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Gettysburg Address Research Paper

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America’s Speech
“The world will little note, nor long remember, what we say here; but it can never forget what they did here” (Lincoln). When President Abraham Lincoln accepted the task of giving what would be his most famous speech, The Gettysburg Address, he certainly rose to the occasion. The speech was given on the heels of the bloodiest battle of the Civil War. The sixteenth president had been invited to give a speech at the dedication ceremony of the Gettysburg cemetery, in honor of the soldiers who perished during the battle at Gettysburg. Not only did he have the daunting task of presenting his speech after one of the greatest orators of the time, but also addressing thousands of people. The many manuscripts of the Gettysburg Address …show more content…
As a matter of fact, when Lincoln was given his original travel itinerary, he was concerned that he would not have adequate time to visit the battlefield; therefore, he insisted on a new schedule (Johnson 11). Moreover, contrary to many myths, the Gettysburg Address was not solely composed during his train ride to Gettysburg; however, the train trip served as great inspiration. “Like the nations story itself, Lincoln’s speech was a work in progress, even to the very moment of his presentation” (Johnson 65). Lincoln only had twenty-four hours from the time he left the White House until the time of his presentation at Gettysburg, and his speech was only half finished. Accompanying President Lincoln on the train were wounded soldiers, some of whom fought in the battle at Gettysburg. It was their presence that inspired Lincoln; he did not want to disappoint them (The Speech). In addition to drawing inspiration from the soldiers, Lincoln drew inspiration from his favorite document, the Declaration of Independence. Not only that, it was Lincoln’s dedication to the United States of America that ultimately lead him to give the best speech in our nation’s history. According to Douglas Wilson, “He [Lincoln] took the oath to preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution and that’s what he claimed he was always doing” (The

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