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Gifted-Talented Club

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We the Gifted and Talented Students of Byron Nelson High School, aim to form a more perfect Gifted and Talented Student Organization, establish a stress-free environment for the general well-being of the students, promote creativity and the unique minds of students, provide students with a getaway from the stresses and anxiety of school and school-related activities, do ordain and establish this constitution for the Gifted and Talented Club of Byron Nelson High School.

Article I: Name
The name of this organization shall be the Gifted and Talented Club.
Article II: Purpose and Objectives
The common purpose and objectives of the Gifted and Talented Club shall be:
To provide students with a getaway from the stresses and anxiety of school and …show more content…
Article IV: Membership
Membership to the club is limited only to:
Students who have been in a GT program in grade levels 1-5, a GT ELA class in grade levels 6-8, and/or GT English I or II.
Students that have been tested to be placed in a GT program at school and passed but never were placed in the program.
Any NISD staff/faculty member who has been GT certified in the past or present.
All applicants must have the written and/or auditory proof from a peer that they have met the requirements noted in Section A of Article IV.
As long as the student meets the requirements in Section A of Article IV, they are subject to nondiscrimination where they will not be judged based on race, religion, and sexual orientation.
Members are subject to expulsion if they violate any unsatisfactory rules in the NISD Student Handbook and Code of Conduct and/or prohibits club functions and operations from functioning properly repeatedly.
All members have the right to be involved in all activities during and after school hours and to attend all gathering held by the …show more content…
They shall only be held for the positions of Historian, Secretary, and Treasurer. The positions of President and Vice President shall take place at the beginning of every two years and only be held by upperclassmen.
Only active members of the club may vote for each position.
Each seat is won by majority vote and if there is a tie, it shall come down to the flip of a coin to decide who shall win.
Notice of the election will take place two weeks after school starts to give the candidates time to advertise for their campaign to all members of the club.
Article VIII: Meetings
Regular meeting of the Gifted and Talented club shall be held once every week during the school year excluding finals week and the first week of school.
Special meetings such as ones outside of school will happen at a maximum of once per month and will occur on a basis where the club members are notified in a meeting two weeks in advance.
A quorum shall consist of ten people at the time of a election and normal meetings for them to be valid.
Article IX: Advisor(s)
There shall be a faculty/staff advisor who will be selected each year by the membership.
The responsibilities of the faculty/staff advisor are

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