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Hourly Rounding Analysis

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Congralution to Heather Dean, RN and Lacie Jensen, RN on successful completion of the Nursey Residency Program. You are a great asset to our team!
It is always pleasing to hear about the extraordinary care you give to our patients when I do my leadership rounding. This week, kudos goes out to Michelle Salem, Shannon Faulkner, and the nursing team. Our patients appreciated the love and compassion they received from each of you and made it mission to recognize you. As we discussed in our staff meeting and daily shift huddle, we have some care concerns needing improvement.
1. We have responsibility to answer the call light promptly to address out patient needs. When conducting hourly rounds it is important to encourage …show more content…
Our hourly rounding and my leadership rounding scores are low. I know we are all in the patient’s room, therefore it is important to get credit for it. Introduce yourself to the patients, tell them you are doing “Hourly Rounding” and you’re there to assist with their needs and to the restroom.
3. I have removed the telephone hand handle at the nursing station to help us respond timely to the call light in meeting the patient needs.
4. Please be mindful, we’re here to provide a service to our patients, therefore it is important for us to get up and assist them with their needs. This is one of the questions I’m asking when I do leadership rounding.
The Shared Governance Council Meeting will be held Friday, April 14th@1pm in Conference room 1.
Your executive council is currently discussing: Staff recognition, hand hygiene initiatives and education.
Interested in helping with the above subcommittees?
For Staff recognition see Tanya Davila or Leann Durrance
For education see Amanda …show more content…
Please evaluate your peer and return it to me By Next Friday to ensure timeliness of performance evaluation. Also , the performance evaluation package is currently in progress for review , completion and distribution by next

STAFF INTERVIEWS: We are approaching completion of the stay interviews. I have just a few stay interviews’ to complete. Please don’t miss out on your opportunity to sign-up on the calendar. This is a requirement.

The 2017 RN Residency program topics for Tuesday, March 21, 2017 from 0800 to 1200 in the computer classroom will include:
1) Tracheostomy: Nursing Care and Documentation
2) Blood Transfusions (Using Bridge, Recognizing Reactions)
3) Preparation of the Surgical

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