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Graphic Designer Research Paper

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Meeting deadlines for an intense project, getting criticized on a piece of work, and even long stressful nights to finish up a project: these are all things a person should expect going into the graphic design career ("Graphic Designer Job Profile"). Being a graphic designer is no easy task, especially if a person is working alone. There’s many stressful deadlines and picky clients that a graphic designer needs to deal with ("Graphic Designer." Government...). To be a graphic designers not only do they need to have artistic abilities, they should have variety of other skills, being able to accept responsibilities, and they need to go through a variety of schooling ("Graphic Designer Job Profile"). Being a graphic designer takes a lot of work …show more content…
A graphic designer helps companies and their clients creating different types of advertisement, inspiring messages, and even memorizing logos, some which are target at a certain audience. A graphic designer will often work with different types of art platforms from 2D, where the art style is flat like in most cartoons, to 3D, where the art style has more depth, and maybe even 4D in the near future (Arntson 4). A graphic designer also has a lot of work on their hands. They have to meet strict deadlines for their clients and that can involve staying up to the break of dawn with no sleep at all ("Graphic Designer." Government...). There’s a lot of work that needs to be done to be a graphic designer, but it doesn’t mean it makes the job any less …show more content…
Communication skills will help a graphic designer in their work and even make it easier for them. A client can sometimes be very picky what they want, often graphic designers will have a pencil sketch of the idea they have in mind to show to their client. From there their client can contact them on any changes or suggestion they have, the graphic designer can do the same as well. After everything is finished, a graphic design will show their final product to their client and will have to review and errors or changes that need to be made (Whakairoiro). Not only is having a close communication with a client is important, but being able to communicate with other member on the project too. That way everyone can figure out what they’re doing and what others are doing ("Graphic Designer Job

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