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Establis Medical Errors

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There are many cases of medical errors that happen all the time and sometimes they can cause permanent injury or even death. For example, there was a case of a seventeen-year-old girl named Jessica Santillan, who has been in the United States for three years seeking medical treatment for a serious life threatening heart condition. Jessica had a heart and lung transplant performed at Duke University Medical Center, but it didn’t go as planned. The surgeons of the procedure failed to check the blood type of the organ donor and it happened to not be compatible with Jessica’s blood type. Jessica had blood type O and her organ donor had blood type A, and this caused Jessica’s body to reject the organs given to her. This error should of been caught, especially since this is something that dozens of people are suppose to check, but didn’t. Two weeks after the accident, she received a second transplant but it was already too late. Jessica entered into a coma and suffered severe brain damage and was eventually declared brain dead and taken off life support. The hospital later stated that human error was to blame for her death. There are many other serious medical cases just like this one that can be prevented. It is important to …show more content…
People are dying from the system-wide failings and poorly coordinated care. Medical errors is an epidemic that has taken over and taking hundreds of thousands of lives every year. Medical errors can occur in almost any healthcare setting including hospitals, clinics, surgery centers, medical offices, nursing homes, pharmacies, and patients’ homes. Medical errors can be defined as lapses in judgement, skill or coordination of care; mistaken diagnosis; system failures that lead to patient deaths or the failure to rescue dying patients, and preventable complications of care (U.S.

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