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Scholarship Essay


Submitted By Selvin
Words 693
Pages 3
Selvin Mathew
College Map Scholarship Essay
Send to by Feb.2

Imagine a world where college or post secondary education was only available to a select few and withheld from others due to their family history, socioeconomic status, or even geopgraphy. Before being accepted into the College Map program by Ernst & Young (EY) for mentoring, I felt like I might have fallen under those statistics. Fortunately, through EY's scholarship information sessions, admission statistics, tips and Essays for College and Scholarships program, I now know what is actually available to students. If I had the power to change Miami Central in anyway, it would be to make the College Map program less exclusive, that is, to make College Map available to a larger segment of the student body; as it was made available to myself because nothing amounts to the value of a college education. Specifically, I would make College Map available or even mandatory for all 9-12th graders to have them prepped and ready for the transition to postsecondary education.

Entering high school, the last thing on my mind was college. That is ironic because since College Map, I understand that I should have been preparing for higher education while in much sooner. Unfortunately, underclassmen commonly are not aware of the hectic college application process they’re about to embark on. However, it's not until junior and senior years that GPAs, Standardized tests and essay competitions become the focus. This is like leading an innocent hare into a lion's den without any forewarnings. The competition of college admittance is no joke (Not to mention scholarships). Furthermore, the assistance that was provided by Ernst & Young would go a long way for the youth in lower cohorts. For instance, exposing them to possible options for their future will most likely increase their

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