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Green Arrow Research Paper

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The Green Arrow ‘s real name is Oliver Jonas Queen. His parents are Robert Queen and Moira Queen, who were mauled by lions in a tragic safari accident. Before the death of his parents, Oliver was mildly traumatized when he accidentally killed an animal, and when his parents were being mauled by the lions, Oliver’s hesitation to shoot cost them their lives. With that being said, there is no known medical conditions or any reported use of medications for any mental issues.

After the death of his parents, Oliver Queen inherited the family fortune and business. Queen lived his life how he wanted and never gave back to society. He grew into a rich, spoiled, thrill-seeking playboy until he was left stranded on a deserted island for serval years. He was presumed dead and lost at sea, but he had, in fact, survived and was lost in a deserted island known as Starfish Island. After his return home, Oliver Queen used his new skills and wealth to become the Green Arrow. The Green Arrow became a member of the Justice League of America. Green Arrow began to develop a personal crisis about which was more important and actually doing good, the crime-fighter, Green Arrow, or the politician, Oliver Queen. He began to focus on his priorities and learned to focus on the everyday problem that the regular people are facing. …show more content…
I believed the way he coped with this is by living his life as a drunken, rich, spoiled, thrill-seeking playboy after he inherited the family fortune and business. He did not have a sense of

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