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Ginsberg's It Occurs To Me That I Am America

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The main reason for Ginsberg writing this poem is disagreement with his country's political and social views at that time. Ginsberg raised American poetry to a new level. He was not afraid to be different from other authers of that time. He revealed to the public all the bad sides of his country and encourage people to change it. The author ponders of the modern American life. He thinks of America's past and future. Ginsberg feels bitterness, pain and resentment over the country and the people.
Ginsberg applies the principle of "listing" by which tried to fix subtle apprehension, sensations and emotions. He expressed the pain of loss and outrage on behalf of the American people. "I haven't read the newspapers for months, everyday somebody goes on trial for murder".
"Your machinery is too much for me". The author states that "I'm sick of your insane demands". The inner world of the main hero is opposed to the indifferent and cynical outside world. However, in the same time, he expresses its blood relationship with his country. "It occurs to me that I am America". …show more content…
"America I've given you all and now I'm nothing". It is sounds like he is about to give up; however, Ginsberg was not indifferent to the events which were going on in the world around him such as the war, especially, if this war was started by the country he lives in. "America when will we end the human war?" He is blaming America for the bloodshed of innocent people. As much as he accuse America of all these crimes he is also tries to find a justification of this events. "America you don're really want to go to war. / America it's them bad Russians. / Them Russians them Russians and them

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