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How Fitness Affects Overall Health

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How Does Fitness Affect a Person's Overall Health Fitness is not just exercising, it is also about eating healthy, too. The point of this research project is to inform others what happens to their body when they are exercising. Another point of this research project is to inform people about the beneficial aspect of good eating habits. Fitness should be a huge aspect of everyone's life.

What is Fitness? It is the condition of being physically fit and healthy. It is defined as "a set of attributes that people have or achieve that relates to the ability to perform physical activity." It goes beyond running and lifting heavy weights at the gym. Eating healthy is a also a huge part of being healthy and fit (Newman).

2) How does …show more content…
Studies have shown most people who eat fresh fruit and vegetables or fruit juice every day have less of a chance of having a mental health disorder. Those who report to have mental health problems also eat fewer healthy foods (Diet and Mental Health).

8) Why is sleep important for a person's health? Getting enough sleep can protect mental health, physical health, quality of life and safety. During sleep, the body is working to support healthy brain function and maintain physical health. The damage from not getting enough sleep can occur in an instant (such as a car crash). It also affects how well a person thinks, reacts, works, learns, and gets along with others. Sleep deficiency can also be linked to depression, suicide, and risk-taking behavior (Why Is Sleep Important?).

9) What does getting enough sleep affect a person's physical health? Sleep is involved in healing and repairing of the heart and blood vessels. If a person is sleep deprived, it is linked to many diseases such as: risk of heart disease, kidney disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, and stroke. It also increases the risk of obesity. Every hour of sleep lost, the odds of becoming obese increases. The immune system depends on sleep to stay healthy (Why Is Sleep

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