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Goldfish Scooping Lawsuit

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Goldfish scooping is a traditional Japanese game that requires players to scoop goldfish into a bowl with a poi. A poi consists of a plastic frame that is round with poi paper; poi paper is very delicate and sometimes you can pay more money for stronger poi paper. The game is over when your poi is completely broken so you can keep playing if there is just a small tear in your poi. To play the game, it typically cost 100 yen, which is equivalent to 1 Canadian Dollar. As well as the fish you catch you get to keep and in some cases, if you catch a large enough amount of fish you will get a better fish as a reward. Also for the fish to be considered caught you have to have the fish in your bowl, but you can not scoop with the bowl.
"No one can …show more content…
According to the textbook during the Edo period, the society of Japan was ruled by the Shogun, although the emperor had higher authority than the Shogun he did not make as many decisions. Japan had an exceedingly strict hierarchy that had barely any movement within it, at the very bottom was merchants because they did not produce anything. Since then Japan has drastically changed, the transformation started when Commodore Matthew Perry arrived it was one of Japan's first interaction with Westernized Civilization. This event lead to the Treaty of Kanagawa being signed which allowed two American ports to be opened. The shogun retired in 1868 because Japanese people thought that the shogun was "weak" which therefore lead to a civil war because some people wanted to be ruled by a shogun. After the war Japan was still no longer ruled by a shogun but ruled by a group of knowledgeable …show more content…
During the Edo period the Japanese people studied Confucianism. According to the textbook Confucianism was taught to teach citizens how they should live their life. Also, they had a hierarchy to help keep social order; people in the higher classes were granted more land for example, the daimyo and samurai. Women who were married to men in higher classes would raise children who would be Samari, but women in lower classes had more freedom at the cost of more work. Although women were not treated ideally they did not get "shunned". According to the textbook people got "shunned" normally because of their job, but the Ainu-indigenous people were also "shunned". Now in Japan loyalty/honour is still a big part of their culture, but they do not shun people anymore. As well as there is no longer a social hierarchy. Also work for them is very important, they are working such long hours it is killing people. It happens so frequently there is a term for it which is known as

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