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美国、英国 、澳大利亚 、加拿大、 负面信息 法国、德国 早期优势 较多,天 、日本、韩 明显,有 涯有权威 国、新西兰 自己的申 揭露曝光 、新加坡、 请模式 帖 爱尔兰等 20多个国 家

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翻译能力 大于写作 能力

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500-999 人


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专业度很 差

威久留 学


500-999 人


英国、美国 、澳洲、加 拿大、德国 、荷兰、瑞 后期服务 士、爱尔兰 、日本、韩 英国本科 较差,失 国、香港、 比较专业 败案例较 多 新加坡、马 来西亚、意 大利、法国 、俄罗斯、 新西兰


只给学生 看截图, 学生不能 修改

中教国 际


100-499 人


美国、英国 、加拿大、 澳大利亚、 法国、德国 、俄罗斯、 乌克兰、日 本、韩国、 乱收费, 比利时、新 并不提供 法国留学 加坡、马来 收费相关 专业 西亚、瑞士 的一些服 、波兰、阿 务。 根廷、西班 牙、意大利 、马耳他、 菲律宾等 20多个国 家

自己写中 介修改, 或提供资 料让中介 写,翻译 不错


中介/咨 询



美国、英国 、加拿大、 独特优秀 英美留学 澳大利亚、 的留学申 专业度较 新西兰、新 差 请体系 加坡、香港 等

学生提供 材料,中 介写。文 笔不错, 思路较单 一。

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Great Depression

...peace. In order to support my views I will provide multiple examples to support my views. The Great Depression was a horrific economic depression that impacted countries all over the world in the 20th Century. Some of these effect were long lived and took years to recover. Some of the effects from the Great Depression still happens in today’s society such as rise in unemployment, crime rates and prostitution. As well as the lack of funds for healthcare and public education. The US Great Depression lasted from October 1929 until Franklin D. Roosevelt became President in 1933. The Great Depression disrupted the lives of the Americans because for many years the government and the American people had been on a high for so long and within a blink of an eye the world as so many had grown to know came crashing down. One success which came from the government after the Great Depression was it improved the economic system of the United States. President Roosevelt faced the economic depression head-on once he was elected in office. Within his first 100 days in office, he and his administration created numerous institutions which had been neglected for hundred of years. Alot of the programs that were created were very appreciated by the American people because it gave them hope that things were going to get better. His administration stabilized the industrial and agricultural production. The Great Depression left 13 million people unemployed. These programs created jobs for the American...

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Great Depression

...Great Depression The Great Depression had a tremendous effect on the people of this Dark Age in the United States. Throughout these tough times people faced many hardships such as increases in crime, the stock market crash and the Dust Bowl. These events were all results of the Great Depression and also had huge impacts on people’s lives. Beginning of the Great Depression The Depression began in the year 1929 and was a result of the ending of the First World War. The United States was sending aid to Europe in recovery but this resulted in an over extension of credit and spending in the 1920’s. This over extension was a direct cause that led to the “most dramatic economic event in United States history”. No other depression had such a devastating impact on the United States society. Throughout the twelve years of the Great Depression, one quarter of the work force were unemployed, 5,500 banks closed and 32,000 businesses went bankrupt (“Great Depression”). Stock Market Crash On the infamous day known as Black Tuesday, October 29, 1929 the stock market crashed. The only thing was that no one was thinking anything could go wrong because a little over a month before the market had reached a 10-year high price. From then on the prices slowly decreased causing confusion, apprehension, and uncertainty began to set into all investors big and small (Galbraith 1). A couple of days before Black Tuesday a day known as Black Thursday was when people really started to notice...

Words: 1167 - Pages: 5