...What were the factors that contributed towards the rise of civilization in Greece? How is it something special in the intellectual world? Is it true that science and philosophy were born at the same time i.e. in the 6th century B.C.? What were the reasons for the early development of civilizations (E.g. writing in 4000 B.C.) in Egypt and Mesopotamia? When were the pyramids built? How did Gods get associated with morality, as in breaching law became impiety? What was the oldest legal code of Hammurabi, the king of Babylon? What was the Babylonian contribution to the growth of man? How was the Babylonian knowledge inherited by Thales in the 6th century? Points Sudden rise of civilization in Greece Role of Egypt Babylon (both around 2000 B.C) and the island of Crete(Minoan culture), called Mycenaeans on the mainland Greece (till 900 B.C.) in the Greek philosophy The 3 waves Ionians, Achaeans and last the Dorians Maritime commerce led to the very early contributions to civilization from Greece Coinage – 700 B.C Phoenicians, like other inhabitants of Syria were exposed to influence of both Babylon and Egypt and they held supremacy in maritime commerce till rise of Greek cities if Ionia, Italy and Sicily. Greek may have learned to write from the Phoenicians and added vowels. First notable intellectual product – Homer-ancient Greek epic poet of Iliad and the Odyssey,(8th century B.C.), ( product of Ionia), Confucius, Buddha and Zoroaster were probably from the same...
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...1. The civilization of Greece first appeared on a small mountainous peninsula, which was only about 45,000 miles in size. The sea and mountains played a vital role in the growth of Greece. The seas were used to venture out and establish colonies, which aided in the expansion of civilization throughout the Mediterranean area. The first state of Greece was Mycenae, which flourished between 1600 and 100 B.C.E. It was established when a group of Indo-European people gained control over the Greek mainland. The civilization was made up of monarchies built on hills and surrounded by stone walls. The civilization fell in 1100 B.C.E. after the city burned around 1190 B.C.E. The dark ages arrived after the fall of the Mycenaean civilization, with a decline in the population and food production due to lack of knowledge and the harsh environments. While it was a challenging time, it did help Greece expand, due to people leaving the mainland to establish new territories. Greece finally started to recover in 850 B.C.E., farming began to improve, iron was replaced by bronze, and a Phoenician alphabet was adopted. According to our textbook, two important developments of this time was the evolution of a polis and the colonization of the Black and Mediterranean Seas. The colonization of the seas also...
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...The Greek gods impacted ancient Greek civilization because the people thought they were the reason for nature and helped guide their lives. The Greeks also thought that the gods were just as imperfect as humans but wielded great power and control. Here are some of the most well-known gods and what people believed they do. ⚡ Zeus. (n.d.). Retrieved March 04, 2018, from https://www.greekmythology.com/Olympians/Zeus/zeus.html Zeus, the ruler of the Olympian gods, is the god of the sky. The Greeks thought that he was the god who He dethroned his father and drew a lot with his siblings, Poseidon and Hades, to figure out who would win and sit on the honourable throne, as a mighty, powerful ruler. Zeus was the son who became the ruler of the gods,...
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...There’s a connection between faith and sports in Mayan, Aztec and Greek civilizations. In the Mayan and Aztec civilizations, they both participated in the Aztec/Myan ball game. This game held religious significance for the Mayans because of the fact that the story behind it was connected to the culture’s mythology. It was believed that twin gods annoyed the gods in the underworld by playing the loud game. Since the gods in the underworld were annoyed, they tricked the pair so that they’d come down into the underworld. When they arrived, they played the game with the Lords of Death and defeated them. Although they won, they couldn’t leave the underworld alive, so they went to the heavens to become the moon and the sun. The Aztecs believed that...
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...A summary of Civilization: Greek Era What really is education? It is not literacy, nor information. Education is a logical attempt towards human learning. There are two types of leaners, passive learners and purposely engaged learners. Purposeful engagement is said to equal successful learning; so instead of spending time getting interested, find what is interesting. Making connections is what creates learning. Everything we learn may not be interesting, but it is important to make connections to something that is. Find meaning in what is taught and interpret the idea, thinking deeply and meaningful about ideas helps discover new learning and interest. Intellect performance shows what we know what we are trying to portray. During the highest peak of the Greek era the society valued body and mind intellect; creating some of the most famous philosophers known to time. Main Ideas and Values of Ancient Greek Civilization Ancient Greek civilization has contributed too many parts of today's society. The teachings and doings of Ancient Greeks have contributed important lessons that many societies still use to base their own laws and ethics on. The Ancient Greeks realized values of loyalty, glory, intelligence and hospitality were important to incorporate into everyday life. Ancient Greek civilization valued dualism, truth and “good society”. Helping your fellow man was an important aspect of ancient Greek society. They offered food, shelter and protection to travelers without...
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...The Ancient Greek Civilization Can you imagine 7,000 Spartans holding off 150,000 Persians at the Battle of Thermopylae? It is true. The Ancient Greeks held off one of the most powerful armies of that time so Greece would survive. Greek geography, the city-states, the concept of acropolis, government, military strategy, philosophy, and religion were all contributing factors in the creation and survival of the Greek city-state lifestyle. The geography and climate of Ancient Greece influenced the development of Greek civilization. Mountains separated Greece into regions where the Ancient Greeks settled and formed separate city-states and types of government. The mountains and the peninsula of Ancient Greece isolated Greek society from other city-states and also helped to keep them safe from enemy attack. Transportation over the rocky land was difficult, much of the land was not suitable for farming, and there were limited natural resources. The lack of natural resources and the difficulty of traveling by land caused the Ancient Greeks to depend more on the sea. Ancient Greece was surrounded by the Mediterranean Sea on three sides. Much of the land of Ancient Greece was linked by the sea and the sea also linked Ancient Greece to other societies. The Ancient Greeks became skilled sailors, fishermen, and tradesmen. The climate of Ancient Greece was moderate all year long and there was adequate rainfall. Due to the mild climate, Greek men spent much of...
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...Alejandra Fraguada Ancient & Medieval Western Civilization Contributions of Greek Civilization to Western Civilization. Ancient Greeks made many influential contributions to western civilization such as in the areas of philosophy, art and architecture, math and science. These contributions, which are also the achievements of ancient Greece, include certain things in the areas of philosophy, art, architecture, math and science. The ancient Greeks were a remarkable civilization in that they have made all these contributions and achievements while simultaneously fighting two wars, the Peloponnesian wars and the Persian wars. Luckily for western civilization, Greece carried on through these hardships and managed to achieve one thing after another, ultimately contributing a vast amount to western civilization. In the area of philosophy, Greece had made many influential contributions to western civilization. Greek philosophers were great thinkers who were determined to seek truth to a certain subject or question no matter where it led them. Three of the most famous philosophers in Greek history include Socrates, Aristotle, and Plato. Socrates, who lived from around 470 to 399 B.C., believed that life was not worth living unless it was examined and the truth about life was sought out. He also believed that there had to be certain standards for justice and punishment. In order to solve problems in life, Socrates invented a method for solving these problems called Socratic...
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...POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IN ISLAMIC THOUGHT & CIVILIZATION ISTAC, IIUM, MALAYSIA Course code and title: IITC 5011 COMPARATIVE CIVILIZATION Assignment title: A STUDY ON THE LINK BETWEEN DIVINE GUIDANCE AND RISE OF SOCIETY. Student’s (official) name: AHMAD SHAMSUDDIN BIN AHMAD Student’s matriculation number: G1333003 Tutor’s name: PRO DR ABDULLAHIL AHSAN INTRODUCTION In line with Islam, the civilization of a nation would be built when there were good values and manners in a society. If a society values good to ignore or violate the main goal the development of civilization, then the community will collapse in no time. For example, as for the Western civilization such as Greek, its civilization ended in failure not...
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...There are many positive and negative effects about Ancient Greek civilization. Reading and learning about both aspects has been very interesting. The more facts we learn about this time frame, the easier it is to understand the lifestyle that the ancient greek civilians lived all those years ago. First, A positive thing could be that they controlled everything. Which means that they could do more than the average person. And because they are in charge there was little to no consequences for whatever it was that they did. Also they have a safety fort that was called the “Acropolis” it was good for them because it was the highest point in Greece so if they needed to hide or get away they could do that very easily. The people of Greece lived in...
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...Greece was a very powerful civilization during the 400s B.C. and helped influence other civilizations. A civilization has many factor that can make it great including: government, specialized work, record keeping, complex institutions, and advanced technology. The Greeks had the majority of these factors in their civilization, which contributed to their success. The Greeks’ government changed multiple times throughout their history and caused them to have multiple types of governments and leaders. All these power changes brought new ideas that helped their civilizations survive, including a new way of medicine. These power struggles also made people begin to think and questions their lives through the study of philosophy. One of the civilizations...
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...one place. To survive they had to move around for food and often follow their food. That lifestyle made it hard to settle and build civilizations. After the Neolithic revolution when agriculture was introduced, tribes could begin to settle on certain land. People started to grow their own food, which meant they had to adapt their lifestyle around the land on which the food was grown. Houses were built around farms and schools to educate children. After The Neolithic revolution the first forms of government were established. The Neolithic revolution set the stage for the beginning of civilizations. 2. The Egyptian history was...
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...and intricate place. According to Herodotus, the father of history, Egypt is “the gift of the Nile”. The Egyptian Civilization was also one of the earliest civilizations in the history. Luckily for historians, Egyptians had made immense strides in record keeping which have made exploring their culture and society much simpler than some previous historical eras. Egyptian art and architecture has ventured all the way through the centuries as one of the most prominent occurrence in human civilization. Starting from the Greeks to the Romans to the general people of today, Egyptians and their striking depictions in art and architecture have manifested a legacy in the creations of certain landmarks, statues, and even...
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...always been what it is but has been built to what it is today. While little is known of the Western world, specifically the Americas before explorers such as Christopher Columbus discovered it, there exists rich literature of ancient civilizations that have shaped all spheres of modern life. The most recognized civilizations include the Egyptian civilization, the Roman Empire, and the Greek civilization. The fall of one civilization led to the rise of another civilization and so forth. The earliest recorded civilization, however, is the Egyptian civilization and scholars have credited it with influencing the subsequent empires that rose afterward, especially Alexander's the Great Greece Empire...
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...Which is the impact of ancient cultures in the current generation? 1. Economy through history According to Merriam Webster dictionary, economy is defined as the process or system by which goods and services are produced, sold, and bought in a country or region. Humans have always been motivated by the idea that someone is satisfied when he has all he wants. So they have always worked on account of their needs. The economy has always existed on earth as the result of the needs of humans. This cannot be given without the help of others. Economy was the result of the idea of ancient civilizations, in which the best way to achieve the development of society was establishing a system. In this system each person does an economic...
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...1. The Emergence of Civilization, How many aspects are defining the concept of Civilization? Early human beings formed small groups and developed a simple culture that enabled them to survive. As human societies grew and developed greater complexity, civilization came into being. A civilization is a complex culture in which large numbers of people share a variety of common elements. Concepts of civilization : 1. Urban focus 2. New political and military structures 3. A new social structure based on economic power 4.The development of more complexity in a material sense. 5. A distinct religious structure 6. The development of writing. 7. New and significant artistic and intellectual activity The first civilization were developed in Mesopotamia and Egypt. 2. What does mean “The Neolithic Revolution” and when does it started and where spread? The end of the last ice age around 10,000 B.C.E. was followed by what is called the Neolithic Revolution, a significant change in living patterns that occurred in the New Stone Age (the word Neolithic is Greek for ‘‘new stone’’). The biggest change was the shift from hunting animals and gathering plants for sustenance (food gathering) to producing food by systematic agriculture (food production). Systematic agriculture developed independently in different areas of the world between 8000 and 5000 B.C.E. From the Middle East, farming spread into southeastern Europe and by 4000 B.C.E. was well established in...
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