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Inactive Duty Training Case Study

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1. PROBLEM. How to determine the effective use of personnel to turn in excess equipment to rapidly replenish shortages for Massachusetts Army National Guard units without hindering currently scheduled training events.

2. RECOMMENDATION. Course of Action 3. Inactive Duty Training (IDT). Excess equipment will be turned-in utilizing Soldiers from the assigned to the unit, during the scheduled IDT period. The unit will make changes to the current training plan to incorporate completion of the mission and assigned training.

3. BACKGROUND. The Massachusetts Army National Guard has prioritized units that need to have all equipment shortages filled over the next 45 days. To accomplish this, units with changes to the assigned Modified …show more content…
AGR personnel will need to prioritize normal assigned duties and compensate for time away from the duty station. AGR Soldiers may be required to extend normal duty day to accomplish actions to prepare for the units scheduled IDT period. The unit has less AGR Soldiers compared to that of the traditional drilling strength of the unit which will extend the timeline for completion. Prioritization of normally assigned tasks could be detrimental members of the unit when the mission takes priority. c. Course of Action 2. Split Unit Training Assembly

(1) Advantages. Soldiers of the unit can perform duties during weekdays to accomplish the mission. The Soldiers will be able to focus entirely on the task without distraction from other service members during the IDT period.

(2) Disadvantages. Soldiers in SUTA status will not be available to participate in the regularly scheduled training event on the IDT weekend. Soldiers will need to inform civilian employers of additional time required away from work. Soldiers that reside a considerable distance from the location of the unit may need to stay overnight away from home and family. Leadership and essential personnel may not be available to perform mission due to commitments outside that of the …show more content…
The following evaluations were assessed, taking into account the importance of the accomplishment of the assigned task of turning in the excess equipment and the significance of all Soldiers receiving the scheduled training. Evaluation criteria 1 (Time), each COA would enable the unit to complete the turn-in within the allotted suspense. COA 1 AGR rates the lowest with three; COA 2 SUTA rates as number two; and COA 3 IDT rates the highest with a one. Evaluation criteria 2 (Training), COA 2 rates the lowest with three; COA 3 rates second with two; and COA 1 rates the highest with one. Evaluation criteria 3 (Personnel), COA 2 rates the lowest with three; COA 3 rates second with two; and COA 1 rates the highest with one. Evaluation criteria 4 (Impact to the unit), COA 1 and COA rate the same as number two as all actions will be taking place before the scheduled training event and should have minimal impact to the unit; COA 1 rates as the

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