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Should Athletes Have Protein Supplements

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Protein supplements have been getting increasingly popular among athletes, as a way of enhancing their body's capacity to maintain and develop skeletal muscle. As we all know, protein is one among three substantial components making up the human diet, together with fats and carbohydrates.

Protein consists of several kinds of amino acids, providing the raw material necessary to build and repair muscles, also playing an essential role in a person's endocrine system, immune system. Protein is also greatly needed in transmitting nerve impulses to the entire nervous system. A supplement is an addition made to a person's standard diet so that a specific nutritional goal is achieved. A supplement can either be synthetic or natural. These are available …show more content…
This question is still hotly debated in the nutrition industry. A lot of nutritional experts argue that the best way to take in protein is through a well-balanced diet. This argument is supported by the knowledge that the body is conditioned to receive proteins by means of human digestive processes. These people also insist that supplementing is not as strong an option as ingesting any nutrient's whole food sources, and that includes protein. Whole foods contain phytochemicals which do not contain nutritional or caloric value but enhance healthier bodily functions like anti-oxidation and promotes a healthier immune system.

Protein Supplements were made popular by bodybuilders, strength athletes and weightlifters. Protein supplements appealed to these people because the protein they ingest through these products are consistently high. Moreover, supplements shore up protein deficiencies that may result due to demanding workouts. Protein supplements also prevent deficiencies that happen if the requisite dosage of protein was not ingested by the athlete for a given period. These people also like the fact that supplements offer a quick and effective solution for athletes who are under life-style pressures like school, family or

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