...Chapter 1 INTRODUCTION: GLOBALIZATION AND INTERNATIONAL TRADE We live in a world that is highly interconnected by a bewildering array of complex economic transactions, social and environmental problems, and international political collaborations and conflicts. Examples from global economics are found in the news everyday. A decision by American policymakers to subsidize the production of ethanol, a form of gasoline containing an additive produced from corn, is seen by many as a key reason that grain prices are high around the world. The spectacular emergence of China as a major exporter of manufactured goods has affected wages in both rich and poor countries. As large corporations, such as Microsoft, Intel, Toyota, General Electric, and Siemens have expanded their investments in affiliates in many nations around the world, they have built global production networks that share technological knowledge across locations to produce increasingly complex goods that could be sold anywhere. Today, a major cultural product, such as a Hollywood movie or a jazz band’s latest compact disk, is likely to employ creative personnel from around the world, with various components of the product recorded, mixed or edited in different locations. The importance of international connections in trade, investment, and skilled services can be illustrated by considering the apparently simple act of making and bringing to market an item of apparel, say a fashionable woolen men’s suit. The initial task...
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...ACADEMIA DE STUDII ECONOMICE FACULTATEA DE MARKETING TEMA GEOGRAFIE AMERICA DE NORD SI CENTRALA BUCURESTI 2011 America de Nord si Centrala, Resurse naturale si economia, Suprafata, populatie, capitala America de Nord si Centrala Specific geografic si cadru natural Cea mai mare parte din teritoriul sau se extinde in latitudini medii cu o remarcabila parte in Oceanul Arctic.Continentul se extinde de la est spre vest pe aproape 176o longitudine si de la nord la sud pe 69o latitudine.America de Nord este scaldata la nord de Oceanul Arctic, la est de Oceanul Atlantic, la sud de Golful Mexic si la vest de Oceanul Pacific. Suprafata continentlui e de aproape 23,5 mil km2 .Conturul Americii de nord si centrala este extrem de neregulat.Continentul are 3 mari golfuri : Hudson Bay, Golful Mexic, Golful Alaska. In nord se formeaza 2 mari peninsule,Labrador si Alaska si un imens arhipelag, Arhipelagul Arctic Canadian, principalele insule fiind Baffin, Victoria si Ellesmere.O alta insula importanta Newfoundland se afla in sud-estul peninsulei Labrador.Dar cea mai mare insula din regiune si totodata de pe intreaga planeta este Groenlanda care are o suprafata de peste 2000000 km2 . America Centrala constituie de fapt o legatura istmica si insulara intre America de Nord si America de Sud.Insulele din America Centrala sunt in general muntoase si vulcanice si grupate in 2 arhipelaguri : Antilele Mari(Cuba,Haiti,Puerto Rico,Jamaica) si Antilele Mici (Virgine,Dominica,Grenada,Barbados...
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...The job of the small intestine is to break down foods using enzymes which are released by the bile from the liver and the pancreases. Bile is made in the liver and is stored in the gallbladder between meals. It is an important part of the digestive system because it helps to digest fats. In the guts, fats exist as large globs that cannot be absorbed. To prepare the fats for absorption they must be broken down into component parts. An enzyme called lipase breaks down the large fat globs. This means that globs have a lot of fat into hem but not much surface for lipids to work on. This is when bile comes in to help digest...
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...177 Global Journal of Medicinal Plant Research, 1(2): 177-183, 2013 ISSN 2074-0883 Assessment of the safety of tawa-tawa (Euphorbia hirta L.) decoction as alternative folkloric medicine 1 Sharon Rose M. Tabugo, 1Rolliebert B. Rampola, 2Edgar Vasallo Jr., 1Ma. Reina Suzette B. Madamba Department of Biological Sciences, College of Science and Mathematics, MSU-Iligan Institute of Technology, Iligan City; 2 Capitol University, Cagayan de Oro City ABSTRACT Euphorbia hirta L., plant is a pantropic weed, widely distributed in the Philippines. Folkloric use of tawatawa (E. hirta L.), as alternative treatment and prevention for various ailments has been promoted and patronized due to the increasing trend in the quest for inexpensive alternative medicines compared to commercial drugs. Nowadays, the traditional decoction preparation has been widely used however, the safety of its oral use against normal microflora, is still ambiguous despite traditional practice hence, this study. The disc diffusion method was used to determine the antibacterial activity against gram positive and gram negative bacteria (standard strains and clinical isolates). Antibacterial activity was tested on E. coli, S. aureus, B. subtilis and P. aeruginosa. Results show that there was no formation of any zone of inhibition as observed after 24 hrs. Thus, this justifies the traditional use of the plant as decoction treatment for various ailments. Various concentrations of crude extracts diluted in distilled...
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...Title:How to script: A Bash crash course; An easy step-by-step guide to the Bash command-line shell and shell scripting Author(s):Paul Venezia Source:InfoWorld.com. (Mar. 8, 2013): Document Type:Article Copyright : COPYRIGHT 2013 InfoWorld Media Group, Inc. http://www.infoworld.com/ Full Text: Byline: Paul Venezia Few aspects of Unix system administration are more intimate than the relationship between the admin and their chosen shell. After all, the shell is the most fundamental interface to the system, the conduit for all command-line interactions. Thus, it's important to have a solid foundation in whatever shell you choose. There are many different shells available, from Ash to Zsh. They all differ in many ways, and some (such as Csh and Tcsh) vary wildly from the others. Each has its selling points. However, because Bash has become the de-facto standard shell on most Unix-like operating systems and can generally be found everywhere, it makes an excellent place to start, even if you ultimately choose a different shell for daily use. [ How to get started with MySQL | How to install Apache on Linux | Prove your expertise with the free OS in InfoWorld's Linux admin IQ test round 1 and round 2. | Track the latest trends in open source with InfoWorld's Open Sources blog and Technology: Open Source newsletter. ] This is not designed to be an exhaustive tutorial, but is structured to introduce you to shells in general and Bash in particular, touching on many...
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...DOCUMENT DE RÉFÉRENCE 2014 179,8 179,8 Chiffre d'affaires 2014 par zone géographique Effectif 2013 par méti CHIFFRE D’AFFAIRES AJUSTÉ PAR ZONE GÉOGRAPHIQUE 2012 2013 2012 2014 2013 2014 2012 Reste du Monde 9,6 % Royaume-Uni 11,8 % Asie-Pacifique 23,3 % CHIFFRE D’AFFAIRES AJUSTÉ PAR ACTIVITÉ Administration et informatique 16% Vente et Marketing 19% * Hors France et Royaume-Uni Marge opérationnelle 2014 par activité Marge opérationnelle 2014 par activité 2 813,3 Chiffre d'affaires 2014 par zone géographique 2 676,2 2 813,3 602,2 623,6 Femmes 54% 602,2 Rest of the World 9.6% 45,3% Transport Affichage Affichage 439,0 1 012,5 38,6% 1 014,0 37,9% 1 078,8 38,6% 1 014,0 37,9% 1 078,8 38,4% 16,7% 439,0 2012 458,8 16,7% 470,3 17,6% 458,8 16,3% 470,3 17,6% 2012 2013 2013 2014 623,6 630,0 Mobilier Urbain Europe* 374,9 Mobilier Urbain 27.2% 374,9 62,3% 391,0 62,7% 408,0 62,3% 391,0 62,7% 408,0 64,8% 64,8% 170,6 28,3% 170,2 27,3% 175,7 28,3% 170,2 27,3% 175,7 27,9% 27,9% 9,4% 62,4 10,0% 46,3 62,4 10,0% 46,3 7,3% 7,3% 38,4% 16,3% Transport 170,6 Asia-Pacific 23.3% Transport Affichage 56,7 Affichage Le chiffre d’affaires ajusté du Mobilier Urbain s’établit à 1 275,7 millions d’euros, en augmentation de 7,0 %. A périmètre et taux de change constants, la croissance est de 4,3 %. 9,4% 2012 2014 En 2014...
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...Summary: This is a big game, and requires an iPhone 3GS or newer or a 3rd gen iPod Touch or newer. It must be downloaded over a Wi-Fi connection.Beautiful and surprising, the millions of Goo Balls who live in the World of Goo are curious to explore - but they don't know that they are in a game, or that they are extremely delicious. This is the FULL award winning game, now on iPhone and iPod Touch. Drag and drop living, squirming, talking, globs of goo to build structures, bridges, cannonballs, zeppelins, and giant tongues. Mysterious Levels - Each level is strange and dangerously beautiful, introducing new puzzles, areas, and the creatures that live in them. World of Goo Balls - Along the way, undiscovered new species of Goo Ball, each with unique abilities, come together to ooze through reluctant tales of discovery, love, conspiracy, beauty, electric power, and the third dimension. The Sign Painter - Someone is watching you. World of Goo Corporation - Congratulations! World of Goo Corporation is the Global Leader in Goo and Goo Related Product, including World of Goo Corporation Trademark Brand Soft Drink Beverage and World of Goo Corporation Trademark Brand Facial Exfoliating Lotion. Succulent! Massive Online Competition - Human players around the world compete in a living leaderboard to build the tallest towers of goo in World of Goo Corporation's mysterious sandbox. World of Goo Corporation is contractually obligated to state that everyone is a winner and is enthusiastic to...
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...Title: Where do I see myself in 10 years. Where do I see myself in 10 years time? Well, I’m sure majority of the people would have already plan their future though some of them can be ignorant about this. Nevertheless, it is a noteworthy subject to talk on. According to my working plan in 10 years time, I would see myself as a senior software engineer working for IBM,Korea. I had planned that I would start off working internship for IBM,Malaysia. I will gain trust of company and join the business trip for extra experience. In a way I can also travel around the glob,well at least some parts of the world and learn about the culture there while working. Then, I would apply for transfer to IBM,Korea and work there permenantly. By the age of 25 or 26, I want to get married and have a dreamy honeymoon holiday in Sanctuary Villa, Parrot Cay, Turks and Caicos Island. This villa is one of the most private resorts where there is private beach and the best getaway that anyone can ever hope for. After a year later, I hope get a baby. I don’t mind the gender. Last but not least, I want to be able to create and master all potato recipies. It might sound absurd but potato is one of them main cooking ingrediant I want to work with. In conclusion, not everything goes according to plan but there’s no harm thinking of it...
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...Abstract Expressionism was a movement in painting and art history. The lecturer explains that the painter Jackson Bullock like other forms of art painters has self-expression serves qualities of art paints and he was one of greatest American artists. He used several painting methods. The first area of dispute is abstract expressionism valued the act of painting itself and called action painting because of accidents and discoveries that can occur during the process of painting. According to the professor the painter Jackson Bullock had influential process of creation active painting that’s led to term action painting and he was working around painting in all four sides, he made the canvas dance in painting. However, this directly contradicts...
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...INTRODUCTION In history technology has developed over time with the evolution of man. The developments in technology are as a result of the need by man to fulfill some of his needs such as protection, find food, entertainment and to gain wealth among others. History of development in technology is the systematic advancements of techniques for doing and making of things over time. In time the term technology has had various understanding to man. Technology by mid-century was defined using phrases like, “the means or activity by which man seeks to change or manipulate his environment.” Term technology, is coined from two Greek words, technē, “art, craft,” and logos, “word, speech,” which in Greece means discourse on both applied and fine art. Development of human kind as seen through the theory of evolution of man is categorized into three distinct periods, the stone age, bronze age and the iron age. The stone age shows primitive tools which with time into the bronze age tends to get more sophisticated and later become more complex seen in the iron age. The changes involved in technological advancements of early man is attributed to the change in their mental ability, the changes in social behavior. (Netzley, 1998) This paper focuses on the chronological advancements in technology through the three phases of human evolution and how it influenced their daily lives. It reviews in general the social conditions in these periods, the dominant materials used, the sources of energy...
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...Genet openly accepts his status as an “abject” of society; he displays a strange affection for the grotesque and disgusting which he also describes in lucid details. The “gaze” of society pressurizes societal norms and conventions into Genet. However, he takes great delight in poverty and revels in his own filth; he warmly embraces what society shuns such as the beggars and homosexual. Also, during his era of the 1930s where society is still mostly conservative, Genet’s homosexuality would probably be difficult for others to accept. Thus, clearly deviating away from society’s expectations and standards, Genet builds a strong identity as an “abject” and seemingly takes pride in it. He views what we would see repulsive as beautiful, from “globs of spit” to describing penises as one would an art piece. He challenges society’s perception of aesthetics and beauty with his unorthodox obsession with the revolting. For example, he describes how “live were precious” (Pg 26), how they “crushed them without disgust and without hatred”, and after that instead of disposing of their bodies “let them fall back into our (their) clothes”. This sort of behavior is a good example of what society greatly frowns upon and would not condone, yet Genet does not see anything wrong with it. An “abject”, to Genet, is not sub-human; it is instead something outside of human and what he identifies...
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...I was always jubilant: dancing--even though I had two left feet--singing--even though I was tone deaf--and painting--even though my art looked like globs. This all changed when I began high school. I was exhausted. Exhausted from neatly scribbling useless notes in my notebook. Drained from repeating our traditional tedious two-minute backhand and forehand drills for tennis. Jaded from being stranded in a small, sullen grey building with few to no windows to let in the sunshine. I needed some change, some glimmer of hope, something to revitalize me from this dying state of monotony. When the leaves darkened and the air chilled, I began interning at Riverside Physical Therapy. I was a dying plant slowly wilting away due to social and school...
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...1. Meursault is very aware of his surroundings during the vigil as demonstrated by his use of extremely descriptive details of the older men and women, as seen in this quote, “I saw them more clearly than I had ever seen anyone, and not one detail of their faces or their clothes escaped me” (9, 10). He noticed every little thing about them, their toothless mouths, their fat stomachs, and their nests of wrinkles. He thought they were judging him so he started picking out their flaws. 2. Meursault was unaware of his surroundings and what he was about to get himself into when walking down to the beach to escape the sun. He was walking toward the glob of rocks that he thought would provide shade, unaware that “Raymond’s man had come back” (57)....
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...What do we know about the physiology of colour vision? Which aspects of the colour vision can trichromacy explain and which is it unable to explain? Colour vision is the ability of an organism or machine to distinguish components of the environment based on the reflection, omission or transmission of wavelengths. A human's perception of colour is a subjective process whereby the brain responds to the stimuli that are produced when incoming light reacts with the several types of cone photoreceptors in the eye. In essence different people may see one subject in different ways. The trichromatic theory of colour vision constitutes one mechanism by which the perception of colour may be achieved. The theory was proposed by Young in 1802, based on a colour matching experiment in which participants had to match an arbitrary colour by mixing wavelengths of three lamps. The test lights were always primary colours. The target light was an arbitrary colour. Findings highlighted that the target light could only be achieved by mixing all three of the test lights. By mixing less than all 3, the target could not be achieved but by mixing 4 colours, uniqueness disappeared in that different matches could achieve same colour! From this, Young inferred that colour perception depends on three different types of cone receptors within the eye. Hermann von Helmholtz developed the theory further in 1850, and highlighted that the three types of cone photoreceptors could be classified as short-wavelength...
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...Fast food plays a crucial part in youth society. It’s addicting to some. May even result in death for others. The fast food industries rely on children as their main customer. Make an entertaining, colorful commercial with an amusing, crazy creature that sometimes makes funny noises and you have kids hooked, along with their parent’s money. While reading Chew On This and watching Food Inc., I had a strange thought; there has to be some way I could change this. I want to inspire and influence kids around my age to eat healthier. While watching the movie Food Inc., I learned that a young boy got E. coli from eating a hamburger with his family during a vacation. Unfortunately, he died 12 days after eating the hamburger. This woman’s story affected...
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