...Goals in Life I firmly believe that if one plans on being a successful person in society, setting goals is a very important step. Having goals not only gives you a clear focus on things, it also helps you to organize your plans by allowing you to give yourself time limits and boundaries. Athletics are very fun, and may help count towards a goal in life. Sports may be fun, but you need hard work to become good at it. There is a chance that one day I may be able to get a scholarship for college. Sports take up time, and at some points are hard and may be a burden, but it is all worth it in the end. Becoming a better athlete is a goal of mine, but there are goals more important and the next one is. In only having sports and not education it would be like owning a car, but with out an engine inside. I want that engine; therefore I must get my education and maintain a high GPA. I could accomplish this by doing all my work. Also not only doing my work, but on time and as neat as I can get it. One goal that I work hard at daily is to try to do well in high school. I try to involve myself in any activity that I can, both academically and socially, so that I can graduate with honors. The reason why I do this is because I plan on going to college, and I would like to be able to get accepted into any school that I apply to. Immediately after I graduate, I want to start my career as an architect. In order to achieve my goal I will have to paying attention in class, and try to do more listening...
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...My Life Goals. By Jeneva Froehlich. Transition To College Success (STSC 0111)/Bryan Blackburn Tues-Thurs/5:00-5:55 pm I. Dog A. No rules, no treat B. Cafe or cookie? C. My bone shaped cookies/thesis II. Bachelors in nursing (long term) A. Show up. B. Finding a balance with work, school and play C. A degree is the trophy that shows all the hard work ive put it. will show ive completed my goal. III. Have a great season at work. (short) A. Six flags/ chq: amazing group of people, always on toes. B. So many different personalities, follow directions C. Having a six flags season/aiming to get the rookie award IV. DWB A. Brag into my 90's B. Band aid's in South Africa C. French and vomit. V. Goals are specific to you. how you go about acheiving them is up to you so long as it is safe, legal, and (hopefully) fun. A. Nursing, Six Flags, and DWB. B. A goal is a solid statement, but your personal definition is fluid, and can change over time. C. Intruction manual. My dog has a goal. Every day, his goal is to get a treat at the end of the day. He achieves this goal by never tinkling in the house, leaving the trash in the trash can, and staying away from the kitchen/dining area. He understands that if he doesnt follow the rules, he doesnt get a treat. For us, a treat at the end of the day is no big deal. It is passive. It is irrelevant in your daily decision making process. Think about that cafe, or restaraunt, you always want...
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...Alexa Jaime January 7th, 2015 AVID 11 Life Goals Essay Now that I am a junior in high school, it’s important for me to know what I want to do with my life after graduation and what steps I have to take to get there. In order to pursue the career you want to go into, you have to take a few more steps in order to get to that point. It might take a while for you to get there, but it’ll most likely be worth it. For now let’s start with the basics. No matter what career choice you decide to want to go for, you need to have the proper education even after high school in order to get there. As for me, I was currently stuck between three collages; University of Washington, Washington State University, and Central Washington University. After doing some deep research, I stuck to my current choice in my future education with the University of Washington (I’ll explain my reason why I choose this school later). I know in order for me to get accepted into the University, I need to start working on some acceptance essays for the collage and to obviously graduate high school. I feel like those two steps are the bigger ones to take as of right now. Let’s say I end up getting admitted into the University of Washington, now I need to figure out what courses I want to take in order to get where I want to be. As for me, I would like to work in the dental industry and become an orthodontist or dental assistant. Like I have stated before, I did some deep research...
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...Chambers states that the communist has a rationalism epistemology. Examples are stated in the second paragraph where Chambers states that it is the vision of man's mind to be the sole force of its rational intelligence, redirecting man's destiny and reorganizing man's life and the world. Also, Chambers states that it man's vision to be the central figure of the Creation not because God made man in His image but because man makes him the most intelligent of the animals. This suggest that man is above God or there is no God. This excerpt suggest that communist has a humanism axiology. Chambers suggest that mankind is the peak or apex of creation. The excerpt provides an example, "Communism restores man to his sovereignty by the simple method od denying God. This suggest that man is above all. Although this could point to materilism axiology because he states that to meaningless chaos of nature , abundance, security, and peace for a particular reason. Either conclusion lead to teleolgy of Kingdom of Man. Lastly he suggest that communist have a Kingdom of Man teleology. What you see is what you get becuase he states in the excerpt that man will be the supreme force until nature replaces mankind with a more intelligent form of life. Furthermore, Chambers leads the audiece to believe that man's rational mind needs to prove and produce evidence that ultimatle ends...
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...My lifetime goal is to become a Registered Nurse. Every since I was 18 I've been working in the health care field as a Home Health Aide and at the age of 20 I've been working as a Certified Nurse Assistant. For many years I been working with great Registered Nurses at various nursing facilities, assisting living facilities for alzhemeirs patients, and providing care for patients at their private homes. I love working in the medical field because I'm very compassionate, love providing health care to others, and have an opportunity in utilizing my skills to give back to the community. My goal is to further my education in order for me to get a degree in Nursing, work as a Registered Nurse, and become an owner of a health care agency to have and opportunity in providing the best possible health care to those that are in need. Being a Registered Nurse is a wonderful career choice with amazing responsibilities. While working alongside Registered Nurses at various nursing facilities, I gain a lot of respect to Registered Nurses seeing them take on demanding tasks in order them to provide great health care to patients. I take pride and honor in working alongside great nurses as a Certified Nurse Assistant. While I worked with Registered Nurses we communicate effectively in order to be on the same page while providing care. During health care, communication is the key in the workforce as a result I gained significant amount of communication skills by talking to patients and nurses...
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...My Life Goals Each year in December I begin to think about ways I make the next year better, but I always end up finding myself in the same place. This year I decided to use a very organized and methodical process by identifying a list of goals I want to achieve in my life, creating a plan to follow, so I can be able to stay on target and meet those goals. From the list I created, I choose the three most important goals that will shape and change my life, a personal goal, an academic goal, and a professional goal. Being healthy is very important for me and for my family. I want to enjoy my life with my kids without any pain, illness and disease of any kind. I am 5ft 1 tall, and 143 pounds. My healthy weight should be 130 pounds, so for my personal goal I decided to lose 13 pounds in two months. As a student at Ashford University, my academic goal that I want to achieve is to complete my bachelor of accounting in 2 years, because getting a degree is the first and foremost way to become successful in life . The skills I anticipate on developing through my education in the university will be the team learning, time management, and the development of better organizational skills. The development of these skills will enable me to communicate more effectively and efficiently in the world of business, and be more productive citizen in this community. As for my professional goal in life, I want to have my accounting office in the 5 years. Accountant”Likes to work with data, numbers...
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...Running head: THE ADVANTAGES OF ME QUTTING SMOKING My goal to stop smoking Sarah E Fortenberry One main goal I have set for myself is to stop smoking. I have been a smoker since I was fifteen years old, and I find it unattractive and very nasty but yet it seems to calm me when I’m stressed, and it also has extremely bad consequences. For one I have a son and I want to be around him my whole life and if I continue smoking I could possibly develop cancer and live a short life and my son would not deserve that. I do not smoke at home or anywhere near my son or in my car, I only smoke at work but that’s still not an excuse that it is okay to me. In the following paragraphs I will provide information of three articles that I’ve read, one to understand more of why I do it, how to do it, and benefits to encourage doing it. The first article I selected is “Men, Women, and the Dangers of Smoking” and written by Dennis Thompson Jr. and medically reviewed by Pat F. Bass III, MD, MPH. The article explained to me that there is gender differences between why men and women smoke. I never knew that smoking could be defined by gender. For a man it explains that it keeps them going throughout the day, and for women it is mainly used to decrease stress. I do agree for me that is does decrease stress because I only find the need to do it at work after having a huge rush come in for coffee. The article explains that women...
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...Overton Croomes 9/6/13 P1 My Ultimate Goal in Life “When you want to succeed as bad as you want to breathe, then you will be successful.” A quote by Eric Thomas, from a motivational video I watched one day. Its senior year and time is ticking till graduation. As I transform into a mature adult, it is time for me to make decisions and set out what I want to be in life. My ambitions are to obtain an athletic scholarship for football, to help pave the way to becoming a civil engineer. It will be a bumpy ride along the way, but I can propel myself to achieve anything. I anticipate though sports such as football, can fund for my schooling to become a civil engineer. If I have a phenomenal upcoming season I can hopefully get recognized by athletic scouts and receive a full ride scholarship to a university. Though the off season I trained arduously to improve my talents as a player. Once I have reached my goal of becoming a student athlete in college, I will study a great deal to reach my main objective of becoming a civil engineer. Civil engineers deal with the designing of roads, bridges, and major highways. They construct the major structures around a city .The description of civil engineers, are to be fluid in mathematics and sciences. Therefore, I have enrolled in Calculus A.P. and Physics 2 A.P. These are rigorous courses to take, but both are the foundations of engineering. So why not get a step ahead of my competition...
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...Since I was little I’ve always liked helping people. It never mattered if they asked for help on something that I didn’t know how to do, I’d help them as much as I could. Before it was always help on homework or things that they wanted me to do. Most recently I have been through some things that really affected the way that I want to help people. I’ve met some people with really hard lives, which made me realize that I want to help people with depression. When I talk to these people they tell me about what’s happening in their lives, and it saddens me that no one else has tried to help them or even listen to them. I have an amazing family. Everyone supports everything that I do if it makes me happy. My family has shaped me into who I am today. As a little girl, I was always told “do to one, as you would do to yourself.” So, I always did. My parents raised me to be respectful to people who respected me. They were with me through tough times and through good times, and I know they will be there for me in the future when I need them to be. Growing up around both my mom and my dad, I’ve learned a lot through what they do, and how they treat people. I believe thats the reason that I dream to help people. Another thing that has encouraged me to help people is my music. The music that I listen to gets me through some bad times when I don’t want to talk to anyone. If you listen to the lyrics, they actually mean something. Usually the lyrics talk about the bad times and things the...
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...When I’m 35 Do you ever sit down and think about what your future is going to look like? Well probably at the age of 17, many of us do not plan what we will be doing in the future, because it may not go that way. Many of us do not know what we want for our future. Many of us set goals for our future when we are young. Some of us by the age of 35 want to have been a graduate from a certain school, live in a certain place, and own many valuable objects. Others of us don’t really set goals and just go with the flow. Some of us set realistic goals and some of us set goals that are impossible to accomplish. Many of as have a lot of goals we want to accomplish by a certain age. We want to travel and accomplish all of our goals before starting our...
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...Goal Setting - Bringing Passion to Work and Life! • Course OverviewOpen or Close If you want to succeed, you need to set goals. Without goals you lack focus and direction. Goal setting not only allows you to take control of your life's direction; it also provides you a benchmark for determining whether you are actually succeeding. We all have things we want in life. The route to success is to take the things that we dream about and wish for, and turn them into reality. This one-day workshop will lead participants through thinking, planning, and taking action on the things they really want. They will learn ways to ensure that they reach where they want to go in life. How you manage yourself, speaks directly on how you perform. Since, every...
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...Southeastern Council on Military Education “How will my education enhance my future goals in life?” Submitted by Ellis Agee Jr. SSgt/USMC University of Maryland University College From the time that I could understand the English language, I have always remembered hearing in one way or another about the benefits of education on one’s life. Whether it have been watching a Hooked on Phonics commercial, playing with letter/number blocks or watching reading rainbow or Sesame Street on television, it seems like the basis has always been on the importance of learning new things. Virtually every job I have ever held or position I have worked in, required some form of education to complete the task. Whether this requirement was a high school diploma, in the case of military enlistment or on-the-job training on how to complete administrative tasks as a brand new Marine, education has always been of the utmost importance. According to Achieve Inc. (2012) Jobs that required limited skills--but still paid a family-supporting wage--have disappeared and increasingly have been replaced with jobs that require higher levels of education. The reality is that high school graduates that lack additional education/training face mostly dim and dead-end career prospects. Prospects are much dimmer for those who fail to finish high school at all. From my experiences thus far, I have seen first-hand just how essential education is for all people. As a Marine Corps recruiter working...
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...Career Goal Setting Starting at an incredibly young age we are always asked what we want to be in life, and that thought sticks with us throughout our entire educational endeavor. When I was in the fifth grade, I became obsessed with the game of golf. Everything that I did had to revolve around golf or I would rebel against it. It became my passion around the age of 10, and it has stuck with me until this very day. Throughout my high school career I always thought that being a golf professional was the career path for me, but now a part of me has realized that at some point golf needs to end. It is time for me to find a new dream career. My goal for this academic year is to find the career path in which I would like to pursue. My strengths of adaptability, communication, competition, futuristic, and significance are going to help me find a perfect career fit as well as set goals pertaining to it in the process....
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...As I look at my life wondering how my life would have been if I had started setting goals in my life while I was in high school. To know what I wanted out of life, I have made this my personal responsibility to set goal in my life that what personal responsibility means to me. I wish my high school had prepared us more about setting goal and knowing what we want to be as we get older, but in an article there is one school that get teenager a worksheet where they set goals and give themselves a guideline on how they will reach their goal and they set a new goal every three months (Scarborough, Lewis, & Kulkarni, 2010). I have learned from “University of Phoenix” workshop is how important it is to set goal which can make your life less stressful, which made me to think that it is very important to set goals in my life and also my education. In another article that I have read there was a sentence in the article that stood out to me which says “When personal goals are written out, other gains are achieved.” (Morisano & Shore, 2010, p. 252) to me that mean as longs you write out what goal you want to achieve you can put yourself to it and make it happen. Without setting any goals in my life I felt as if I was going nowhere in life and I knew it was a time for a change for the better so I start setting goal in my life to accomplish. However, as I was getting older I never figured out what I really wanted out of life or even what I wanted to do. I just worked and went to school without...
Words: 479 - Pages: 2
...A life without goals is really a life without purpose. That is why I have laid out my goals into four main categories of my life. My main 8 goals in life are in 4 categories, which include high school, college, my career, and my personal life. To begin with, the first category of my goals in life has to do with high school.One goal I have in high school is to play soccer on the Marina team for all four years I go to high school. This could help me by preparing me for college, not only to get on a college’s soccer team, but it also would teach me to work hard and not give up. To do this, I will have to constantly be ready to sacrifice my free time in order to be willing to train with my team. Moving on, I would like to graduate high school with at least a 3.5 GPA. While this will be...
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