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Hurricane Irene Research Paper

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Hurricane Irene occurred August 21- August 28, 2011, on the east coast of the United States. In the caribbean Irene left extensive road damage as well as destruction to utility poles and vegetation. Some flooding also occurred in the caribbean with winds that tore off roofs as well as causing structural damage to many buildings. On the east coast of the United States, many trees were knocked down due to extreme soil saturation and erosion from heavy rains and winds. Widespread flooding also resulted from hurricane Irene, leading to significant damage to properties and cars and loss of power in most areas. Beach erosion was a big impact in coastal towns, tornados were created from the strong winds resulting in cares being overturned in North Carolina. Roads in North Carolina were extremely damaged leading to many towns in the Outer Banks to be cut off from other parts of the island and the mainland.
Although Hurricane Irene impacted areas from the caribbean all the way up the east coast of the United States to Canada, some areas were affected more than others. New England felt more of the powerful effects of the storm than the south did. However, the caribbean also felt more of the effects than the south did, resulting in more severe damages to areas. New Jersey experienced severe amounts of flooding, many towns …show more content…
The American Red Cross accepted donations to help provide people with shelter, food and water until they could get back on their feet. The White House came up with $1.5 billion in disaster relief, while the cost to taxpayers to recover would be roughly $5.2 billion, however this money also went towards relief from other recent natural disasters that had occurred at the same time. Local food banks accepted food donations across the country to help displaced families find food until they found a place to stay and rebuild their

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