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Gladiator Research Paper

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Everything you need to know about Gladiators

A gladiator was a professional fighter who fought in arenas for entertainment. They specialised with weapons and fought in a arena with animals or other human beings. Most of the time a fight ended with a death. All the killing made gladiators have a very short life expectancy. The job of a gladiator was a very popular one.

The Romans got the idea of Gladiators from Italy. Italy would organise gladiatorial like games. The Etruscans would make these game contests with fights to the death but it had a certain religious sigificance. The first gladiator contest was to ccommemorate the death of a father.

The life of a Gladiator was strict and harsh mainly for new recruits. The new recruits were taken out of slavery or jail or sometimes were even prinsoners of war. They were forced into life as a gladitor and were sentenced to either be Executed or die as a Gladitor. They had no freedom as a gladitor and they had no choice. …show more content…
If he was very strong like being able to wear heavy armor or hold a heavy sword he would most likely be put in a different class than people who can only wear light armor. Most people that were forced to go to the school came from different backrounds so they were called Thracians, Gallus, and Samnites. Some became Beast Fighters while other became Net Fighters. Most of the trainers were retired gladitors and were specified in different styles of

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