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Gospel Of Mark Papias

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The author of the Gospel of Mark is never actually referred to or indicated within the text itself. However, an early Christian writer named Papias who was a bishop of Hierapolis in Asia Minor made a statement referring to the author of The Gospel of Mark as being a disciple of Peter (Harris, 2014). Papias also believed Mark had gathered the information in the Gospel from Peter’s accounts of Jesus’s ministry. Modern New Testament scholars feel it is more likely that Mark collected stories of Jesus’s ministry from several sources due to the lack of fluidity within the book.

Scholars believe the Gospel of Mark was written approximately 66-70 A.D. during a time of great persecution of Christians (Harris, 2014). During this time the Jewish Revolt …show more content…
This book is widely believed to be written by Luke who was a doctor and sought to compile a very strategic look into the history of Israel and connection between suffering and the promises of God. Luke makes mention of the various accounts of Jesus’s ministry that had been documented. He must have felt overwhelmed with attempting to make sense of them all, as we can often do still today. Luke decided to write an authentic and orderly account of Jesus’s ministry to be shared with the Gentile Christians (Harris, 2014). A major theme and concern throughout Luke, and further into the Book of Acts, which is by the same author, is that of proving God did indeed keep His promises to his people. The Gospel of Luke focuses on the work and role of the Holy Spirit throughout Jesus ministry twice as much as the Gospels of Matthew and Mark combined (Harris, 2014). Prayer is also a significant theme throughout the book of Luke and the author is sure to include prayers spoken during significant events that were taking place, such as John the Baptists birth (Harris, 2014). The inclusivity of Jesus preached among all people, including women, the poor, the diseased, and those who were thought of as outcasts, is also a major theme and concern found throughout the Gospel of Luke. ReferenceHarris, S.L. (2014). The New Testament: A Student’s Introduction (8th ed). Dubuque: McGraw-Hill Education.

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When in fact the author of the Gospel of Luke is never actually noted within the book itself. The Muratorian list of New Testament books, which is the oldest known list of New Testament books, is actually where the author of Luke is mentioned (Harris, 2014). The Muratorian did specify Luke, “the beloved” physician as the same as the one that had traveled with Paul, but it also notes that Luke himself did not know Jesus. Some scholars argue against the authorship of the Gospel of Luke being the beloved doctor due to several reasons. These same scholars conclude that the lack of Luke’s mention of Paul’s letters he had written to several individuals and churches previously and his lack of reference to Paul’s teachings would imply the Luke did not really know Paul as well as a traveling companion would (Harris, 2014). Still, some believe Luke purposely leaves out mention of Paul’s letters because during that time period Paul and already passed and the issues addressed in the letters were not as pressing and relevant at the time the book was being written. Reference Harris, S.L. (2014). The New Testament: A Student’s Introduction (8th ed).

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