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Global Warming In New England

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“ Over the past 50 years, the average global temperature has increased at the fastest rate in recorded history.” Global warming is the increase of Earth’s average surface temperature due to the effect of greenhouse gases, which include carbon dioxide emissions from burning fossil fuels and/or deforestation. These gases would normally escape Earth, but heat is being trapped. Carbon dioxide being released into the air creates a blanket like effect over the atmosphere.
There are many impacts of global warming but some are more prominent than others. Some of those include rising seas, changes in rainfall patterns, melting of ice caps and glaciers, vanishing of animal populations, spread of disease, and a big one includes, bleaching of coral reefs …show more content…
That included matter from forest fires in Canada being carried through air currents to these states. These particles permeate the lungs and circulatory systems when breathed in. Studies have not shown injuries or deaths in New England from it, yet, but Ireland and Utah show studies of it. Another issue is crops and drinking water. Flooding of crops makes a break in the food chain along with sabotaging of the water we drink from. Not only has there been an uproar in my home state but all across New England, ticks has had an uproar. In addition, people are at risk of post-traumatic stress and anxiety disorders due to climate change. This is the case because floods and forest fires are recognized as catastrophic events that cause havoc to a persons everyday life. It is factual in saying global warming has an effect on everything and people need to stress prevention of global warming …show more content…
I am in shock. There are distinct facts that show that our Earth is undergoing global warming. Many people believe that we have no part in it and that it is happening and people can not change it but it is partially reversible. It is reversible in a sense that we can better our atmosphere for the future. If everyone puts there helping hands in to prevent the effects of global warming, there will be better results. Global warming is creating unsafe environment for us and is harming us without us even noticing. There are so many dangers and risks to global warming. Once one event happens it acts on another event and the cycle continues to effect something else wether it having to do with our atmosphere or our everyday life in general. So for our future generations, let us save Earth by simple

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