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College Admissions Essay: My Goals In Life

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Career Goal Setting Starting at an incredibly young age we are always asked what we want to be in life, and that thought sticks with us throughout our entire educational endeavor. When I was in the fifth grade, I became obsessed with the game of golf. Everything that I did had to revolve around golf or I would rebel against it. It became my passion around the age of 10, and it has stuck with me until this very day. Throughout my high school career I always thought that being a golf professional was the career path for me, but now a part of me has realized that at some point golf needs to end. It is time for me to find a new dream career. My goal for this academic year is to find the career path in which I would like to pursue. My strengths of adaptability, communication, competition, futuristic, and significance are going to help me find a perfect career fit as well as set goals pertaining to it in the process. …show more content…
While at MSUB my strength in adaptability has flourished, as I have already been thrown some curve balls. The career that I eventually pursue will have to be in an environment that is constantly changing. My main goal that coincides with adaptability is to job shadow a person in a career that is attractive to me and monitor how they respond to varied requests of clientele as well as management. I would like to accomplish this goal by the time I earn my degree at MSUB. I think that job shadowing is a great way to see in person what you will be doing on a daily basis, therefore it is necessary before graduation. Another strength that will go hand-in-hand with this goal is communication. Achieving all of this will require extensive communication with employers and counselors. My career exploration goal for communication will be to attend a job fair to speak with prospective

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