...Caroline Myss once said “Always go with the choice that scares you the most, because that is the one that is going to help you grow.” Life is scary itself. As you get older you experience many things throughout life and wonder why things happen. Everyday we are judged for being ourselves; having a loud laugh, not fashionable, etc. We live in a free country, but yet we get judged by our actions on the daily. We should be able to express ourselves and not worry about the others judging us. Communicating to each other and a little bit of humor wouldn't hurt every once in a while would it? “The land of the free and home to the brave.” I am very thankful to call the United States my home. It gives many races a chance to better themselves, and also a better life. I am so gratified that I am able to go to school and get the education I need. It's not everyday you hear that, but what if we lived in a country like China, that picked what you did? Our government would be extremely strict on everything we did, and we wouldn’t be able to do what we wanted as individuals. Think of things we wouldn't be able to do if we weren't a free country? I may not be able to give my opinion, hangout with my friends, or communicate with other individuals. It's the little things that matter....
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... * list A2 : achilles heel → alarm bells * list A3 : all along → all the rage * list A4 : all sizzle and no steak → apple of your eye * list A5 : (upset the) applecart → at all costs * list A6 : at this stage of the game → (have an) axe to grind * Alphabetical idioms - lists B : * list B1 : (leave someone holding the) baby → in bad shape * list B2 : badger someone → whole new ball game * list B3 : ballpark figure → battle lines are drawn * list B4 : battle of wills → beat a dead horse * list B5 : beat a hasty retreat → before your very eyes * list B6 : beggar can't be choosers → beside yourself * list B7 : best bet → beyond any reasonable doubt * list B8 : beyond one's wildest dreams → bite the bullet * list B9 : bite the dust → blamestorming * list B10 : blank cheque → blow away the cobwebs * list B11 : blow a fuse → above board * list B12 : in the same boat → bored to tears * list B13 : born with silver spoon in your mouth → all brawn no brain * list B14 : know which side your bread is buttered → a breeze * list B15 : bricks and mortar/bricks and clicks → pass the buck * list B16 : kick the bucket → burning question * list B17 : bury your head in the sand → by degrees * Alphabetical idioms - lists C : * list C1 : (in) cahoots with → burn the candle at both ends...
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...rise of the internet and the new marketing segment known as Generation Y. This group of young people takes more to trusting their friends and people in their inner circle, rather than mass media ads from people they do not know. It’s precisely because of this new marketing landscape that viral marketing – that is, getting your message across through word of mouth, is so important in today’s marketing mix. Nothing works better than getting your customers and fans to do the marketing for you – and it’s a lot cheaper than running the ads on television. The key to viral marketing is to tickle the consumer’s emotions and have them really move on the message. There’s a reason that “emotion” contains the word “motion,” and it’s when you get people’s emotions moving that viral marketing really comes to life. Viral Marketing has taken on many forms and faces over the years, but some of them work really well and others, not so much. Giving out Freebies The classic example of viral marketing is Hotmail.com. Hotmail, the first free e-mail provider, would give away free email accounts to people, and append in the signature of each email sent, “Go to Hotmail.com to get your free email.” The word “free” is such a powerful word and it just catches consumer attention like no other. The Hotmail formula had everything to make the viral marketing work: it was free, it was scalable from a few users to millions of users, and it used the work, effort and...
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...College “college” what easily come up to your mind when we hear this word there are so many neither things nor questions coming up to my mind. Questions that I do want to know the answers. When I reached one of the best things in my life being a teenager, I saw the best things in my life being a teenager, I saw that everything has changed. All are interesting and exciting to explore. There are several stages in tertiary level, first year or what we called freshmen, second year/sophomore third year/junior and the last one, fourth year or being a senior. I experience being a first year student and it was amazing, this time I am out the stage of second year level. I discovered a lot of things handsome boys pretty girls that I want to mingle with, kind of teachers and a wee known school, Lyceum of the Philippines University of Batangas (LPU-B) , but it’s not all I’d discover; the word “college “means a lot to every teenager like me. It’s funny to think that when you’re a teenager life is going on and on with every steps that you take in that journey, You might find yourself having close friend true friends best friends, whatever a person calls it. For an unexpected reason, you develop the strong love and bonding to each other, treating everyone as your one sister or your own brother. Although there are so many laughers to each of you, there might be hidden heart feelings because of some struggled words that you gave to your friends. But now, it’s already done with a smile in our faces...
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...‘The Impact of Technology on my Life’ Technology is so much apart of our lives that we could not imagine a life without it. Technology has helped create the world that we live in. The world is a different place than it used to be, even 40 years ago. The internet has been a huge advance. It has allowed people to become more educated than ever. Information is so accessible. As a student of fashion I find the internet a necessity. Fashion is never ending and there is always new information to discover. The internet is the only way to be up to date on the fashion world because it is so fast paced and changeable. I wouldn’t know half the things I do about the fashion world if it weren’t for the thousands of websites dedicated to it. As someone who wants to be involved in the world of fashion I need to be up to date with trends etc. and the best places to look are certain informative sites like Style.com and londonfashioweek.com. I need to know all the new look for each season and I need to be able to identify the designer who created those looks. The only way of keeping so update is by doing a daily or weekly search online for all the new trends and fashion news. Of course I’m not the only one who is learning things on a daily bases from websites. Millions of adults and students are learning new information or skills everyday online. We, as a population, are growing ever more intelligent and I think the internet has a lot to do with that. No one hands hand-written assignments...
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...For a Friend who helped me. A person who will listen and not condemn Someone on whom you can depend They will not flee when bad times are here Instead they will be there to lend an ear They will think of ways to make you smile So you can be happy for a while When times are good and happy there after They will be there to share the laughter Do not forget your friends at all For they pick you up when you fall Do not expect to just take and hold Give friendship back, it is pure gold. Remember As I walk through life, I look at all I have done. I had wandered aimlessly, And wondered what I have become. I have been through so much, It is amazing I made it through. The lessons I have learned I am shocked I pulled through. The times I wondered what life was all about. The trials experienced in life, Can make all the good come out. We try to make it day by day. Remembering what we were taught. Just remember some time to pray, It is important, We need it every day. Life can be short. Unexpected at that. We try to take its punches, Just hoping it won't break our back. Remember who you are, Who you want to become. Everything will fall into place, When the time comes. Don't forget I love you's, Every chance you get. The time may be short, There is no time to regret. Life can be exciting, As we all have found out. Eventful, even busy there is no time to be left out. Remember who you are, And who you want to become. The time...
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...SUCCESS QUOTES Your Ultimate Inspirational Guide By Patric Chan “Enrich Your Mind, Unleash Your Potential. Success Begins Within You.” http://www.esuccessmastery.com * Anthony Robbins * Dale Carnegie * Dr. Stephen Covey * Brian Tracy * Jim Rohn * * Napoleon Hill * Mark Victor Hansen * Robert Kiyosaki * Brought to you by : Noel Hynes http://ebookdirectory.com Congratulations on taking the first step toward achieving success!! Why I wrote and compiled this ebook ... Because I know how you feel. The burning desire for success and the determination you have to achieve it. The rich knowledge and resources provided in this ebook had been read personally by me, and I had benefited from it. I guess, all the featured successful men in the ebook don’t have to be introduced anymore as I’ll assume that you would have heard of them. If you do not know about them yet, just type their name in the search engine and you will find them. I will only recommend authors and coaches whom I know from my personal experience who are successful and inspirational. If you sell the product in which you believe in or you have benefited from personally, you will be a very successful person. I’ll always prefer to promote the products/services that I had used, reviewed, joined or read before. We live in abundance of wealth today. There is no limit to our earnings; we have the capacity to earn extraordinary income if we are determined to achieve it. What is most important is how we deliver our...
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...My Talking Angela Cheats, Tips & Hack for Diamonds & Coins My Talking Angela is a free app game aimed at children created by Outfit7 Limited that allows your child to create a virtual pet kitten, which is aptly named Angela. Specifications You can my My Talking Angela on both iOS and Android, although each different Operating System has different requirements needed to run the game. If you are going to play the game through Apple iOS, you will need iOS 6.0 or later. This game is compatible with iPhone, iPod Touch, and iPad, and is 88.3 MB. The current version of this game is at 1.2, so it’s still a relatively new game out on the market. You can get the game in English but it also comes in Arabic, Chinese, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Ko, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, and Turkish. If you want to play My Talking Angela on Android, then you will need Android version 4.0.3 or later and it takes 65 MB of room. This game is currently on version 1.2.1 and is rated for everyone, although it’s aimed at kids. Whether you are going with iOS or Android, there are quite a few in-app purchases you can make, which can add up to a lot of money if you don’t have access to that restricted from your children. In-App Purchases While on the subject of in-app purchases, it might be a very good idea to disable in-app purchases on this game. There are a lot of subtle persuasions within the game to try and get you to purchase extra items, such as diamonds, and some of this persuasion...
Words: 2015 - Pages: 9
...Meaningful Journey of a Wondrous Reality “it’s a never ending road… as long as you’re taking one step at a time in the right direction, the distance you’ve covered is not important.” Have you ever thought of your purpose? Do you believe that your life is already planned for something? We all have options; either choose what’s planned of select our desired life. Would you dare to fight for your own interest or let yourself run with the flow to the plot that God made for you? What does life means to you? For me, it is a battle, a mystery, a journey ‘til we reach the planned destiny. Before we became humans, we already encountered victory! We’d fought to a battle of not just one to one, but one to a million. We succeeded! We won! Our everyday is always a blessing and brand new. We cannot exactly predict our life tomorrow. What we do today is not the definite revelation of what we are going to be in the future. While on the road, walking, I saw a kid playing, a man trembling, a lady smoking, a couple quarreling. Different faces, people, scenarios. Some of them lie on a space covered by dark melancholy that dooms the hope of light to appear and set them free. They choose it! After seeing them, I nodded, I reflected and realized how my life would be, when like them, I’m blind too. I continue walking ‘til I reached the road of meeting someone; a man with tears and smile. I paused and came to know him. His name is Dr. Rahul Sima, a surgeon. He was born on the 26th of...
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..."It's a common belief that positive thinking leads to a happier, healthier life. As children we are told to smile, be cheerful, and put on a happy face. As adults we are told to look on the bright side, to make lemonade, and see glasses as half full. Sometimes reality can get in the way of our ability to act the happy part though. Your hope can fail, boyfriends can cheat, friends can disappoint. It's in these moments, when you just want to get real, drop the act, and be your true scared unhappy self." -Meredith Grey "No matter how thick skinned we try to be, there's millions of electrifying nerve endings in there opened and exposed and feeling way too much. Try as we might to keep from feeling pain, sometimes it's just unavoidable. Sometimes that's the only thing left." -Meredith Grey "You never know the biggest day of your life is the biggest day. Not until it's happening. You don't recognize the biggest day of your life, not until you're right in the middle of it. The day you commit to something or someone. The day you get your heart broken. The day you meet your soul mate. The day you realize there's not enough time, because you wanna live forever. Those are the biggest days. The perfect days." -Isobel "Izzie" Stevens "Change, we don't like it, we fear it, but we can't stop it from coming. We either adapt to change or we get left behind. And it hurts to grow, anybody who tells you it doesn't is lying. But here's the truth: the more things change, the more...
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...all know, Francis Bacon, an important figure of the English Renaissance, is a well-known as a writer, and philosopher. Of Marriage and Single Life analyzes and compares marriage with single life in different aspects, such as characters, public service and personal qualities. The essay depicts the benefits and the drawbacks of life as a single male and a married male possibly with children. Bacon explains that marriage is good for the individual but also for society. He also states that wife and children are a liability and only take back from obtaining wealth. A single man believes that a man with wife and children, who are obstacles to both great courses and little trivial, is the slave of fortune. Bacon presents the merits and demerits of married life and single life in his essay, “Of Marriage and Single Life” According to the essay children are the bills of charges and will reduce their riches. And beyond that being single means that you are free, but having a wife and children are reasons you a man is shackled. However, a single life has some good aspects. “Unmarried men are best friends, best masters, and best servants. In this portion of the essay, Bacon boasts about the fact that a free man gives back to society in a sense. He states that when you don’t have children and a wife to look after you have more time to give back to your community. This is simple logic that expresses what kind of write Bacon was. He states that without the distraction of both wife and children...
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...drastically. Within 6 years Facebook has reached 1+ billion users milestone. Nowadays Facebook has become very important part of our life. It is helping us in many ways and also harming us in other ways. In this Article I will give you a very long list of advantages and disadvantages of Facebook. Facebook shirts T SHIRT 2 XL facebook face book Your Face 3 Million Dislike 2XL 2X EXTRA LARGE Current Bid: $8.00 Advantages of Using Facebook # Facebook is free and it's one of the best medium for communication. # With the help of Facebook you can connect to different people from anywhere in the world because almost every people around the world use Facebook . This gives us the opportunity to know more about their custom and tradition,culture, religion etc. # Facebook is best for finding Old friends. When a friend goes away to any other place, we often don't get the chance to communicate with him or her. But now Facebook gives us the opportunity to communicate with our Old friend very easily without any cost. # We can share our feelings an what's happening around in our daily life through Facebook. We can also get feedback from our friends about their reaction toward your feelings. It is the best medium to share your feelings and thoughts with others. # Facebook has good privacy setting which gives you the option to customize according to your wish. # Facebook Fan pages , groups , events etc are getting popular day by day. You can use these Fan pages & groups for promotional...
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...Everyone makes mistakes, whether big or small. That’s why no one’s perfect. We all learn from something – by observing, listening, asking. Sometimes, we learn from others’s mistakes. But other times, we find ourselves confronted with the consequences brought about by our own mistakes. Whether done intentionally or unintentionally, mistakes are mistakes. And as we are human beings, we have no power to press rewind and do things over. It’s done, it’s there, we have to deal with it – that’s life. I would like to thank you because : For the new experiences and adventures we gained from traveling For the stories we shared simply because we needed someone to talk to, For the mistakes we made that got us into trouble but made us closer, For the disagreements that helped us accept each other for who we really are, For the laughter and smiles we shared, For the times we helped each other out, For the nights we watched movies or series together, For the pictures we took together… The past will always be a part of our lives we can’t control. It’s done. Whatever happened, happened. Whoever came and stayed, stayed; and the others, well maybe they just weren’t meant to make it to the present. But who knows about the future, right? I’ve realized not too long ago that I’ve been trapping myself in the past, comparing whatever happens to what already happened. And by doing so, I’ve unconsciously been restricting myself of enjoying what I have now. The habit to compare the past to...
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...be fun. You might enjoy reversing the obvious roles – let the teenager play the friend while the parent plays the teen. The point here isn't only to prepare for these particular scenarios; It's also to get parents and teens talking about an often hard-to-discuss subject: teen drug abuse. Together, you might come up with some interesting solutions – and maybe understand each other a little better. Medicine Cabinet A friend is at your house and wants you to steal some cough medicine from your medicine cabinet. ''Your parents will never notice,'' she says. Some things you might say: • ''I can’t stand the taste of cough syrup. It's disgusting.'' • ''My parents will notice. They told me that they keep an eye on all the drugs in the medicine cabinet.'' • ''Nope. Taking a lot of that will just make you throw up.'' Drunk Driver You're at a party and the friend who was supposed to give you a ride home is drunk or high on drugs. She insists that she's fine and tells you to get in. You know that getting in the car with her would put your life at risk – and hers -- but you don't want to make a big scene. Some things you could say: • ''Since I'm sober, just let me drive.'' • ''Let me see if someone else is here who hasn't been drinking and could give us a ride.'' • ''You're too drunk right now. Let's walk for a while and talk – we can figure out how to get home later.'' Free Period During a free period, a guy or girl you like suggests that you...
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...How much quality time have you spent with your friends or family this week? Not much, right? Most of your time is “spent”, or should I say, wasted, on technology. Technology has been extremely overused since it’s so reliable. If you need anything it is there to help. However the over usage of it prevents us from having intimate relationships with people and can cause us to get injured. “Screen Free Week” is an event in which people all around the world try to give up their devices for a week. We too should participate in the “Shut Down Your Screen Week” because during that week it will have a positive effect in our daily lives. The use of technology has severed our ties with people we cherish. Whenever we’re spending time in front of a screen, it distracts us from the fact that we could be using that same time with our family and friends. In the article “Social Media as Community,” it states that studies have shown that Americans today have fewer close relationships that they did twenty years ago. Our technology could have caused our personal relationships to be more distant and less...
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