your eyes leave the road for an average of 5 seconds (stoptextsstopwrecks.org). It may not seem like much time, but a lot can happen in that small amount of time. In five seconds a car can travel the distance of a football field. In five seconds a small child can run out into the street to grab their toy as you back out of your driveway. Since they were first introduced, texting while driving has become an extreme problem in the United States, and it is getting worse year by year. But this doesn’t have to continue. Texting while driving should be illegal because it is a highly dangerous action, and by illegalizing it, it’ll bring the world one more step closer to being a safer place. In the book Cell Phones and Driving it stated, "6,000 people die a year due to drivers who are distracted by phones. That’s one hundred and sixty five people in one day, or another person every hour and a half …for example, the Virginia Tech Transportation Institute conducted a study of cell phone use in a moving vehicle and concluded that sending a text message while behind the wheel makes the risk of a driver getting into an accident 23.2 times higher than that of a non-distracted driver. When sending a text message, the driver looks away from the road for 4.6 seconds across a 6 second interval”(Kiesbye7-10). 6,000 is a very large number, especially when it’s placing a number on fatalities. And texting was the main...
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...Title: Texting and driving awareness week Name: Ashlee Young General Purpose: To persuade Specific Purpose: To persuade my audience to come together to get the university to have a week of based on raising the awareness of the dangers of texting while driving. Time: I. INTRODUCTION (Attention) A. Attention Material 1. We’ve all done it. Not on occasion but literally all the time. Once we get behind the wheel, start the car, start driving and have either received a text or sent a text while driving. B. Credibility 1. I have always wanted to raise awareness of the dangers of texting and driving. I have not had a personal experience with texting and driving but for those that have had a loved one harmed or had someone close to them die due to texting and driving may appreciate the university going out of its way to get the students aware of the harm we can do while texting and driving. C. Tie to the audience: 1. I think we should all join together to get the university to make an entire week to getting the students involved in making everyone aware of the harm that can be caused if we lose focus for 5 seconds to send a text that could wait. D. Thesis and Preview: 1. Thesis Statement – I want us all to come together to get the university on board with making a week solely dedicated to not texting while driving. They can’t say no to the entire student body. 2. First I would like to...
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...Distracted Driving Driving is a big responsibility on the road ways, “Each year, more than 100,000 crashes result in injury and death involve texting drivers”, (Overton, et al). Distracted driving, such as texting while behind the wheel, is a recurring issue within the United States. Distractions are anything that requires drivers to take their eyes off the road or hands off the wheel. Not everyone drives responsibly, and accidents can happen no matter how experienced the drivers are behind the wheel. Abiding by the rules and regulations are all based upon the driver and also based on the passengers to warn the driver to not drive distracted. Although people argue that laws currently in place are sufficient, distracted driving causes death and injuries, so stricter laws and new technology in cars that monitor device usage are necessary in order to reduce the number of accidents caused by distracted drivers....
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...Should texting and driving result in mandatory jail time? Texting and driving is has been a big issue for people, especially teens. In todays society were smartphones are constantly being checked at, driving can become a problem. People who are caught driving, using their smartphones, should result in mandatory jail time with car manufactures have developed technology to allow the drivers to focus on the roads while giving drivers accessibility to smartphones via Bluetooth or hands free devices there should be no excuses when one is caught. Texting and driving is a dangerous practice as is can lead to tickets, accidents and worst of all the loss of lives. When sending, reviewing or reading a text, on average, drivers are distracted for nearly 4.6 seconds. As it may not seem like a lot, this can leave for great room of error, causing either the driver too get a ticket, for speeding, rolling a stop sign or just not paying attention to their surroundings. If at fault, demerit points will be accounted towards the license of the driver, increasing insurance premiums. By keeping your eyes on the roads and hands on the wheels at all times while driving, this action can dramatically reduce the chances of one getting a criminal record. Texting and driving can easily cause an accident as drivers take their attention off the roads and are more focused on their smartphones.Losing focus on the road to call or text someone is a distraction and cause the driver to take his or her eyes off...
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...Evolution of Distracted Driving The problem of distracted driving is more common than operators like to admit and is a serious factor in automobile accidents and fatalities. With the advent of cellular telephones, distracted driving is coming more and more under scrutiny, but distracted driving dates back almost to the beginning of the automobile. In 1930, car radios were in question. Massachusetts and St. Louis proposed laws to ban radios while driving. According to historian Michael Lamm, “Opponents of car radios argued that they distracted drivers and caused accidents, that tuning them took a driver’s attention away from the road, and that music could lull a driver to sleep” (qtd. in DeMain). In a 1934 poll of New York Auto club members, 56 percent considered the car radio a “dangerous distraction.” However, the Radio Manufacturers Association recognized the potential benefits of the radio and defended keeping them for the purposes of informing drivers of bad road conditions, severe weather and helping sleepy drivers stay awake (qtd. in DeMain). Automobiles have changed greatly since their inception, including the interior accessories and instrumentation. Automobile manufacturers have not always taken into account the diminished vision of older drivers when designing labels for the interior accessories. This can lead to older drivers spending more time struggling to read the poorly labeled instruments instead of concentrating on the road. Many people use the car interior...
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...Hang Up: It’s Not Just Your Life Brad Gardner Michael Hunter ENG215 November 4, 2014 Hang up: It's not just your life Although it appears to be a common sense notion, the differences in laws and regulations regarding the use of mobile devices while driving are not the same from state to state. No one person is a better-distracted driver than the next and because of this, all states should have standardized policies regarding the use of mobile devices while driving. Every day we can make a change; make better choices, to make a difference in our lives and the lives of others. We can make a simple choice to hang up our cell phone before getting in our car and driving. We can choose not to accidently run over a young child walking across the street on their way to school due to the distraction of a cell phone. It sounds simple enough to do; yet, every second, someone decides to take that child's life. They decide that it is more important to answer their phone or reply to a text while driving over the wellbeing of others. Distracted driving and its repercussions have been a growing concern since the first-day drivers began using mobile devices. The first cellular phones became available for consumer use in the mid-80s. Widespread use was not marked for almost another decade. In the early 90s, less than 4.5 million people used cell phones. Over the last 15 or so years the population of cell phone users has spiked to over 230 million, according to statistics from the Insurance Information...
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...Since then cell phones, although useful, have become distractions for many Americans. They have distracted students from performing well on their school work and adults from the duties of their lives; however, cell phones have not distracted people more than when they are behind the wheel. On Automotive Forums it states, “Studies have found that texting while driving causes a 400% increase in time spent with eyes off the road” (Forums). When people text while driving, they focus more on their cell phones than they do on the road, which puts them and drivers around them at a greater risk for accidents. One author writes, “The new study, which entailed outfitting the cabs of long-haul trucks with video cameras over 18 months, found that when the drivers texted, their collision risk was 23 times greater than when not texting” (“AMERICAN SCIENTIST”). The risk drivers take when they distract themselves while driving is one Americans can live without, for it not only increases the risk of danger but it causes tragedies. There have been many known car crashes involving driver distractions. The Forums also express that “In 2008, 5,870 people were killed in crashes involving driver distraction (16% of total fatalities)” (Forums). The saddest part of these accidents is not only the death of victims but the fact that their deaths could have easily been avoided if the drivers had not distracted themselves. Americans need to take into consideration the danger they are not only putting themselves...
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